Because this generation, people don't need talent to get record deals.
That's true. The biggest market is teenagers. Teenagers spendmuch of their money and time buying music and concert tickets. Also listening and talking about music. When they are young their intrest in music is rudimentry therefore they are happy with twanging.
No band or mucisan needs talent. All they need is an image, a catchy name ane ONE catchy song. With proper marketinga publishercan hustle that and turn itinto a hit. The market is... preteens or teenagers, not adults.
Traditionally there was a standard to music. Everybody was required to learn how to play aninstrument and read music. They don't make kids do that anymore therefore there is no standard to music because there areno expectations. These days anytone def person can be a rockstar. Doesn't matter if it's good, it's not art, it's just product.
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