[QUOTE="peterw007"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"] Nothing is being "taken." FFS, when will people stop becoming so emotionally involved in this and just realize that copyright infringement is a different crime than theft.collegeboy64
Piracy is like this:
Pretend you go to a furniture store to buy a chair.
In your pocket you have a magical chair scanner that allows you to make an exact copy of that chair.
So, you avoid the security cameras and the guards, and you illegally scan the chair.
Once you get home, you press another button on the scanner and a copy of the chair appears in your living room.
You didn't steal anything, as the chair is still located at the store.
But you were able to get a chair for your own, robbing the furniture store of the purchase price, as you didn't give them any money.
Piracy is not stealing.
But you do you get a copy of something that normally costs money...completely free.
Whether that is ethical or not is another debate.
Some people say "If the furniture store was smart, they would have made the chair uncopyable."
Other people say "The furniture store needs to keep up with the times."
I hesitate to even address this analogy, as it is so absurd, but let me try. What you are stealing are the talent and artistry of the craftsman that built the chair. Someone had to start out with raw materials and fashion them in to a usable item, such as the chair. The value of the chair is not simply the value of the raw materials used, it is also the skill, effort and imagination of the person that transformed the raw materials in to the item. You are stealing something far more valuable than the wood, nails and fabric in the chair. You are stealing the talents of the person the made those raw materials in to the chair.The analogy is absurd because there's no correlation between the physical and the digital world.
"Skill, effort, and imagination."
All of those are instrumental goods.
By themselves they are worthless...they are only good insofar as they create a product, like a chair.
The chair itself is the only aspect that has any inherent value.
And "stealing" means the unlawful seizure of an object from its owner.
So when you copy the chair, you share its "skill, effort, and imagination" with others.
You don't seize the chair away from its owner, as that implies the owner no longer has the chair.
You unlawfully share it without the permission of the owner.
There's a difference.
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