Imagine what Europeans government have been saying and plotting against the U.S.. Wouldn't doubt if Europeans have thought about helping al-Qaida attack the U.S.
this is where you lose all credibility
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Imagine what Europeans government have been saying and plotting against the U.S.. Wouldn't doubt if Europeans have thought about helping al-Qaida attack the U.S.
this is where you lose all credibility
I think the most embarassing revelation is the secret cables between Canada and the US. The Canadian ambassador repeatedly asked the US for a smart bomb strike on Justin Bieber. Is that allowed under the Geneva convention accords?
Imagine what Europeans government have been saying and plotting against the U.S.. Wouldn't doubt if Europeans have thought about helping al-Qaida attack the U.S.
this is where you lose all credibility
You'd be surprised. But of course, we can't see European documents.Sounds like their doing more damage with these leaks than I thought they were. Keep it up wikileaks.
bingo.....every country does this type of crap....but hammering on the US is very fashionable these days.......what's embarressing is that there is no such thing as "Top Secret" anymore.....I'd like to see wikileaks leak the secretive documents of every major western country for the last 60 years. They seem to be only focusing on one nation. I'd just be curious to see what kinds of policies the other nations have been pursuing.
Imagine what Europeans government have been saying and plotting against the U.S.. Wouldn't doubt if Europeans have thought about helping al-Qaida attack the U.S.
this is where you lose all credibility
You'd be surprised. But of course, we can't see European documents.your becoming more and more the crazy old man who lives all alone whose kids wont call anymore. you actually think european governments are plotting w/ al qaida? i mean. really?
this is where you lose all credibility
You'd be surprised. But of course, we can't see European documents.your becoming more and more the crazy old man who lives all alone whose kids wont call anymore. you actually think european governments are plotting w/ al qaida? i mean. really?
They should give us all their classifed information to prove that they're with us.[QUOTE="grounderman"][QUOTE="p2250"] You'd be surprised. But of course, we can't see European documents.p2250
your becoming more and more the crazy old man who lives all alone whose kids wont call anymore. you actually think european governments are plotting w/ al qaida? i mean. really?
They should give us all their classifed information to prove that they're with us.with us? in time for like, WW3 or, or when australia invades the moon? or what?
maybe the united states should hand over their classified information, so europe knows we're all still best buddies, huh?
your becoming more and more the crazy old man who lives all alone whose kids wont call anymore. you actually think european governments are plotting w/ al qaida? i mean. really?
They should give us all their classifed information to prove that they're with us.You should give us (your fellow citizens) your classified information so that we know that you're with us. You can start by posting your full name, ss number, and date of birth here.
Governments should release all their classified information to people, but ordinary citizens have a right to privacy, but the government does not. They're accountable to people.[QUOTE="p2250"][QUOTE="thegerg"]
You should give us (your fellow citizens) your classified information so that we know that you're with us. You can start by posting your full name, ss number, and date of birth here.
Governments should release all their classified information to people, but ordinary citizens have a right to privacy, but the government does not. They're accountable to people.So then I, as a government employee, should allow anyone whom asks to go through my office files?
In a truely democratic government, yes. Transparency is what it's all about. Somebody got to held accountable for something.[QUOTE="p2250"][QUOTE="thegerg"]
So then I, as a government employee, should allow anyone whom asks to go through my office files?
In a truely democratic government, yes. Transparency is what it's all about. Somebody got to held accountable for something.The problem is that a great deal (if not nearly all) of the government's "classified" information is about citizens, contains information about citizens, or could place citizens at greater risk were it released. I don't think that you realize what you are asking for.
But teh leaks support freedum of information and democracyThere is no such thing as a completely transparent government. People have this idealistic view of the world, and that it's simple to act in a purely good and noble manner all the time. They've never had to make hard choices or choices where there is no "right" answer. Being an advocate for one thing means another will get overlooked or passed over. Countries always act in their best interests, not in the best interest of others. I know of no country that has ever acted only for others and not itself. Most successful countries have foreign policies that are self serving or at least synergistic with others. People demand certain things of their government, but don't want to deal with the measures necessary to get those things. I have no problem with striving to be better, but I'm not naive to think that the world is this rosy place where everyone should get along beautifully.
The problem is that a great deal (if not nearly all) of the government's "classified" information is about citizens, contains information about citizens, or could place citizens at greater risk were it released. I don't think that you realize what you are asking for.
But teh leaks support freedum of information and democracyWhat concerns me is that you (as a citizen) think the government should release its classified information to the world. Also, the leaked documents contain correspondence between citizens and information about those citizens. I thought that you said that a citizens' right to privacy should keep their information private. Make up your mind. Does this leak support freedom, or does it violate the right to privacy of American citizens?
The point is this: Classified information is classified for a reason. If the classified information that I or one of my peers has access to were to be released a great deal of citizens' lives and privacy could be put at risk, and my security clearance is on the low end of the spectrum of classification.
Hey, I'm against Wikileaks, I'm just taking on the role of a Wiki supporter i.e clueless about the real worldwikileaks offered the u.s. government the chance to redact the documents to make sure they placed no one in danger upon their release. the u.s. refused the offer. wikileaks took that there was nothing to endanger people in the documents, and leaked them.
I've lost any respect I had for wikileaks, the majority of things they released have nothing to do with war crimes or even war at all. At this point it's pretty much just a campaign to harm U.S. interests.
Australia is investigating to see if Wikileaks broke any laws. I hope they find something on the guy.
I would have thought the gov't would have gotten their informationsecurity in order after the past two leaks. Sheesh.
The problem isn't freedom of information. The problem is when people only get limited info or get that information out of context or out of perspective. Misinformed or half-informed people tend to be some of the most dangerous people out there. Wikileaks seems to be all about these sensational and sensitive correspondences but does nothing to place them in persective or the context in which they were taken.
This. 100% People need to learn that there's a limit with freedom of information. Too much information can harm the people.There is no such thing as a completely transparent government. People have this idealistic view of the world, and that it's simple to act in a purely good and noble manner all the time. They've never had to make hard choices or choices where there is no "right" answer. Being an advocate for one thing means another will get overlooked or passed over. Countries always act in their best interests, not in the best interest of others. I know of no country that has ever acted only for others and not itself. Most successful countries have foreign policies that are self serving or at least synergistic with others. People demand certain things of their government, but don't want to deal with the measures necessary to get those things. I have no problem with striving to be better, but I'm not naive to think that the world is this rosy place where everyone should get along beautifully.
Well, first of all the website has no right gaining access to those information. You also have to take into account the consquences on the realtionships between nations. There may be no information that would harm the soldiers fighting, but it does cause damage to our relationships with our allies. Something we can't afford in times of war.wikileaks offered the u.s. government the chance to redact the documents to make sure they placed no one in danger upon their release. the u.s. refused the offer. wikileaks took that there was nothing to endanger people in the documents, and leaked them.
[QUOTE="grounderman"]Well, first of all the website has no right gaining access to those information. You also have to take into account the consquences on the realtionships between nations. There may be no information that would harm the soldiers fighting, but it does cause damage to our relationships with our allies. Something we can't afford in times of war.wikileaks offered the u.s. government the chance to redact the documents to make sure they placed no one in danger upon their release. the u.s. refused the offer. wikileaks took that there was nothing to endanger people in the documents, and leaked them.
from the tone of the content in the leaks 'allies' seems like a term that is quite loosely applied by the states.
IF wikileaks can find this information, I highly suspect that most countries governments already know it. I doubt wikileaks has the resources of most country's intelligence agencies.
No. It was leaked supposedly from intelligence officers, information like this is hard to get. Others may have had suspicions, but never conclusive, and such damning, proof as this.
Other countries utilize spies that gather information from intelligence officers and other government people. They just don't put it on a website for public display . . . . .Spies? If by that you mean they monitor what is said over the airwaves then yes. However, highly confidential information would not be discussed like that.It's funny. The government apparently now subscribes to the ideal of "NO SNITCHIN'!"
Next time a cop or courtroom asks for me to testify or anything of the sort, I will cite the US Government being against such wreckless acts that could endanger others.
Generally the cops/courts are trying to stop acts from endangering others. Government secrets...and yes they all have them....can do more harm than good if leaked.It's funny. The government apparently now subscribes to the ideal of "NO SNITCHIN'!"
Next time a cop or courtroom asks for me to testify or anything of the sort, I will cite the US Government being against such wreckless acts that could endanger others.
Also, basically nothing wikileaks released was of any sort of importance. It was basically freakin' gossip.
Oh no! Is Italy not going to invite us to their party because we talked behind their back?!
Next issue: America said WHAT about Canada?!
[QUOTE="Pixel-Pirate"]Generally the cops/courts are trying to stop acts from endangering others. Government secrets...and yes they all have them....can do more harm than good if leaked.It's funny. The government apparently now subscribes to the ideal of "NO SNITCHIN'!"
Next time a cop or courtroom asks for me to testify or anything of the sort, I will cite the US Government being against such wreckless acts that could endanger others.
I'm sure snitching on powerful drug lords that hold a neighborhood by the throat won't endanger anyone!
Generally the cops/courts are trying to stop acts from endangering others. Government secrets...and yes they all have them....can do more harm than good if leaked.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="Pixel-Pirate"]
It's funny. The government apparently now subscribes to the ideal of "NO SNITCHIN'!"
Next time a cop or courtroom asks for me to testify or anything of the sort, I will cite the US Government being against such wreckless acts that could endanger others.
I'm sure snitching on powerful drug lords that hold a neighborhood by the throat won't endanger anyone!
Not testifying is what causes the danger. Putting them in[QUOTE="Pixel-Pirate"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] Generally the cops/courts are trying to stop acts from endangering others. Government secrets...and yes they all have them....can do more harm than good if leaked.LJS9502_basic
I'm sure snitching on powerful drug lords that hold a neighborhood by the throat won't endanger anyone!
Not testifying is what causes the danger. Putting them in those gangs and drug cartels surely won't be able to harm many many people before they get put in jail.
It could take years for them to actually land in jail from your testimony. Untill then I would hope the government managed to put you and your relatives in a witness protection program.
This kind of data needs to be out in the open for all to see. We have the right to know the truth about our governments and what they really do/say/mean. If they were honest from the start then "private" documents wouldn't need to be leaked. Anyway it's a bit to late to start whining and complaining. The stuff is out there now. MystikRexNo we really don't. Some things are sensitive and should not be broadcast. And all governments do it. But seeing only side of the issue is going to give a skewed perspective to people....and you can't operate that way.
Really who cares?In the end of the day if you didn't think this was going on and if you are shocked by what was revealed then clearly you are sheltered individual. Business is Business, everyone is out for their own, thats how it has always been and always will be.
The owner of wikileaks needs to be shot. Dont be suprised if the US government takes him out soon. First they put our troops in danger by leaking private military files such as past operations and battle plans now this crap.Nick3306Do you honestly believe that Russia or any other country for that matter that we have a shaky relationship with doesn't think we are talking behind their back or trying to gain something on them? I mean come on this is common sense. We are a superpower thats wants to stay that way, if we want to be all lovey dovey then thats when we become a third world country real fast.
[QUOTE="Nick3306"]The owner of wikileaks needs to be shot. Dont be suprised if the US government takes him out soon. First they put our troops in danger by leaking private military files such as past operations and battle plans now this crap.xscrapzxDo you honestly believe that Russia or any other country for that matter that we have a shaky relationship with doesn't think we are talking behind their back or trying to gain something on them? I mean come on this is common sense. We are a superpower thats wants to stay that way, if we want to be all lovey dovey then thats when we become a third world country real fast. Almost all countries spy on each other. The trick is getting more on them than they can get on you. However, nothing should be leaked like this.
I love what Wikileaks is doing and hope it continues to release more and more documents.
*Incoming "You love that they are putting peoples lives in danger
I really don't care about that honestly.
[QUOTE="Nick3306"]The owner of wikileaks needs to be shot. Dont be suprised if the US government takes him out soon. First they put our troops in danger by leaking private military files such as past operations and battle plans now this crap.xscrapzxDo you honestly believe that Russia or any other country for that matter that we have a shaky relationship with doesn't think we are talking behind their back or trying to gain something on them? I mean come on this is common sense. We are a superpower thats wants to stay that way, if we want to be all lovey dovey then thats when we become a third world country real fast.Every country does it, this guy just has a personal beef against the US. The fact that he is putting our soldiers lives at risk is enough for us to get rid of him.
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