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If some rinky dink website can leak documents, chances are they weren't kept too "safe" to begin with. Maniacc1Actually it just takes someone with access getting the info and handing it over......the site didn't stumble onto the info.
[QUOTE="Maniacc1"]If some rinky dink website can leak documents, chances are they weren't kept too "safe" to begin with. LJS9502_basicActually it just takes someone with access getting the info and handing it over......the site didn't stumble onto the info. Still, the fact that people within the military are looking to.... expose the military says a lot about the lack of transparency.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="Maniacc1"]If some rinky dink website can leak documents, chances are they weren't kept too "safe" to begin with. Maniacc1Actually it just takes someone with access getting the info and handing it over......the site didn't stumble onto the info. Still, the fact that people within the military are looking to.... expose the military says a lot about the lack of transparency. People? It's only one undoubtedly and that doesn't mean the person was within the military either.
Maybe the CIA will be so ashamed they will disband :D I've about had it with the pointless wars and terrorism their meddling causes
People? It's only one undoubtedly and that doesn't mean the person was within the military either. LJS9502_basic
There is a chance that I am reading your posts wrong. Regardless the guy who gave Wikileaks the information is from the military.
Bradley Manning
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]People? It's only one undoubtedly and that doesn't mean the person was within the military either. testfactor888
There is a chance that I am reading your posts wrong. Regardless the guy who gave Wikileaks the information is from the military.
Bradley Manning
Okay...that would be one person then. Anyway my statement was more general. Leaks are generally one person and that doesn't mean they are military....they may/may not be. In this case he apparently was.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]People? It's only one undoubtedly and that doesn't mean the person was within the military either. testfactor888
There is a chance that I am reading your posts wrong. Regardless the guy who gave Wikileaks the information is from the military.
Bradley Manning
Hmmm looks like he was gay Possibly taking it out on the military and their recent efforts to stop the repeal process of DADT?
So I've now heard through the grape vine that wikileaks plans to release info regarding to scandals with bank executives.
Would the "ZOMG WIKILEAKS IS TEH DEBUL" people be okay with this? Banks arn't government agencies and leaking things from them is not a national security issue. Or should their corruption be protected?
So I've now heard through the grape vine that wikileaks plans to release info regarding to scandals with bank executives.
Would the "ZOMG WIKILEAKS IS TEH DEBUL" people be okay with this? Banks arn't government agencies and leaking things from them is not a national security issue. Or should their corruption be protected?
I cant wait to see that, hopefully the government wont do anything to hinder wikileaks anytime soon.
To whom are you referring? No one has posted anything along those lines.
The people voting on places like fox and MSNBC that wikileaks are terrorists.
In other news, I heard the recent leak has basically confirmed that China is NOT on NK's side and is encouraging the US to lay a smack down on Chinas "bestest friend".
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="p2250"] Small group? Wishful thinking on your part....p2250
AQ is a small group, when you go to war you go against a actual nation.. The Iraq Army dwarfed anything close to what AQ has.. Furthermore our invasions along with the staggering collateral damage is increasing the terrorist group's recruitment rate..
Saddam Hussein was one of the biggest terrorists in the middle east. You seem real opposed to the fact that he no longer lives and is killing people, why? Saddam Hussein was not a terrorist, where did you ever get that idea that he was?[QUOTE="Pixel-Pirate"]
The people voting on places like fox and MSNBC that wikileaks are terrorists.
Haha. Why, then, are you asking us?
Because atleast a few people in this thread have called wikileaks terrorists.
I don't know what the fuss is.
Most of the information shown here is common knowledge to most people who read and watch the news: Yes, Afghanistan is corrupt, yes, pakistan is probably building nuclear weapons, and yes, of course Saudi Arabia is worried about Iran. All Wikileaks is doing is confirming all the information that most people should know about already.
Because atleast a few people in this thread have called wikileaks terrorists.
Like who? I just searched through this entire thread and no one has called them terrorists.
My apologies, I confused this thread with the other wikileaks thread from yesterday (You can find it a few pages back). Though the person who equated what wikileaks does to terrorism has posted here as well.
I'm still unsure why we are arguing semantics that have basically nothing to do with anything and not answering my valid question. Is it okay when Wikileaks leaks private-sector info?
Because atleast a few people in this thread have called wikileaks terrorists.
Like who? I just searched through this entire thread and no one has called them terrorists.
Fox news called him a terrorist.[QUOTE="p2250"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]Saddam Hussein was one of the biggest terrorists in the middle east. You seem real opposed to the fact that he no longer lives and is killing people, why? Saddam Hussein was not a terrorist, where did you ever get that idea that he was? I read something funny about Saddam. Apperantly he was obsessed with ancient Babylon actually, and saw Iraq as a "continuation" of it. If so, that would actually make him hated more by the taliban, becasue he is endorsing a non muslim culture. So in reality Saddamn was actaually more stable than Irans presedent (i forgot how to spell his name lol).AQ is a small group, when you go to war you go against a actual nation.. The Iraq Army dwarfed anything close to what AQ has.. Furthermore our invasions along with the staggering collateral damage is increasing the terrorist group's recruitment rate..
In a political thriller, this is what irani president had to say about the leaks:
"We don't think this information was leaked," he said. "We think it was organised to be released on a regular basis and they are pursuing political goals."
this is pretty much what i said yesterday lol
My apologies, I confused this thread with the other wikileaks thread from yesterday (You can find it a few pages back). Though the person who equated what wikileaks does to terrorism has posted here as well.
I'm still unsure why we are arguing semantics that have basically nothing to do with anything and not answering my valid question. Is it okay when Wikileaks leaks private-sector info?
I wasn't asking that question in an effort to argue semantics. It's just that you were making accusations without really supporting them.
As far as that question goes: It depends.
And then I supported it by pointing you in the direction.
Now we can focus on things that matter as oppossed to "who said wiki-leaks was bad?!"
people need to stop criticising wikileaks for putting people in danger, especially when the pentagon has admitted there is 'no threat' from any of the documents released.
funny how US is concerned about the safety of Pakistans nuclear material, do they even know where its kept? well if they did they would have already destroyed the storage facility :lol: seems to me US islooking forexcuses to somehow find the location of Pakistans nukes
[QUOTE="Harisemo"]In a political thriller, this is what irani president had to say about the leaks:
"We don't think this information was leaked," he said. "We think it was organised to be released on a regular basis and they are pursuing political goals."
this is pretty much what i said yesterday lol
and in reality
Wikileaks is no doubt pro-war, that was the whole point in releasing the information.
Looks good on those that support them, because all along they probably thought they were smart for supporting Wikileaks.
oh looky. its the 'EU is going to invade america with al-qaida' guy. are the communists still living under your floorboards, or?
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