"Assassins" Creed: Brotherhood. BY FAR
What was the plot hole there? Or are you talking about the book? Oh sorry didn't see the word 'hole' just thought it was worst plot.This topic is locked from further discussion.
"Assassins" Creed: Brotherhood. BY FAR
What was the plot hole there? Or are you talking about the book? Oh sorry didn't see the word 'hole' just thought it was worst plot.I thought that was f***ing awesome. A Pokemon turned him to stone, so it only makes sense that Pokemon tears will bring him back. Duh!Ending of the first pokemon movie were Ash is turned to stone and dies.
Then the pokemon tears bring him back to life:?
The Sixth Sense
In the scene where Bruce Willis is at Haley Joel Osment's house with his mom waiting for him to get home from school... how could he possibly get in?
I may be missing something but: The whole intellegent and wise jedi (especially the counsil) plot hole. I mean, these guys are supposed to be intellegent and in tune with the force in that they can sense disturbances and such. If that's the case they should be able to sense an inbalance of there's a gagillion of us on the light side and only two on the dark. Then they go about training a kid who is supposed to bring "balance."
*Spoilers* The end of 2012. The tsunamis are all crystal clear water and John Cusack goes swimming through it, outside of the ship where the water is strong enough to throw planes and aircraft carriers around but he can swim just fine. He single-handedly frees a wire tangled around like a 1 million ton gear. Holds his breath for like 7 minutes. His wife / son / chinese people are all in the sealed off chamber where the water is coming in, but it never drowns them. However, the russian chick in the next chamber over, which is sealed, drowns from rising water coming from who knows where. Lots of problems with the end of that movie.BrianB0422
Yeah, I loved how those ships were supposedly built to be strong enough to sustain the whole world going to hell around them, yet a tangled cable is able to render them entirely inopperable. Brilliant!
That sequence alone ruined that entire movie for me with its ridiculousness.
Ending of the first pokemon movie were Ash is turned to stone and dies.
Then the pokemon tears bring him back to life:?
What's so weird about that? Pokemon tears contain magical attributes.
The Sixth Sense. There's obviously somehing vey wrong with Cole, and the fact that he needs professional help is acknowledged by his mother among others. So he gets help, but no except him knows he's getting it. So basically, his mother is doing nothing to help her obviously very-disturbed boy
Seriously? Dude, he's dead... What do you mean how could he get in the kids house? Bruce Willis could probably just walk in the front door. And obviously Bruce isn't all there, otherwise he would probably realize that wait a second, I haven't eaten anything or slept or talked to another human being in a year...
I didn't waste my time reading it, but I read on the back of a book that said story was about a school of magic that was in trouble because someone was sending 'bad' magic to people through emails. Yeah.
I'm pretty sure there is a plot hole in Primer, I just couldn't follow what the **** was going on to find it.
Why the vampires in Twilight attended high school when it was clearly demonstrated that not a single one of them has complete control over their lust for blood. High schoolers are hormonally driven bad decision makers. It would've made perfect sense if they claimed to be homeschooled and then excluded themselves to the woods.
I didn't waste my time reading it, but I read on the back of a book that said story was about a school of magic that was in trouble because someone was sending 'bad' magic to people through emails. Yeah.
A bad plot is not the same thing as a plot hole.
Also, Star Ocean IV is RIPE with them.
Their ship crashes and they're aided by benevolent aliens, but they need to "continue the mission", so the aliens repair the ship and send three teenagers alone to do it.
Why didn't an entire armada of their ships escort them? Better yet, why didn't the much more advanced aliens give star maps over to the humans showing planets with inhospitable climates and life?
It would've made a lot more ****ing sense than what I forced myself to sit through for 20 hours until I just couldn't take it anymore.
I'll let Stewie from Family Guy sum it up in this clip.GeForce2187That's not really a plot whole, just cheap/lazy writing. :/
Also, Star Ocean IV is RIPE with them.
Their ship crashes and they're aided by benevolent aliens, but they need to "continue the mission", so the aliens repair the ship and send three teenagers alone to do it.
Why didn't an entire armada of their ships escort them? Better yet, why didn't the much more advanced aliens give star maps over to the humans showing planets with inhospitable climates and life?
It would've made a lot more ****ing sense than what I forced myself to sit through for 20 hours until I just couldn't take it anymore.
Well the ending is even more nonsensical than that part.
High tension
Hmm you know that thought never occurred to me. Could have saved a lot of grief.Why didn't Indiana Jones just let the Nazis take the Ark back to Germany so all of the Nazi's and the head peoplewould be killed. Indiana Jones appraetly knew what would happen when they opened it because he said to close your eyes.
[QUOTE="BrianB0422"]*Spoilers* The end of 2012. The tsunamis are all crystal clear water and John Cusack goes swimming through it, outside of the ship where the water is strong enough to throw planes and aircraft carriers around but he can swim just fine. He single-handedly frees a wire tangled around like a 1 million ton gear. Holds his breath for like 7 minutes. His wife / son / chinese people are all in the sealed off chamber where the water is coming in, but it never drowns them. However, the russian chick in the next chamber over, which is sealed, drowns from rising water coming from who knows where. Lots of problems with the end of that movie.TGM_basic
Yeah, I loved how those ships were supposedly built to be strong enough to sustain the whole world going to hell around them, yet a tangled cable is able to render them entirely inopperable. Brilliant!
That sequence alone ruined that entire movie for me with its ridiculousness.
I thought they could move, its just that the cable stopped the door from being able to close, thus would have drowned the entire ship. Still quite ridiculous but I didn't have a problem with it...First one I agree Second one, he's magically bound to compete? It doesn't had to the story and wasn't in the books so doesn't matter Harry is special because Voldemort made him special. He heard the prophecy, and tried to kill Harry when he was a baby, thus making the prophecy true.lol the time turner in Harry Potter. Introducing that was like introducing an invincible life cheat. It literally could have been used in any movie to literally solve every problem.
Also why did Harry have to compete in the tri wizard tournament. He could have just forfeit every challenge. And why does Harry have to do everything what the f*** is Dumbledore doing.
And why say Dumbledore is gay This literally had nothing to do with the books and nothing to do with the story.
And why is Harry Potter even the chosen one or anythings special. He really doesnt do anything great or extraordinary, most the time he gets lucky, unknowingly lead by a mentor, or help from his friends. And what he does do he just happened to learn in class the week before, its not as if hes some powerful wizard.
[QUOTE="Jolt_counter119"]First one I agree Second one, he's magically bound to compete? It doesn't had to the story and wasn't in the books so doesn't matter Harry is special because Voldemort made him special. He heard the prophecy, and tried to kill Harry when he was a baby, thus making the prophecy true.lol the time turner in Harry Potter. Introducing that was like introducing an invincible life cheat. It literally could have been used in any movie to literally solve every problem.
Also why did Harry have to compete in the tri wizard tournament. He could have just forfeit every challenge. And why does Harry have to do everything what the f*** is Dumbledore doing.
And why say Dumbledore is gay This literally had nothing to do with the books and nothing to do with the story.
And why is Harry Potter even the chosen one or anythings special. He really doesnt do anything great or extraordinary, most the time he gets lucky, unknowingly lead by a mentor, or help from his friends. And what he does do he just happened to learn in class the week before, its not as if hes some powerful wizard.
first one I agree
second one: True but I meant forfeit as in walk in and give up in seconds. He didnt literally have to try his hardest to win every challenge when he said he didnt want to compete. He could have walked in and then walked out.
Fourth one yeah but I meant in a more wizardly sense. Like it would have been cool he Harry was actually a powerful wizard to take on the most powerful and evil Voldemort but he wasnt really that great and the last battle was such a let down. As if Rowling was like "f*** I need to end the series....um alright ill just come up with a quick little victory for Harry with little retaliation"
Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles: after three movies based around the idea that only living tissue can go through a portal, they let a solid metal Terminator skull through one.... in the first episode. D:
I'd have to say that the silliest plot hole I've ever experienced was in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, both the film and the book.
So basically, Voldemort wants this prophecy (and only the people who can touch are those about whom it was made) but he doesn't want to reveal himself because he loves that the Ministry is being so ignorant about his return. So he devises a plan to get Harry to retrieve the prophecy (which is in the form of an orb) for him, so that he doesn't risk being caught. So he does a bit of mental trickery on Harry, so that he goes to the Ministry thinking that he is saving his godfather who is supposedy being tortured. However, his godfather is not at the Ministry at all. Voldemort planted the vision of him being tortured in Harry's head to lure him to the prophecy that he wants so badly.
So where's the plot hole?
When Harry gets to the Ministry, there is NO SECURITY! He just walks into Minstry and then continues his leisurely stroll into the Department of Mysteries (where the prophecy is) with as little resistance as somebody walking into their own bathroom.
So basically Voldemort devises this plan on the basis of not wanting to be detected and Harry just walks in there and doesn't encounter a single guard. It was ridiculous. Basically, Voldemort could have just went in there and got it himself with no trouble since there was no security.
I just can't see how a plothole that large got past her and the editors. Why didn't anybody see how weird and nonsensical it was for there to be no security?
Well the Ministry of Magic in Order of the Phoenix was going goofbally with Fudge going crazy over losing his job. Probalby too busy spending people to bust down Potter and Dumbledore than to actually do work. I dunno, it was late at night, and security did come with Dumbledore and Voldermort finished fighting.
The thing is, throughout the book, Rowling basically let the reader know that the prophecy and the DOM was well-guarded, but then when Harry gets there, he just walks in. There should have been atleast some security present.
[QUOTE="flazzle"][QUOTE="JPOBS"]he doesn't say "theres only droids" he says something more along the lines of "theres no sentient life in that pod" or something which is completely different. he just assumed it was empty. JPOBS
And it never occurs to him there just MIGHT be androids on board? Was he new the universe or what? I swear, i think there are droids than living things in those movies at times.
"Hey, we are trying to find something hidden on that ship."
"there goes an escape pod!"
"It could never be in there! It just wouldn't make sense! Don't shoot it. Let it go! We've done enough violence for the day!"
Seems like your grasping for straws after being proven wrong. A character having a misconception about something in the movie or making a mistake isn't at all like a plot hole. its ok, try to rationalize it in whichever way makes you feel better.Oh, if I struck your Star Wars nerve, I'm sorry. I don't need to be made to 'feel better'. But yeah, there is really fine line between really crappy writing and something just plain stupid. Yeah, it's not a plot hole, but it would be like watching Law and Order, the detectives doing a drug bust, witness a car leaving the scene, and deciding not to persue it because the driver didn't match a description. Just something REALLY hard to accept.
But you don't have to worry, you are right. It's not a plot hole, and I hope that makes you feel better
Gandalf couldn't resist the temptation to use the Ring (hell, not even Frodo could, in the end), which is why he didn't do it.Lord of The Rings. They bring those hobbit boys through hell just to go toss a piece of metal in a volcano when that super-powerful, super-lazy old wizard could have teleported there and do it himself.
Not sure if people would consider it a "hole" or not but the entire Bootstrap Paradox from the Terminator films. I have a really bad problem with unexplainable and endless loops of logic.
How about the plot hole on COD4/MW2 where cpt.Price dies in COD4 then is somehow brought back to life in MW2.Nick3306you never 'see' him die.
[QUOTE="Agent-Zero"]Maybe he had his Invisibility Cloak?GreySeal9
Harry didn't wear it on that particular occasion. And also, he had five other people with him. They couldn't all fit under an invisibility cloak.
Not a plot hole.>Only two people can take the prophecy.
>Prophecy goes missing
>Oh noes, but Harry's still at school!
>Who took it then? Not Voldermort because he's dead!
[QUOTE="Head_of_games"]Why didn't Frodo fly on the back of the eagles to mount doom?LightRMade me remember, but why did Gandlaf need to stand on the bridge? The Balrog couldn't pass either way. The eagles would have been spotted before reaching Mordor... and then Sauron would've been like, lovely plan that, lads. Thanks for the ring.
The Book of Eli [spoiler] He was blind? There were scenes with him turning his head to look back, eye movements, aim etc.... It would have been better if they didn't make him blind, just a guy who knew how to read braille. [/spoiler]
[QUOTE="Wii4Fun"]Gandalf couldn't resist the temptation to use the Ring (hell, not even Frodo could, in the end), which is why he didn't do it. Couldn't Tom Bambidil (sp?) just have held on to the ring indefinitely making a trip to Mordor pointless?Lord of The Rings. They bring those hobbit boys through hell just to go toss a piece of metal in a volcano when that super-powerful, super-lazy old wizard could have teleported there and do it himself.
In the beginning of Mass Effect 2 how does Sheperd know about thermal clips if he's been dead for two years?
In the beginning of Mass Effect 2 how does Sheperd know about thermal clips if he's been dead for two years?
I think that's more of a video game thing. I'm pretty sure that they even poke fun at the sudden change in how all guns work during one of the dlcs.
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