I don't think aliens are mentioned anywhere in the bible. They woudl be 'just one fo God's creatures' However if aliens do meet us one day and Christianity is still live and kicking more than likely the believers will come up with some excuse for soemthign and then twist the meanings of the words in the bible to meet their own needs. As would the believers of the Koran and any other holy text you can think of.
I fail to see how aliens would disprove christianity at all. Just because it isn't mentioned. Yeah, I am sure it would freak some people out. But it wouldn't disprove anything. Unless of course they had proof that disproved religions well then I will concede if they had that.
I didn't say it would disprove Christianity. I said there is no mentiopn of aliens in the bible however more than likely someoen would twist some quote in the bible to 'prove' that the bible does speak about extraterrestrial life. As has happened before with other finds such as the 'bohemoth' being called a dinosaur by some.
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