RC doesnt count :P
You work for GS...Pull some strings and get them to have more AND MORE events with Java chat.
Love those.
I was being serious and I don't work for GS.Gamespotmanagement can try a trial chat feature to see if it works or not . You can always close the featureanytime . Nowadays CHAT / Join online games are completely in ( See Steam , X-Fire , Raptr ) .
I was thinking as i notice Gamespot is very popular online and got lots of gamersmembers and the Chat featuremight work as it'll be a great enhancement for the site . More users 'll join .
PLUS our Mods 'll control the CHAT feature as they do with our boards . Anyuser taking advantage of the feature canalways be warned or moderated on complaints .
Just a thought :)
It would be nice but Chat would be rated X in half a day and have a constant flow of text unlike the forums.
It would be fun if it worked but it wouldn't and would be a waste of Jodies time (or whoever adds those things)
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