[QUOTE="taj7575"]No, because the majority of moderations given on this site are for silly little things like using the word "idiot" inappropriately, or telling someone what they said was stupid. I don't think I could handle giving out silly moderations like that multiple times a day.
In your day to day life do you go around telling people how dumb they are? :?Thats not what I'm saying. What I do think is this site makes a massive overreaction every time they see the word idiot used like it's a curse or something..
Am I not right though? What are your majority of moderations? Maybe a few censor bypassing, calling someone something, quoting someone and not saying anything?
Thats your job, but I couldn't see myself putting up with that..
By the way "inappropriately" was the wrong word there, so I changed that. If you call someone an idiot, that's definitely a moderation.
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