Lets simply end this debate: is there a GAY gene? No. Its a mental.........alteration. Disorder. Its not something that happens to the especially deranged: its too common for that, yet not common enough to label a real "disease." I have a friend who is a friend to a lesbian. She is like that because, when she was 8, she was raped by some old man. Now, I'm not taking each situation to that extreme, but things like sex, sexual attraction, bordom, the house you were raised in, the influences upon you, create this "disorder." It is a disorder, because if it wasn't, we (the human race) couldn't reproduce. Its a disorder, but it exists for the reason all other disorders exist: the influences around us create them when they combine with our beliefs and personalities. Ever heard of gays that "return" to christianity? How do they magically up and stop being gay FOr the most part, "GAYness" is shallow, for the thrill of sex; again, don't take it to the extreme, cause not all gay/lesbian relationships are like that (hell some last longer than normal relationships in this modern world). But these are, plain and simple, the truth. Not facts, (except for the gay gene" part), not hidden revelations.
I'll ask you guys a question: ever heard of the Kieffler disease (Sp?). If you took at least basic bio in high school, you might remember it. Its when a male inherits two X chromosomes. So his chromosomes consist of XXY. YOu know whats the phenotypic result (what is expressed)? When puberty arrives: high pitched voice, swelling of the breasts, less production of the hormone testosteron (lol I spell bad), and even some mental disorders. AM I saying that this is a common reason for "gayness"? Hell no! I'm not ever a certified doctor yet, lol, or have extensive knowledge in any field. But it makes you think doesn't it: this type of disorders exist, but Gays and their supports are so strict on the fact that "gayness" isn't a disorder. Is that true? There is no gay gene, and there is medical evidence to at lease classify common gay indicators. So.........what can I believe? I don't care if your gay or straight, I'd interact just fine with both (might not make friends with a gay person though....). Have fun joke around, but gays and lesbians are people too, and deserve the protection from hate & violence that all others do under the US consitution (can't speak for any other country though, lol). But........guys, I'm sorry. Its a DISORDER. Nothing more to it
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