Girls won't like you until you like yourself. Have no friends? Then go out and make some. Hate your job? Then get another. I'm short aswell, big woop, wanna fight about it? You're too skinny? Then join a gym and begin eating correctly, it's what I did and I went from being very skinny to musclar. For me it's saturday night and I have no plans. Quit moaning brah. Time spent wishing is time wasted. If you wanna be different then be different.I have absolutely nothing going for me.
I have no friends, no girlfriend, my job sucks, I'm an adult who still lives with is parents, I'm short, skinny, ugly, I have no self-confidence, and women just plain don't like me. Also, it's Friday night and I have no plans other than watching TV and hanging out with my cats.
It's very depressing just thinking about it.
Anyone else here know the feeling?
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