1. Again I haven't had that discussion with you and fail to see the relevance in continually bringing it up.1. I have mentioned multiple times that the law should remain and that I am not advocating changing the law. Period. :|
2. Um which I never said. From my second or third post with the other guy I said where I drew my conclusions from.
3. You said that its not fair for me to make a conclusive statement where there is none. But I didnt do that. I instead challenged the conclusive statement made by many people: that a 19/21 year old is to be called and treated as a pedophile for dating 15 year old girls.
And like I mentioned before according to where I drew my conclusions from (multiple examples around me) yes it would take a 21-year old person to happen to be in an exception of the rule for it to be called pedophilia.
2. You are avoiding the question then. Your source basically defines pedophilia as involving a child who has NOT got through puberty. There is a range.
3. Legally...he is if he is intimate with her.
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