[QUOTE="Erasorn"][QUOTE="Silver_Dragon17"][QUOTE="CptJSparrow"][QUOTE="Silver_Dragon17"] Yes, sex should stay a marriage thing. We have enough STDs, thank you.
BTW, I'm 17, single, and I'm FOR abstinence, I have never had sex, nor will I until I marry.
I know how shocked you guys must be.
STDs don't disappear after you marry.I never said they did. However, sleeping around instead of waiting to marry will greatly reduce them, will it not?
Spending time in your kitchen will also increase your chances of dying. Heck anything will, do you care about those dangers? Nope. My usual day is in comparison way more risky then having sex with a stranger so I don't see why I should care about holding back. :) What's worse: risking death by spending time in your kitchen, or risking fatherhood by sleeping with a stranger? Now, which of those two has better odds of happening?
In all honesty given the fact that the kitchen is one of the most dangerous places around, you are more likely to end up getting hurt in there than having sex (all things being equal with cautions being applied in both scenarios). The issue is when caution isn't used.
[QUOTE="Articuno76"][QUOTE="Erasorn"][QUOTE="Silver_Dragon17"] Also, pre-marital sex can be psychologically unhealthy, in the future.
Oh it can? Please explain.
Yeah I second that. I don't like broad sweeping statements that are also vague, incorrect and baseless.
If the person who does it eventually marries, he can invision his former partner in bed, he can experience much guilt and discomfort, and other things. I'll have to get my old book out. He doesn't even need to marry for any of this, but love can make it stronger.
You can have all of those problems without having had a previous sexual partner (just a girlfriend will do) and people who have sex outside of marriage also don't have that issue necessarily.
What of divorcees or people who remarry perhaps cos their partner died, they would have to suffer the same "mental trauma".
Yes those are all risks but they aren't exactly the kind of life shattering mental breakdown type of trauma, they aren't gonna be strong enough to make someone kill themselves or others.
Sorry, but you need a better reason than someones feelings being slightly hurt. I might be digging to much here but the way you say "and other things" makes it sound very much like you are digging for excuses, do you want a shovel?
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