[QUOTE="Erasorn"][QUOTE="Silver_Dragon17"][QUOTE="CptJSparrow"][QUOTE="Silver_Dragon17"]STDs don't disappear after you marry.Yes, sex should stay a marriage thing. We have enough STDs, thank you.
BTW, I'm 17, single, and I'm FOR abstinence, I have never had sex, nor will I until I marry.
I know how shocked you guys must be.
I never said they did. However, sleeping around instead of waiting to marry will greatly reduce them, will it not?
Spending time in your kitchen will also increase your chances of dying. Heck anything will, do you care about those dangers? Nope. My usual day is in comparison way more risky then having sex with a stranger so I don't see why I should care about holding back. :)What's worse: risking death by spending time in your kitchen, or risking fatherhood by sleeping with a stranger? Now, which of those two has better odds of happening?
Who knows, I might just trip on my way out and die before I even get to that stranger and get myself an STD. I don't think the little risks is worth giving up on great things in life.When I'd get to that woman(woah, that could take me long time and would probably be even riskier, evil boyfriends and the like) I'd use the nifty rubber thing called a condom. People says it's unsafe or whatever and yet I've never experienced anyone getting an unwanted pregnancy or STDs using one.. strange, eh? If used correctly(and it don't break) I don't see how it would be even possible.
I'd be more afraid of getting run over by some crazy road rage filled motorist then getting an STD to be honest(which I'm subject to most everyday walking to/from school).
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