Pirating is being flown around like it is a major problem. Thing is, it isn't as bad as it has ever been, it's just the companys are becoming more and more greedy, and by that follows the exaggeration of the used term of "Piracy". Piracy is not an issue, cause most people do not know how to use it. And if 55% of the gaming market is PC owners, I can guarentee that less the 5% of them know how to pirate, it is only a handful that have the capabilities to do so.
Ignorance is a bliss, and when you start to go and believe everything you are told, then you will surely fall behind in the food chain, and become nothing good for but dog food.
Another thing is, Crysis is overhyped. I don't own any console, cause im a PC gamer, cause of upcoming titles like Alan Wake and Bioshock, but I also love PC's for the modability of a game and the other uses. But Crysis, is gonna be like STALKER. You see people, people like you disgusting beings, who overhype crysis or other games, are the reason why so many games get a bad rating. Cause when you overhype something, you will most likely not hit the hype, cause the hype grows larger then the game, and thus, the game becomes a pile compared to the hype. It happens all the time, a game is hyped, game obviously does not meet the hype that people created, then is considered a failure in the market.
That is why we do not see much to upcoming titles like Alan Wake. Cause they are aware of the stupid fools like many of you out there, willing to take a great upcoming title, overhype it, get people going on it, then quickly shoot it down cause it did not meet the hype created by the fools.
Crysis looks like just prettyness, and nothing really much else. I am sick of aliens and killing koreans, and the AI may be so-called advance (hah, people overhyped fear like that) and may have great graphics, but I bet it will not get as good as a score cause people will **** how bad the gameplay was, or how something was stupid.
Maybe this is why PC gaming is dying, cause there are so many noobs who overhype PC games, and then ruin it for the company, as they get a bad rating from everyone.
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