Seriously I can't beleive how some people actually defend this piece of garbage. Yea I was dreaming the game to be the perfect avp game (better than the avp 2) and I really wanted it to be that game but no this is not that game.
It has avarage visuals (I saw way better visuals with better performanceon dx9), I only played marine and alien and controls are so bad I have no words to describe it. Gunplay of marine bears no satisfying, it feels very random and unnacurrate also, considering %70 of the enemies are trying to melee you or sneak around you, it is not fun. His jumping is a joke, he can't crouch. This could seem like little issues but it really harms the experience.
Alien is an another story. Camera while doing combat is bad (and yes I played the hell out of avp2 as alien, I know how it's like to be an alien). Everything is tried to be simplfied for console gamers (no dedicated button for wall and ceiling walking, leap/jump same button?) everything feels like automated and out of your control.
Unless I sucked at the game very bad, this game has grand issues. As I said I played Avp2 and it was superior to this thing in every possible way (except the visuals of course) And I'm not even complaining about the sucky map because it's a demo.
To those who thing this was alright and it will all be better when the full game arrives, enjoy your delussion for 2 more weeks while I'm enjoying AVP2.
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