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I agree that the permitting system is a bit ridiculous, but I was just pointing out that your comparison of Fred Phelps' clan to OWS wasn't exactly apples to apples. It also makes sense that a city would be able to tell you where to set your protest up and how long you can continue protesting, within reason. If you have a bunch of protesters camp out in front of a business, that protest will damage that business's ability to attract customers. Also, this does not give anyone the ability to spy on "any" citizen. The ISP simply has the ability to spy on its own paying customers and it loses that ability as soon as those customers find somebody else to provide them internet service. It truly does suck for those who do not have the option to switch to an ISP who chooses not to spy on them, though.[QUOTE="wis3boi"]
Yeah because they got a permit, that makes it A-OK :roll: (legally you are correct, but then again anyone with a brain knows "current" legality is a freaking joke!)
Oh and because the state/city/parish/county/district will sure give anyone a permit who wants to protest right?!?
Secondly the ability to spy on any citizen, the ability to detain indefinitely any citizen, and do so without due process of any citizen, that "threatens the national security." This includes (buts sure as hell isn't limited to) protestors. Now unless you can show me where I am wrong, and really, I will have to respectfully say its not so simple.
Lastly, having to buy permits to exercise freedom of speech in the so called "free country." :lol: LOL
I do agree with your second point. But the interenet market has been dominated by pretty much everyone supporting. I have a few small companies but then my interenet would be next to useless. It will be vary interesting to see how this plays out.
For people saying VPN will work, in theory they will not, the way pirates got away with VPN was becuase the RIAA traced them from the outside, but this movement, always your ISP to see everything you are downloading, so they will see it from the inside before and after it goes threw a vpn.
And if anyone says this is a good thing, please stop for a second and think, yes it may slow down piracy, but what esle could it do. Your isp may track everything you do. This movements have the right intetions for stopping piracy, but they go past far more than what they should.
On a side note reading some of the comments it may have been taken out of context, this from another site
"The word from CNet is thatan antipiracy agreement between a number of ISPs(including Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast) and the RIAA & MPAA is nearing completion. Under the agreement, ISPs will step up their responses to copyright infringement complaints against subscribers. If a subscriber accumulates enough complaints, the ISP can throttle their bandwidth, limit their Web access to only the top 200 websites, and/or require participation in a 'copyright awareness' program that explains the rights of content creators. ISPs and rights holders will share the costs of the system. Ars Technicaconfirms the story with notes from an industry source, who mentions that the Obama administration is 'generally supportive' of the agreement."
the obama administration is full of people who hate America and all that it originally stood for. They want to turn us into a socialist state, with the government controlling every aspect of our lives. just look at what Obama has done to Americans in the 4 years he has been around. Worse economy, higher inflation, less jobs, more taxes, higher dependence on foreign oil, worse foreign relations, more government control.... they want us all sucking off the tit of the welfare program so that they can have complete control of us all. they want the middle class to fade away so that we all become poor, uneducated cows that can be herded by the upper class and told how to think and do.
you know what is most scary? It is looking more and more like the plan has worked, and Obama may get reelected. hurray for making the population dumber so that people like Obama and all the crooks in the House and Senate can secure their power.
welcome to the the beginning of how most dictatorships start folks.
the obama administration is full of people who hate America and all that it originally stood for. They want to turn us into a socialist state, with the government controlling every aspect of our lives. just look at what Obama has done to Americans in the 4 years he has been around. Worse economy, higher inflation, less jobs, more taxes, higher dependence on foreign oil, worse foreign relations, more government control.... they want us all sucking off the tit of the welfare program so that they can have complete control of us all. they want the middle class to fade away so that we all become poor, uneducated cows that can be herded by the upper class and told how to think and do.
you know what is most scary? It is looking more and more like the plan has worked, and Obama may get reelected. hurray for making the population dumber so that people like Obama and all the crooks in the House and Senate can secure their power.
welcome to the the beginning of how most dictatorships start folks.
Do you realize that most of the problems we are dealing with now are the result of policies and decisions made by George "Dubya" Bush? Obama inherited a TERRIBLE economy, and there really isn't much he can do. He certainly hasn't made it any worse. But, go ahead and spew your uninformed rant :roll:
the obama administration is full of people who hate America and all that it originally stood for. They want to turn us into a socialist state, with the government controlling every aspect of our lives. just look at what Obama has done to Americans in the 4 years he has been around. Worse economy, higher inflation, less jobs, more taxes, higher dependence on foreign oil, worse foreign relations, more government control.... they want us all sucking off the tit of the welfare program so that they can have complete control of us all. they want the middle class to fade away so that we all become poor, uneducated cows that can be herded by the upper class and told how to think and do.
you know what is most scary? It is looking more and more like the plan has worked, and Obama may get reelected. hurray for making the population dumber so that people like Obama and all the crooks in the House and Senate can secure their power.
welcome to the the beginning of how most dictatorships start folks.
Do you realize that most of the problems we are dealing with now are the result of policies and decisions made by George "Dubya" Bush? Obama inherited a TERRIBLE economy, and there really isn't much he can do. He certainly hasn't made it any worse. But, go ahead and spew your uninformed rant :roll:
the economy has gotten worse since he took office. true story. look at the numbers. higher unemployment in most states, lowered earning potential, higher number of college students graduating and not being placed in jobs..... If you think anything otherwise, you are completely delusional.
but let me guess... you are a registered democrat? cant say your opinion is exactly unbiased can you? i actually watch and listen. i dont vote along party lines. i choose the best candidate based on their HISTORY, and guess what, obama is going down as one of the most disasterous presidents since jimmy carter or richard nixon.
the obama administration is full of people who hate America and all that it originally stood for. They want to turn us into a socialist state, with the government controlling every aspect of our lives. just look at what Obama has done to Americans in the 4 years he has been around. Worse economy, higher inflation, less jobs, more taxes, higher dependence on foreign oil, worse foreign relations, more government control.... they want us all sucking off the tit of the welfare program so that they can have complete control of us all. they want the middle class to fade away so that we all become poor, uneducated cows that can be herded by the upper class and told how to think and do.
you know what is most scary? It is looking more and more like the plan has worked, and Obama may get reelected. hurray for making the population dumber so that people like Obama and all the crooks in the House and Senate can secure their power.
welcome to the the beginning of how most dictatorships start folks.
Jesus, I always thought you were clueless but this pretty much confirms it. Obama's a Socialist, huh? Care to explain exactly how? Do you even know what Socialism is or is it just a word some fat, pasty douche on Faux News taught you?
What a joke.
the obama administration is full of people who hate America and all that it originally stood for. They want to turn us into a socialist state, with the government controlling every aspect of our lives. just look at what Obama has done to Americans in the 4 years he has been around. Worse economy, higher inflation, less jobs, more taxes, higher dependence on foreign oil, worse foreign relations, more government control.... they want us all sucking off the tit of the welfare program so that they can have complete control of us all. they want the middle class to fade away so that we all become poor, uneducated cows that can be herded by the upper class and told how to think and do.
you know what is most scary? It is looking more and more like the plan has worked, and Obama may get reelected. hurray for making the population dumber so that people like Obama and all the crooks in the House and Senate can secure their power.
welcome to the the beginning of how most dictatorships start folks.
Do you realize that most of the problems we are dealing with now are the result of policies and decisions made by George "Dubya" Bush? Obama inherited a TERRIBLE economy, and there really isn't much he can do. He certainly hasn't made it any worse. But, go ahead and spew your uninformed rant :roll:
the economy has gotten worse since he took office. true story. look at the numbers. higher unemployment in most states, lowered earning potential, higher number of college students graduating and not being placed in jobs..... If you think anything otherwise, you are completely delusional.
but let me guess... you are a registered democrat? cant say your opinion is exactly unbiased can you? i actually watch and listen. i dont vote along party lines. i choose the best candidate based on their HISTORY, and guess what, obama is going down as one of the most disasterous presidents since jimmy carter or richard nixon.
Again I point out that I dont particularly care for Obama but he is far from socialist so stop the scare tactics and if you really are scared then check yourself in at the nearest clinic and have yourself evaluated for brain damage. Too bad we dont have any way to measure how many synapses a person has because I promise you that you are below average given how poorly you process information. Stop drinking beer please.
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