PFFT, I forgot to mention Stupid Invaders. I played it on the Dreamcast, but it's gotta be on PC too. Do you recall that VERY short-lived cartoon, Space Goofs? Well, it's based on that with the whole alien cast present along with superb voice acting. The graphics are just like the cartoon and some of the content, think I know why FOX Kids canceled it, is kinda PG. Nothing shocking by today's standards, of course, but if I remember right there's a pot joke or too and, ha ha , actual toilets. It's really funny and upbeat and I think a must play.
i just glanced through real quick, but i don't think anyone has mentioned king's quest series or space quest series. both are point and click adventure games. quest for glory series is a little more involved than just pointing and clicking but not that much more. the police quest series also require you to use keyboard, but again not all that much more. i don't remember if the leisure suit larry series was all point and click, but i think they were. all of them can be bought at local stores or online stores. great deals!!!!!!!!
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