This is my opinion of these three borefest games:
Baldurs Gate II - Way too much micromanagement. You have to keep pausing the game during combat to micromanage your team. Way too much dialogue/reading (I want to play a game, not read a novel). And far too many options and far too complex.
Fallout 2 - Again, too many options and too complex, and too much dialogue/reading. Very boring turn-based gameplay. Dull outdated graphics.
Planescape Torment - Cool setting but way way too much dialogue/reading (story seems decent though, but again I want to play a game, not read a novel). Combat is dull. Too many options and too complex.
Now compare those games to really good RPGs like the following:
Oblivion - Great gameplay, combat is very fun. Still a decent amount of dialogue but not too much and you can actually HEAR it (voice-acting) which makes it a LOT better. Very cool missions. Fantastic graphics. Very good story. And not overly complex.
Diablo 2 - Great hack and slash RPG with excellent online multiplayer on BNET. Excellent combat and very cool skills to pick from. Just a whole lot of fun to play. Again you can HEAR the dialogue (voice-acting).
Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance - Another very well made hack and slash RPG for consoles. Excellent combat, good story, and just all around fun to play. And very good graphics for it's time. And again you can HEAR the dialogue (voice-acting).
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