I couldn't find a sticky or similar topic, so I made this one.
Anybody have it? I started playing it today and I have mixed feelings on it.
On the one hand the new weapons and assignments are amazing, and the new maps and modes really mix things up. Gun Master is fun (if frustrating), and the maps looks unique and fun. The destruction also isn't as neutered as in other small maps before the DLC, and options like blowing up a wall to take out a room of guys or destroying weak cover with bullets works very well.
On the other hand, they REALLY highlight the flaws of the game. It was built for large scale warfare, and even with Operation Metro the game was balanced.
Here I feel like all the careful balancing is gone because exploits shine SO much more, while the connection problems (where players would get killed behind cover by an enemy that hit them long before that), questionable hit detection, and other minor polish issues just shine bright because the game wasn't really meant to be examined this close. It just feels like a less polished, higher player count Call of Duty in these maps, and the horrible, horrible spawns when you have any players more then 16 just show that it was meant more for consoles.
At least that's how I feel. Its still fun, but I wish we could enjoy classic modes on the new maps, and I strongly dislike the horrible spawning logic they used and playlists that mix up modes when I only feel like playing another mode. I do at least really love the weaponry and assignments, and it makes me excited for Armored Kill because its going entirely in the other direction.
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