Why BFBC2 pales in comparison to BF2
-you can spawn on any person in your squad meaning squad leaders are pointless
You can check the view of any of your teammates to evaluate the best location to respawn, so is more tactical to me.
-lack of commander along with artillery, supply, vehicles drop
And BF 2 lacks mortar strikes, UAVs, spottin and motion mines, so the teamwork is even more solid and relevant in BC 2-
-lack of jets
Due smaller maps, makes sense.
-Spray and pray is now more beneficial than picking shots
What? Weapons accuracy is much higher in BC 2, I almost never go full auto in my fights, no matter the gun I use. You don't known the gunplay mechanics in both games, is just in the other way.
-a smg can shoot a sniper across the map with no bullet drop, but only a sniper has to aim above the head
But makes low damage, whereas in BF2 ANY assault rifle or lmg was able to kill in a single shot at ANY distance.
-reloading after every shot instead of picking shots b/c you could reload w/o losing magazines
I agree with this, is a consolization, and was wrong.
-no health bar, but regen health means they gave in to COD
You don't need the health barr, the blood warnings are more than enough, and in hardcore isn't any regeneration. Anyway, a lot more balanced than BF 2 insta-full health medpacks.
-only small maps
Laguna Presa, Panama Canal and Port Valdez are large enough, but I'll concede that I miss Mahstur, Sharqui and Road To Jalalabad.
-spotting is now on one button and is used to spot enemies that you cant see
Spotting is the best idea implemented in the fps landscape in five years. Really works and really is useful and encourages the teamwork.
-combining classes allows people to be more lone wolf and not rely on teammates
Better 4 functional classes than 3 of 7 being useless, and now no one is useless: even lone wolves can be used as respawn points.
-no prone
I agree here, the lack is a mistake.
-smaller player cap
As with the jets, makes sense to the size of the maps.
-infinite sprint (marathon much?)
But much slower bunny hopping, that compensates this. If you want a sim, you have ArmA II.
- LAG is horrendous considering only a few players on each map
I haven't experience any relevant lag .
-the weighted controls are a bit meh IMO
Not sure, aside from UT/Quake I couldn't call any better.
-perks that only promote spray and pray and lone wolf gameplay (COD again)
Yeah, the smoke grenades, enhanced ammunition/healthpack boxes, autospotting, trazer dart gun and so are perks for loners, no?
-having to unlock medic, engi, and soldier items that promote teamplay
Man, you will be able to unlock the basic stuff in a couple of gaming sessions, and the ranking progression is much faster than in BF 2.
-the medic revive and heal is still just as glitchy as bf2 was
But in BF 2 ubermedics had access to instant full-health medpacks and had the best weapon in the game (G36E) and currently they still gain more points than any other soldier in the game, so stop tho whine about "life of medics is so cruel and hard".
why bfbc2 is better than bf2
-destructable enviornments
-not a grenade spam fest
(all things that should come with a 4 year older game)
Really teamwork has taken a huge hit and despite what DICE says they copy COD quite a bit especially campaign side of things. also skilled soldiers arent rewarded, and a more run and gun mentality is chosen. BF3 will probably be the same seeing as how they dont want to lose console players money.
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