Lets hope DICE does that.
Im expecting a multiplat akin to a valve multiplat. It will be on console, but the true experience
will be pc.
Yeah how come Valve is the only dev that knows how to make the pc version of their multiplats
actually FEEL like pc games. Look at all the consolized recent pc games gone multiplat that
feel awkward and consolized both control and design wise. Fear 2, Far Cry 2, BC2, probably
Crysis 2 (the videos show that it is) I could go on.
Meanwhile the Half Life episodes and the rest of orange box feel great on pc and take full
advantage of pc within the limitations of source engine. And they're multiplats.
. Valve doesn't do multiplatform games, that's why, because in almost all cases
multiplatform means console port, Valve does PC games that get ported to consoles.
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