Shooters: Deus Ex, Max Payne 1&2, Half-Life 2 and Episode 1, Clive Barker's Undying and just about any Silent Hill game for the chill factor.
RPG: KOTOR, NWN2 (for character interaction and influence), Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate 2 and the Fallout series.
Strategy: Homeworld, Starcraft & Starcraft Brood War, Warcraft 3 and The Frozen Throne
These games all have something that tends to draw you in and keep you there just to see what happens next and generally end with a good finale, or bad, or good/bad in the case of multiple endings. Probably the one that I've listed that sticks with me the most is Homeworld, havn't cared as much about any other group of people in a game like these, the story was genuinely great and if you havn't played the game, you should try to find it somewhere.
Undying comes in a close second, it's really a shame that more people didn't give the game a run, one of the best shooter horror stories ever (kicks the crap out of F.E.A.R's tidbits of story here and there). Immersive world anda novel-quality story of a doomed family complete with some of the most interesting and dangerous enemies around made it a hard act to follow.
And finally Starcraft and the expansion come in third for me. Some of the most interesting character and one of the best backdrops for a Sci-Fi strategy game while still having a great strategy mechanic to it
I give WC3 a nod although I didn't like the story and ending quite as much as Homeworld or Starcraft, it still had some great characters and some nice new locations for the Warcraft Universe. I also give Max Payne 1&2 a nod, great revenge stories as well as KOTOR for capturing what made Star Wars so great in the form of a game that could have been easily turned into a movie script.
I'm sure I missed a lot of them, but most of these are games that have stuck with me for quite some time, and I enjoyed most of them nearly equally, but some really nice picks so far by everyone, glad a lot of you still keep an eye out for a great story, it's the main thing that elevates games to an art form.
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