It will be just like Mass Effect 2.
It seems there is some kind of system, but it will be oversimplified like everything in this game. It
Companions will no longer have loyalty bars, which effect how the companion talks to you, companion bonuses, and greatly affects the story and the possible endings.
They're also ditching the approval system. You won't be trying to lobby your companions by saving kittens in front of them; now they'll agree with you completely, or just stick around as a 'rival'. A rival respects your power and the role you play in the world, but thinks you're kind of a dick. As a side effect of that, you can't have an outright evil champion. You'll have to settle for being ruthless in the pursuit of your ideals.
Dragon Age 2 is looking over Mass Effect's shoulder and taking some serious notes. That's definitely a good thing.
Read what Bioware developers say here
They are not ditching it but streamlining everything in the game.
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