[QUOTE="SkyWard20"] As if an altruistic video gaming company exists. BioWare wants to make a profit just like anyone else, but it IS supporting the PC by releasing exclusive, high-budget titles like The Old Republic, so yes, I do think it's doing the PC a 'favour', since there are plenty of companies that WOULD make a profit with their games on PC but decide NOT to release them; that is why I believe we should be thankful instead of equipping ourselves with a far-out sense of entitlement, because the truth is, gaming can survive just fine WITHOUT the PC. As a PC gamer, you should be thankful, instead of entitled, if not as a customer. They should be thankful that you buy their product too.charmingcharlie
Then you are deluded, why do you think Bioware is releasing their games on the PC ? oh yeah it's because they know they can make money. Why do you think Bioware are doing The Old Republic MMO ? oh yeah it's because Blizzard are making $1 billion a year from WOW on the PC. Seriously I mean come on here they are not doing this as a "favour" to the PC they are doing it because they want a slice of that $1 billion Blizzard are getting.
There was nothing about "entitlement" in my post, if Bioware want my money they better damn well earn it rather than relying on me going "oh thank you thank you I am so grateful". Tell me if you want your wages at the end of the week do you have to WORK for your money or is the employer just eternally grateful that you just showed up for work ? You say we shouldn't show entitlement but you seem to be under the impression that it is ok for companies to be entitled to our money no matter what they do as long as they do it on the PC.
As for the games industry surviving without the PC, I am sure it will but I am equally sure the PC would survive without Bioware as well. I am a consumer with a spine if a company like Bioware wants my money then they better work for it and produce a product I want to buy, how I want to buy it and at a price I want to pay. That is how a consumer society works, that is the attitude I take with everything I buy be it food, fridges or luxury items that I do not need such as video games. The games industry would be in a much better shape if gamers stopped just accepting all the bull that publishers shove their way under the guise that they should be "thankful" that the game was made for them.
Uh, yeah, companies want to profit. Who would have thought? There's more to making games than simple profit though: people who are geniunely interested in the quality of their game.I'm not saying it's something they would do willingly for free, to support PC gaming. But REGARDLESS of BioWare's 'evil' intentions, they ARE supporting PC gaming, and no one's really forcing them to. Look at all the developers who get by without porting games to the PC. PC gaming does not need BioWare... and BioWare does not need PC gaming. I don't understand the disagreement we're having.
And BioWare has already earned my being thankful because there's nothing I look forward to more when I think of games except one of BioWare's future titles.
IF however, it wouldn't be profitable... they wouldn't be doing it; that much is obvious. So of course I believe PC gaming is profitable for them.
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