Total Recall!
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[QUOTE="the_ChEeSe_mAn2"]To me they were strikingly bad after comparing to MW3. Even that looked better than BO2. Brean24I actually thought the graphics looked improved, maybe I'm missing something ;(
I also thought the graphics looked better. Hell, the everything looks better.
I actually thought the graphics looked improved, maybe I'm missing something ;([QUOTE="Brean24"][QUOTE="the_ChEeSe_mAn2"]To me they were strikingly bad after comparing to MW3. Even that looked better than BO2. Phoenix534
I also thought the graphics looked better. Hell, the everything looks better.
I guess we are both wrong, obviously Black Ops 2 is just another Call of Duty 4 with shiny new paint, weapons, single-player, multiplayer maps, weapons, ranking system, perks, content, ummm, wait that's everything. Oh they are in the same genre, so they play the same, therefore every single call of duty is the same.Looks interesting. I like the idea of going futuristic, it gives the developers more room for inventing cool stuff and making the game stand out. I just hope they are creative with the weapons and such and don't just make every gun a futuristic versions of a real gun. Croag821well its 2025, so don't expect to be firing lasers and plasma rifles.
This is Treyarch we're talking about, yes they have better PC support and maybe they'll even have a PC version with some graphical gloss, but it will be a while until a patch is released so people without NASA super computers can play the game at higher than 1 FPS on PC :lol: At first I mistook that for a Hawken screenshot. I'm glad they're just going wild with the SP since I've bought all the Treyarch CODs for the wacky SP although I'd like combat training mode to return since I actually spent more time playing vs bots than vs human opponents. Not really a fan of zombies mode unless it goes beyond the flesh train tactics of previous zombies modes(also a reason why I don't think L4D2 and Killing Floor are particularly interesting), I'd rather have something comparable to MWF3's Spec Ops missions. I'm going to assume the MP is utter trash as far as I'm concerned, I don't want to play another dark gloomy looking FPS(this type of art direction I think suits the SP but ruins the MP especially if the MP maps look similar to what we see in the SP) online with blenderized weapons and a plethora of choke points and cheap lines of sight, if BO2 has input lag like BO1 did then that will just be even more reason not to touch the MP. I do like they're adding some replayability to the SP since it's all I -expect- to enjoy, I had a pretty good time playing MWF3's campaign twice but it was like watching the same movie twice aside from the fact I was doing a veteran run.You guys are aware that in MW3 you have to set Image Quality to Native, not Extra, right? Extra upscales the console resolution lol
On Native the game is very pretty.
Back to BLOPS2:
i applaud them for trying something different. an i do agree that graphicly i think it does look better than MW3. since they are trying something new, ill reserve judgement until i actually try the game and as more information leaks out before i pass judgement. but so far, it looks like its at least worth a try...slvrraven9Looking better then MW3 isn't hard. Heck, I thought MW2 looked way better then MW3.
The graphics look a touch better.
Premise appears interesting - I am glad they are moving out of the "modern" military combat mode.
Nonetheless, this is still a Call of Duty game at heart, so do not expect the dynamics of the game to change.
[QUOTE="slvrraven9"]i applaud them for trying something different. an i do agree that graphicly i think it does look better than MW3. since they are trying something new, ill reserve judgement until i actually try the game and as more information leaks out before i pass judgement. but so far, it looks like its at least worth a try...JangoWuzHereLooking better then MW3 isn't hard. Heck, I thought MW2 looked way better then MW3. yeah, you got a point there :lol:
If they are serious with branching storylines and nonlinear gameplay, then I am greatly interested. Black Ops had the best campaign since CoD4, so I can kind of believe Treyarch would put more work into their campaign, and its not a big stretch either. Games like Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Rainbow Six pull of non linear levels as well in combat and manage to pack in set pieces and longevity well, plus its not hard to see them putting a couple of different endings and saying its a "branching storyline" (though I'd love something like The Witcher 2 in terms of true branching paths, I don't expect them to go that far).
This game looks terrible. Graphically, it looks worse than BO1 IMO. Stylistically, it's just plain ugly. The buildings look terrible, the robots look terrible, the whole damn atmosphere looks terrible. This looks like perhaps the worst COD ever. I'm not trolling here, no joke. The story seems terrible too.
As soon as I was getting to like Treyarch, they pulled THIS out their ass. It makes them look like desperate leaches with no originality, trying to milk the shadow of IW.
"We have all this cool technology, mankind has gotten weaker due to becoming dependent on technology. I'm an old vet and we black ops know how to get things done the old fashioned way, unlike these unwillful tech-dependant nerds of 2015. We've always been comfortable, but now the enemy has gotten control of our robos."
Why the hell did they have to go futuristic? That crap's getting old now. The last 3 modern warfares were futuristic. We don't need anymore. Leave that to Ubisoft who can get it done RIGHT.
What they need to do is change the words Native and Extra, let alone change the damn game engine.You guys are aware that in MW3 you have to set Image Quality to Native, not Extra, right? Extra upscales the console resolution lol
On Native the game is very pretty.
Back to BLOPS2:
I plan to wait on this one, unless I get a really good preorder deal. The performance issues I had with Blops really halted my enjoyment of the game, which is a shame.. because I liked it otherwise.
I imagine it wouldn't be a bad idea to wait until release, check the Steam forums to see how bad the game is and then base my purchase on that.
So Woods survived, fought with afghanistan folks side by side, riding horses. Then in the future he's a prisoner much like Mason "was", there are mechs, drones and other stuff too ... and on top of that this will be with the same graphics engine from what I see from the trailer ...
And people are still going to buy this ... CoD game ?! Freaking hilarious :lol:
[QUOTE="slvrraven9"]i applaud them for trying something different. an i do agree that graphicly i think it does look better than MW3. since they are trying something new, ill reserve judgement until i actually try the game and as more information leaks out before i pass judgement. but so far, it looks like its at least worth a try...JangoWuzHereLooking better then MW3 isn't hard. Heck, I thought MW2 looked way better then MW3. yea, IMO mw3 is the worst game in the series
Throughout the campaign there will be moments where decisions could potentially affect which characters live or die and change what events occur in later missions.We?re not exactly sure how these decision-events will play out or if there will be a Mass Effect-like Paragon/Renegade series of paths, but events and character relationships will be greatly affected by those specific moments. Rather than having a completely linear story campaign, Treyarch is taking a choose-your-own-adventure style approach with a branching storyline. Some elements of the story will also change depending on the performance of certain levels in Strike Force.
Strike Force takes Call of Duty to the sandbox, forcing player choice and changing campaign events depending on performance.These missions take place away from the main characters but utilize a Black Ops SEALs team to carry out the objective. Players will reach these missions in the campaign, and then are given the option of which mission (out of several) they can take. You don't have to be "succeed" to move on, but the result will affect the story.
Kotaku on Strike Force:
The missions play out over large, sandbox-y levels, which will call on players to use tactical thinking and creative problem solving to an extent we've certainly never seen in the corridor-happy Cal of Duty franchise before. It may not hit the heights of a true Tom Clancy game (particularly not a GRAW game), but it's still a big shift.
The map I saw seemed quite a bit larger than an average multiplayer map, though nowhere near as sprawling as a large Battlefield map. As you play, a series of varied, narrative-driven objectives will roll over the map.
Players will have the option of hopping between the flying Quad drone, the CLAW tank, another armored mechanized tank, and any of the members of their squad.It wasn't confirmed whether there will be more units available than that in the finished game.
DX11 confirmed
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