I would say infact Blizzard gets sometimes unnecessary hate, let me give some examples :-
The only reason they get so much attention is they made games anyone can play. Not bad persay but they by no means deserve anymore praise then a company like CD Projekt who takes risks and puts out a game that is mature and not for everyone since it actually requires thinking.
I love Witcher, but let's be honest , the nudity and too much combat made the game much more childish than it should be and the combat really didn't require much thinking. i think blizzard is super overrated. they have only made 1 game and 2 expansions for that one game (world of warcraft) in the last five years. there is no denying they make great games, but they make hardly any. where as other developers make much more:
valve = 14
bioware = 4 (and one expansion)
relic = 4 (and 5 expansions)
14 games by Valve ?
if we just see fullgreat retail games till now by
valve : HL 1, Hl 2, L4D, TF 2
Blizzard since 1998 : Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Diablo 2 , WoW
Bioware Since 1998 : BG2, KOTOR, NWN, Jade Empire, ME
Relic : Homeworld, Homeworld 2, CoH, DoW , DoW 2
I would say the yare pretty equal as far a number of great games are concerned not to mention Blizzard's expansions are much highly rated
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