Last year a friend of mine was running into financial problems, needed a new job and had some vehicle problems. He told me he had to sell something to get come money and asked my opinion on wether to sell his Xbox 360 or his $1100 PC. I put it plain and simple that as much as we love the 360, if he sold his PC he had great games to play. But if he sold his 360, he still have great games to play, plus the ability to look for a job online, post his resume, etc. Plus he'd be able to do research on his car, so when he got the money he could save more by repairing it himself.
CPU, Graphics, Memory is all irrellavent to having a reliable PC that is as future preventive as possible. Even simple things like Adobe Reader and YouTube can tax out older PC's.
If you have the cash, do both, if not, your PC is not only entertainment, but a tool. And with a 360 controller, steering wheel, Guitar Hero guitar and the many 360 ports on the PC. My PC is almost the same thing as a 360 minus some games and Xbox Live.
Before you flame me I'm not a fanboy by any means. I've been gaming for 26 years on everything and anything, but this is the reality check for those of us that like to live in unreal places for hours a day.
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