i have mw3 on preorder...only reason im keeping it is because some friends are getting it, but after seeing all these screenshots of bf3 im thinking of cancelling it to get bf3...any objections?
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i have mw3 on preorder...only reason im keeping it is because some friends are getting it, but after seeing all these screenshots of bf3 im thinking of cancelling it to get bf3...any objections?
Other than funding, I don't see why you can't get both. That's what I'm doing.
But look at them both and decide what kind of shooter you're interested in at this moment in time.
well, eventually i am picking up both, its just that im not sure which i want nowOther than funding, I don't see why you can't get both. That's what I'm doing.
But look at them both and decide what kind of shooter you're interested in at this moment in time.
[QUOTE="Doom_HellKnight"]well, eventually i am picking up both, its just that im not sure which i want now MW3 price won't drop. BF3 will likely go on sale soon or have a price drop within a few weeks, not to mention the game as well as battlelog would be patched up, albeit I'm able to play just fine now compared to the beta and if you want to buy the game now, it's already much more optimized than it was in the alpha/beta. I had BF3 pre-ordered when it was first available on Origin, but I pre-ordered a lot of games in the past couple weeks/months so that may not seem particularly interesting, but part of it was because I heard BF3 would push PC's, and I just built a high-end machine so of course I'd want to play a game that takes advantage of my hardware and that was assuming it would be inferior to BF 2142 and earlier BF games in terms of gameplay and content except for visuals(destruction included since it's all scripted, i.e, a pin prick or a nuke from orbit would result in the same static destruction animation in the FB engine). It turns out BF3 has better gameplay than I had expected on top of its visuals so it has been quite the treat for me so far. I have MW3 pre-ordered on PC right now but my big issue with it isn't so much the game itself as much as it is the fact I can run it on my 4th newest system(i.e a system 3 iterations older than my current one) and it's frustrating playing a big AAA title running on max at 250+ FPS. Regardless of that, BF 2142 is still my favorite BF game, and from the sounds of it MW3 sounds like it's trying to avoid being associate with MW2, and considering MW2 was the only COD game I really played(didn't enjoy COD 4 nearly as much), I'm not sure if I'll enjoy it as much, and I pretty much ignore Treyarch developed CODs aside from the campaign and maybe some coop. There is really no incentive to pre order MW3 since they offer nothing extra for pre-ordering and the only thing you'd be guaranteed to enjoy is the campaign, while nobody knows how good or terrible the multiplayer might be since they never have open betas. BF3 if you're in a country where you can still pre order it, do so, but if the extra DLC isn't available to you for free, then I suggest waiting for a price because then you'd be getting a worse deal than people that did pre order it. BF3 is the best selling FPS on PC right now and will be for the next weeks, months, maybe even for the next several years so do keep that in mind, all your friends will be on BF3 and if you're into gaming for the social aspect, BF3 was made with you in mind. The only reason I pre-ordered COD is because right now I still have a good $700 to spend before Christmas on games right now, so it's a matter of having extra income, but if money were tight, I would have only pre-ordered BF3 because it gave an extra DLC pack and the alpha was sufficiently good for me to keep my pre-order whereas with MW3 we have no idea how the multiplayer will be, so unless you're one of the guys that replays the campaign or the coop, you might prefer to stick with BF3 for now. How I'd explain it, MW3 price won't go down at all, but it's unsure how the multiplayer is so it may be better to wait for gameplay videos of it(or play it at a friend's), BF3 is a guaranteed product, what you see is what you get, you know what it is already, if you like it, get it and don't regret it, but the problem is that you might be missing out on the DLC that was free for everyone else whereas you can compensate for that by purchasing the game later, however if you -must- play either BF3 or MW3 in November you at least know what BF3 is so either you can buy it or wait till MW3 is out to see whether or not you'd prefer it since while in the long term, buying MW3 earlier and BF3 later will save you more money than buying BF3 now and MW3 later. Really the problem is you should've pre-ordered BF3 because the free expansion pack is what locks the deal...Other than funding, I don't see why you can't get both. That's what I'm doing.
But look at them both and decide what kind of shooter you're interested in at this moment in time.
[QUOTE="Sebollah"] Today i got my refund of bf3. Keep crashin every 5-10min. Good luck with this game.laliberte11then ill wait for patches i guess
He is not the majority. I've been playing the game constantly since launch without so much as a single crash. So many people blame games for problems with their PC's....
then ill wait for patches i guess[QUOTE="laliberte11"][QUOTE="Sebollah"] Today i got my refund of bf3. Keep crashin every 5-10min. Good luck with this game.Johnny_Rock
He is not the majority. I've been playing the game constantly since launch without so much as a single crash. So many people blame games for problems with their PC's....
i just dropped $1,000 on building a new pc...dont think ill have any problems there[QUOTE="Johnny_Rock"][QUOTE="laliberte11"] then ill wait for patches i guesslaliberte11
He is not the majority. I've been playing the game constantly since launch without so much as a single crash. So many people blame games for problems with their PC's....
i just dropped $1,000 on building a new pc...dont think ill have any problems there The EA forums, in-game discussions and other forums and chat rooms are full of complaints about the game's issues. If you want a list of things I've come accross I'll type one up for you.The EA forums, in-game discussions and other forums and chat rooms are full of complaints about the game's issues. If you want a list of things I've come accross I'll type one up for you.-Unreal-That's irrelevant because as I already explained, since he can no longer get the pre order with the DLC expansion pack for free, he may as well wait till November 8th to see whether or not he would enjoy MW3(since that game never goes down in price, buying it on day 1 and day 100 won't save you any money) but if by then he decides that he prefers BF3 all the way, very soon there would be a sale so he save some money, and also start his BF3 experience when everything is patched up. There are some rubber banding issues, but it's nowhere close to as bad as the beta was and the hit detection has improved and will be further patched quite soon. For a PC game launch it actually has a lot fewer issues that one would typically expect, even for an AAA title. That being said, I've only played BF3 on Monday so far due to midterms this week, but when I get home from school today you can be darn sure I'm going to play the heck out of it.
[QUOTE="-Unreal-"]The EA forums, in-game discussions and other forums and chat rooms are full of complaints about the game's issues. If you want a list of things I've come accross I'll type one up for you.ZubinenThat's irrelevant because as I already explained, since he can no longer get the pre order with the DLC expansion pack for free, he may as well wait till November 8th to see whether or not he would enjoy MW3(since that game never goes down in price, buying it on day 1 and day 100 won't save you any money) but if by then he decides that he prefers BF3 all the way, very soon there would be a sale so he save some money, and also start his BF3 experience when everything is patched up. There are some rubber banding issues, but it's nowhere close to as bad as the beta was and the hit detection has improved and will be further patched quite soon. For a PC game launch it actually has a lot fewer issues that one would typically expect, even for an AAA title. That being said, I've only played BF3 on Monday so far due to midterms this week, but when I get home from school today you can be darn sure I'm going to play the heck out of it. It is relevant since he's asking whether or not to buy the game :/
The game is really good, there are a few problems, though. The Battlelog system is really inefficient and above all, it's unnecessary. I really recommend Battlefield over Call of Duty, but I would wait awhile before getting Battlefield 3 and wait for the patches to fix most of the problems right now.
[QUOTE="laliberte11"][QUOTE="Johnny_Rock"]i just dropped $1,000 on building a new pc...dont think ill have any problems there The EA forums, in-game discussions and other forums and chat rooms are full of complaints about the game's issues. If you want a list of things I've come accross I'll type one up for you.He is not the majority. I've been playing the game constantly since launch without so much as a single crash. So many people blame games for problems with their PC's....
And the hundreds having problems make them the majority? There are tens of thousands playing the game just fine. There will always be a percentage of people that have issues running a game. This is nothing new. It's actually a part of PC gaming. No developer can forsee the issues of making a game when there are thousands of possible PC configurations (hardware, driver and software conflicts...).
One person saying they have problems does not mean another will.
[QUOTE="Sebollah"]Today i got my refund of bf3. Keep crashin every 5-10min. Good luck with this game. 99 problems :)bblundellSounds like a computer issue or driver issue......
Yes it does...
Could be bad install of display drivers...could be the Cpu or Gpu overheating...could be the Mobo overheating...could be a bad Ram stick...if he has an nvidia card could be the NVIDIA HD audio driver which needs to be disabled...a lot of problems that are not game related...99% of the time there is no problem with the game...the pc itself needs to be checked for problems...
Today i got my refund of bf3. Keep crashin every 5-10min. Good luck with this game. 99 problems :)SebollahWow. I dont even....
[QUOTE="HyperWarlock"]MW3: Fast paced,small maps,quick,fun. BF3: Slower,massive maps,long games,also fun.Depends what your tastes are. InalcanzableExactly how i viewed both games, and for that exact reason why im sticking with MW3 I like the ability to join a game and instantly be in the action.
Its exactly why I will be enjoying both games in due time, MW3 will probably be first, but I do look forward to playing BF3 as well.
:lol: TC I have no objections. BF3 is amazing once you learn the maps.Do what you want. Get one, get both... get neither. It's like asking if you should brush or just floss. Should I eat that cake even though I like pie?
I think pie would seem better for most people in the long run since while cake seems very good in the short term, it slowly rots your teeth and stops tasting so good, whereas pie, well pie is consistent, it always tastes decent, so I eat pie cake, how's that?Do what you want. Get one, get both... get neither. It's like asking if you should brush or just floss. Should I eat that cake even though I like pie?
MW3 is going to be far better than BF3. Gameplay may be a bit short but every single minute of MW infuses you with thrill, action, excitement and fun.
I'm talking about single player, dunno about MP.
[QUOTE="momunoy"]Lol no.Modern Warfare 3 is better!!!
It will be Am_Confucius, i can bet on that.
BF3 has run fantastically since release for me. The people complaining about all these issues are definitely in the MINORITY. If you have everything ready (updated drivers, updated punkbuster) you're going to play just fine.
People don't seem to be mentioning the fact that BF3 has some small tight maps that play very fast, they definitely match and even surpass MW's type of gameplay. All you have to do is use the server filter and select the type of map you want, easy stuff.
Personally there is no way I'd take CoD over BF3 but that's just me.
MW£ = the same game again, you will be tricked by the media to buy the same game again which is basicly an exspansion.i have mw3 on preorder...only reason im keeping it is because some friends are getting it, but after seeing all these screenshots of bf3 im thinking of cancelling it to get bf3...any objections?
BF3 = a game that acctually had time spent on it. Plus this game is fun and not full crappy killstreaks.
People don't seem to be mentioning the fact that BF3 has some small tight maps that play very fast, they definitely match and even surpass MW's type of gameplay. All you have to do is use the server filter and select the type of map you want, easy stuff.jer_1MW level design is careful and calculated, if there is a choke point, every single possible line of sight from and to that choke point will be considered and statistically analyzed, in BF3 we have buildings that are directly copy and pasted and imported into different maps, lines of sight aren't taken into consideration nor are combat mechanics tacked on after the maps have been created such as prone. I understand, as a PC gamer, you'd like to think a game having the lead platform as PC means it's better, but that really only affects its visuals which have been the primary focus of the Frostbite engine and which is why game and level design have been almost ignored in BF games after BF 2142 but EA knows using the PC version in all its demonstrations and trailers is a good way to keep an upper hand in marketing and that both the PC and console gamers will eat it up, as they have. Really I am not complaining about BF3 looking good, it's that you are so complacent with a game and so forgiving of a game just because it is pretty, and that this will result in a poorly polished poorly designed product compared to the standards of AAA titles yet again for BF4, and it will be even prettier and if graphics are still the main selling point at that time for AAA titles, consumers would eat it up as well. That being said, I understand some prefer arena shooters like COD and others prefer the teamwork based almost coop like feel of BF, but both games have their strong as well as weak points, even if you'd like to think BF is completely perfect and beyond reproach while COD is ugly and developed primarily for consoles therefore it is evil and only enjoyed by satanic cults. As I said before, all dishonesty aside, you know that COD's weakpoints are in its visuals, not the quality of the gameplay or content itself whereas with BF nowadays, it's everything except the visuals. That being said I understand some people don't care about the quality of gameplay/content which is very apparent nowadays especially with PC gamers that primarily play FPS, but just so I'm not making the vast majority of you guys too upset with facts, my friend who served in the army says he prefers Battlefield for military FPS because of little things like dust coming out of sandbags, bullet drop, etc., which I think is a much more legitimate reason to prefer it(if you do in fact prefer any game over the other) than just graphics.
[QUOTE="jer_1"]People don't seem to be mentioning the fact that BF3 has some small tight maps that play very fast, they definitely match and even surpass MW's type of gameplay. All you have to do is use the server filter and select the type of map you want, easy stuff.ZubinenMW level design is careful and calculated, if there is a choke point, every single possible line of sight from and to that choke point will be considered and statistically analyzed, in BF3 we have buildings that are directly copy and pasted and imported into different maps, lines of sight aren't taken into consideration nor are combat mechanics tacked on after the maps have been created such as prone. I understand, as a PC gamer, you'd like to think a game having the lead platform as PC means it's better, but that really only affects its visuals which have been the primary focus of the Frostbite engine and which is why game and level design have been almost ignored in BF games after BF 2142 but EA knows using the PC version in all its demonstrations and trailers is a good way to keep an upper hand in marketing and that both the PC and console gamers will eat it up, as they have. Really I am not complaining about BF3 looking good, it's that you are so complacent with a game and so forgiving of a game just because it is pretty, and that this will result in a poorly polished poorly designed product compared to the standards of AAA titles yet again for BF4, and it will be even prettier and if graphics are still the main selling point at that time for AAA titles, consumers would eat it up as well. That being said, I understand some prefer arena shooters like COD and others prefer the teamwork based almost coop like feel of BF, but both games have their strong as well as weak points, even if you'd like to think BF is completely perfect and beyond reproach while COD is ugly and developed primarily for consoles therefore it is evil and only enjoyed by satanic cults. As I said before, all dishonesty aside, you know that COD's weakpoints are in its visuals, not the quality of the gameplay or content itself whereas with BF nowadays, it's everything except the visuals. That being said I understand some people don't care about the quality of gameplay/content which is very apparent nowadays especially with PC gamers that primarily play FPS, but just so I'm not making the vast majority of you guys too upset with facts, my friend who served in the army says he prefers Battlefield for military FPS because of little things like dust coming out of sandbags, bullet drop, etc., which I think is a much more legitimate reason to prefer it(if you do in fact prefer any game over the other) than just graphics. TL: DR. In BF3 you can blow **** up, in MW3 you can't.
TL: DR. In BF3 you can blow **** up, in MW3 you can't.Am_ConfuciusI had a moment yesterday where I was really reminded at how limited BF3's destruction engine was. I was trying to sneak around a chokepoint and encountered some concrete wallage on Tehran, looks just like all the other concrete slats you can blow up, but apparently these ones were indestructible to C4. I love BF3's destruction, but it gets annoying how you have to experiment to find out what you can and can't destroy.
[QUOTE="Am_Confucius"] TL: DR. In BF3 you can blow **** up, in MW3 you can't.MyopicCanadianI had a moment yesterday where I was really reminded at how limited BF3's destruction engine was. I was trying to sneak around a chokepoint and encountered some concrete wallage on Tehran, looks just like all the other concrete slats you can blow up, but apparently these ones were indestructible to C4. I love BF3's destruction, but it gets annoying how you have to experiment to find out what you can and can't destroy. The wall was protected by a curse.
I haven't had a single problem with BF3 that can't be attributed to a slow connection. No crashes, it runs fine and I connect to most servers no problem. The ony time I had any trouble was some lag on one server, but it was just some ocassional rubber banding. It only actually affected gameplay once.
My point? BF3 might still have some issues, but they're not as widespread or terrible as some people are making them out to be. If someone says the game is garbage, they're probably over exaggerating.
I personally will not be getting MW3. I prefer the slower paced, more team oriented nature of Battlefield. It depends on what type of game you want to play. If you want a fast paced, twitchy corrido shooter, get MW3. If you want a wide open, more methodical and strategic shooter, get BF3.
[QUOTE="Doom_HellKnight"]well, eventually i am picking up both, its just that im not sure which i want now Get BF3, you haven't played anything like it for awhile, and you prob only just stopped playing COD. Then you can go back to that later.Other than funding, I don't see why you can't get both. That's what I'm doing.
But look at them both and decide what kind of shooter you're interested in at this moment in time.
[QUOTE="MyopicCanadian"][QUOTE="Am_Confucius"] TL: DR. In BF3 you can blow **** up, in MW3 you can't.Am_ConfuciusI had a moment yesterday where I was really reminded at how limited BF3's destruction engine was. I was trying to sneak around a chokepoint and encountered some concrete wallage on Tehran, looks just like all the other concrete slats you can blow up, but apparently these ones were indestructible to C4. I love BF3's destruction, but it gets annoying how you have to experiment to find out what you can and can't destroy. The wall was protected by a curse. Well that explanation makes the most sense so far... :)
[QUOTE="Sebollah"] Today i got my refund of bf3. Keep crashin every 5-10min. Good luck with this game.laliberte11then ill wait for patches i guess
Not necessary really, people like Sebollah are really exaggerating on the whole problems part. It runs fine, with very little problems actually. Sebollah most likely has subpar hardware or just a wrong setup but he feels he should condemn the game for it. True there are problems but not by a long shot as bad as he makes it out to be.
And besides theres no guarantee whatsoever that MW3 won't have any problems. I had the lag issue with Blops for about 2 months after release, making the game barely playable. Really BF3 is doing very well in this day and age where unfinished games get released anyway and patched later.
[QUOTE="Zubinen"][QUOTE="-Unreal-"]The EA forums, in-game discussions and other forums and chat rooms are full of complaints about the game's issues. If you want a list of things I've come accross I'll type one up for you.-Unreal-That's irrelevant because as I already explained, since he can no longer get the pre order with the DLC expansion pack for free, he may as well wait till November 8th to see whether or not he would enjoy MW3(since that game never goes down in price, buying it on day 1 and day 100 won't save you any money) but if by then he decides that he prefers BF3 all the way, very soon there would be a sale so he save some money, and also start his BF3 experience when everything is patched up. There are some rubber banding issues, but it's nowhere close to as bad as the beta was and the hit detection has improved and will be further patched quite soon. For a PC game launch it actually has a lot fewer issues that one would typically expect, even for an AAA title. That being said, I've only played BF3 on Monday so far due to midterms this week, but when I get home from school today you can be darn sure I'm going to play the heck out of it. It is relevant since he's asking whether or not to buy the game :/ I bought it at walmart and it came with the dlc xD
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