As for you, you like to talk a lot without saying anything of substance. Like Mass Effect being an inferior version of KOTOR. I mean, seriously...its unanimously rated as one of the best games and you find something to complain about.I did not respond to you post about Alone in the Dark having tricks such as throwing moltov cocktails. You are comparing that to a nanosuit in Crysis thatlets you turn invisible? And the moltove cocktail wins? Can imagine why I am at loss for words?
About STALKER Clear Sky...I have not played the game, but I did check your reviews section and sure enough there was a review of the game and you rated it 8/10. So you dislike a game because it has AI bugs and you rate it 8/10. What's that all about?
Nowabout visuals being dated in Half-Life 2, did you try playing it at 1920x1200 and at highest settings? If you did, then lets talk about Half-Life 2.
[quote="Dakan45"]Also we got crysis which was nothing like far cry and i did not like it either.chandu83
So what you are saying is, you want the same game again. If it was the same game, then you are going to be back here complain how its the same game. Bottomline is there is no pleasing the likes of you.
:roll: Sometimes i get the feeling that we live on a diffirent planet. You continiously missunderstand everything i say.
"So what you are saying is, you want the same game again. If it was the same game, then you are going to be back here complain how its the same game. Bottomline is there is no pleasing the likes of you."
First of allthats an assumption, i want something like far cry not something completly diffirent. Atleast for me, it completly took away all those things i liked about far cry.
I gave stalker clear sky and 8, i would have given it much less if there were none of those things i complain about. Yet users who dont complain about it gave it less and think i dislike the game. No i dont think its that bad, i just have reasons on why i did not rated higher, they seem weird to you? Thats because they are my reasons, my issues, my problems. If you dont think they are problems ofcourse you woundnt find them credable as problems.
The visuals are dated in hl2, playing on a higher resolution wont make the textures to get more quality or add more dynamic lighting sources or any other effects. Its just resolution, the technology behind is what matters about graphics. With the same logic if i also set system shock 2 on a crazy resolution it would also look that good. but we both know thats not the case.
Also the diffirence is that i like the molotovs, i hate the freaking nanosuit crap.
"As for you, you like to talk a lot without saying anything of substance. Like Mass Effect being an inferior version of KOTOR. I mean, seriously...its unanimously rated as one of the best games and you find something to complain about."
:shock: .....Whaaaaaaat?
I think i made that as substancial as it gets, its an inferior version of kotor. Now would you like me to start pointing out why? Ofcourse not, its more prefable i do not include my personal rant no is it? ;)
So i will use other users words:Its more of a shooter rather an rpg. The rpg statistics elements are very dumbed down, the ai is weak. The story script is weak and it tells you more of what is gonna happen rather how is gonna happen and it has weak level design. The sidemissions are borring.
All those are things i heard from other users in this forum which also happen to be reasons why i did not like the game. Mass effect being set as "one of the best game ever" from "whoever" is responsible for setting it there means nothing. Last time i checked most people there did not like oblvion despite it ratings and user reviewes. Such titles dont count squat to me.
Just because they say its one of the best games ever, does that mean that all those people who dislike the game and not call it one of the best rpgs ever have to shut up and accept it? What we cant have an opinion or dissagree?
"one of the best games and you find something to complain about."
Yes, i do find something to complain about why i wouldnt? But forget about me, what about all those other people who have something to complain about in games that are rated so high, such as mass effect or oblivion. So their points are not valid? Because we happen to have the same points :D
It seems the only one who "likes to talk a lot without saying anything of substance" is you, i do analyze and say why i dont think it is not that good, in other words i mention that "substance" and nto say "its one of the best gamers ever, end of story" and if my point are not valid then feel free to ask people who did not like that specific game and you will see that half of the issues are the same as mine.
But the problem is that you will tell me again that mass effect is one of the best games ever, etc,etc,etc and you always find something to complain about. BAM, sidemissions are cheap. There you go that is something that 90% of the mass effect fans have said. How the hell its one of the best games ever with so many flaws? Last time i checked the point is to make better games and not worse. How can kotor be better than mass effect according to 90% of the gaming population and not being one of the best games ever but mass effect being one? Its just a quick throw without any substance. When the truth is mass effect is not what you make it to be.
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