Well, not exactly the same aliens:
Cevat adds, "Yes we just saw Nathan kick some human ass, now it's time to kick some alien ass!". With that the lights dim and the second live gameplay session begins with a cutscene. It's very likely that these two levels are the second and third of the game. I'm guessing this because he started the last level up very high in elevation, so logically there had to at least been at least one level for Nomad to get up there. I say it's the second and third, because there's still quite a bit of hand-holding dialogue guiding the player through both levels.
The cutscene begins with a highly iconic New York building (won't say to prevent a spoiler) being torn apart from the ground up. A huge column of glowing metal twists skyward and throws cement, steel, and anything else in its path out of the way. The pile of rubble until the alien object is at its pinnacle (I later learn these things are simply called a Spike).
What now looks to be par for the course, the quality of the cutscene is much higher than in Crysis. Of course Nomad is somehow right in the thick of things and gets thrown around like a... shall I say it... ragdoll. As the cutscene ends, Nomad is flat on his back in the middle of a street adjacent to the former building. There are what appears to be coordinated teams of the new bipedal aliens scurrying all around him. Most move out of site in rapid fashion. I believe his suit goes into some survival mode and instructs him to stay down and play dead. A pair of aliens inspects Nomad and move on. The suit is obviously able to feign death for a bit. He picks his head up sees the aliens checking body after body. The suit (his commander?) initiates a reboot and the player is finally able to get up. There's a shotgun nearby and Nathan quickly retrieves it. This grabs the attention of the two inspecting aliens and they quickly and I want to repeat this QUICKLY are within feet of Nomad. Their closing speed is phenomenal. Nathan barely has time to lift his shotgun and he manages to get one of them. The second one is not even on the biggest screen C2 will ever be played on.
A sudden screech makes Nathan quickly pan left and the second alien is almost grabbing Nomad's arm. Nathan tries the famous Crysis butt stock strike, but then the next "oh **** moment happens. Not only does the alien back off from the melee strike, but he disengages his assault completely and bolts full speed behind a nearby overturned car for cover. Not only is this different from Crysis, it's better than any A.I. I've seen yet. With the tables turned, Nathan goes on the assault and closes the distance between himself and the alien while using yet another car as cover. He blasts the alien a couple of times at close range and knocks the alien into the car which in turn knocks the car on its roof (I'm totally loving this... check my avatar). The loud shottie alerts the nearby teams that had recently walked right over Nomad and they engage. Nathan knows where there's a rocket launcher nearby and hurries to go grab it. I'd say there were eight or ten aliens (again, they actually seem to work in pairs) closing quickly. Nathan fires off a couple of rockets sending aliens, cars, building rubble, signs, sidewalk and all sorts of materials about on contact. The aliens quickly assess the new danger and one team slows their assault, another closes faster, and the majority of them spread to the sides and try to flank Nomad on the wings.
So there are obviously new options in the AI coding where even though they might be right next to each other, two aliens might do completely different things. This is where the demonstration gets out of control, but I'm OK with it. Knowing he's in God mode, Nathan basically stands still and pivots like a turret and fires rocket after rocket. He gets some direct hits, some shots are close enough to make the alien tumble but not discontinue their assault, and other rockets are dodged.
A couple of aliens make it all the way to him, so Nathan just turns and blasts them at point blank. +1 Death. And another. And another. The misses that are close to buildings are the best. It doesn't matter if it is brick, cement, or wood Nathan's putting holes/dents all over the place. All this commotion would be a nightmare for CryEngine 2, but the game runs like butta. He gets the last one and then a boss mini-cutscene rolls. A giant, purplish blue version of the bipedal aliens comes from the Spike and slams the pavement with such force that it causes a screen shake. He gives a loud battle cry and you know the next fight is going to be against him. The roar is obviously homage to the Hunter roar video and makes me grin as the screen fades to black and the lights come back up with yet another strong round of applause.
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