look everyone has opinions, whether you like a certian game or not... whether you like a certian person or peoples or not.. everyone has the ablility to say what they want..
they may be called a troll, a fanboy, oblivious, whatever..
just as i can say i hate one game, someone will argue with me about how good it is... doesnt change how i view the game, and i will continue to post my opinion on it, just as everyone else does, and whoever likes it or dont, doesnt really matter.
very little facts are stated in these forums.. its mostly opinion.. so my opinion even though may be the total opposite of someone elses, both of us have a right to post...
just because you make a topic saying you love a game, and someone posts that they dont like it, and you tell them "you dont have a right to come into my forum and say that" you have a right to say that... but it doesnt make you correct.
stop trying to create a mass, people. let others have their own opinion. and i dont mean just about games..
if everyone followed the crowd, then the large mass dubbed the crowd is nothing more than mere robots..
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