Ok, so I am starting this thread so people can tell me what they think of Dead Island and discuss improvements that could be made.
This game isn't as good as i expected it to be, they have had plenty of time to make a good game and I don't think they have fully achieved it.
I will first say how much i am enjoying the game but I keep coming across mistakes and its getting boring.
On one quest there is a car infront of a building which you move to get inside, if you come back to this building later the car has respawned there which is a bit weird.
This happened out of luck but I threw a propane tank at a zombie and it landed on the road, in the cutscene after a car drives right threw it.
AI animations are poor when getting in a car, they grab the window rather than the door handle and they walk right through the door into the car.
You have a stamina bar which runs out when punching but not when kicking, so you can kick the living sh*t out of the zombie and not feel the burn.
Hittest+sound=non existant. You may not get what I mean so I will explain, say for example, I have a machete and I hit a fire extinguisher, there is no sound of the hit and your weapon basically goes through the items. I am not entirely certain this is completely correct though.
Beach balls! Every resort has a beach ball but what happens when you kick it... its like kicking a rock. It moves about 5 metres and doesn't bounce. What happened to phsyics.
When zombies hit a car you are inside, it doesn't effect the car but it hurts you. Hmmm.
Things I dislike and should be improved:
When cutting a zombies leg off it instantly kills them, I think that they should carry on limping towards you. What happened to removing the head or destroying the brain, now we can kill them by taking limbs off.
There are vending machines around that give health, you have to pay to get items from them. I'm sorry but if I was in need of health and there was 20 zombies waiting outside for me I would just break the vendor.
Vehicles don't damage or run out of fuel. I would love to feel like I was in a horror film where the car doesn't start once in a while so you have to leg it out of there. Vehicles may damage but I have been crashing into zombies, fences don't dont break, gates that stay still and I have not suceeded.
The workbench is a great addition to the game where you can repair, upgrade and create new weapons. Well here is where the money comes into play, you have to spend money to repair your items and upgrade them. Money you ask... so did I. What happened to fixing a broken stick with duct tape or glueing the hammer head back to the handle. Well for lazy people this is great but for people who want a challenge and want to find items to fix their weapons it isn't. Upgrading is exactly the same, you pay money.
Did I mention that energy drinks are your source of health? Crazy, I know... because the first thing I would do in a zombie apocolypse would be to take a sip of red bull.
I know I keep saying zombies but I guess the term "Infected" would be better.
I'm not going to complain about the game because I couldn't make anything near as good as this but these are my opinions.
Hope you enjoy reading this and I would love to hear anyone else's thoughts on the game.
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