The RMAH was never about the player making money and has always been about Blizzard monetizing these transactions for their own benefit.
It's more about shutting down the chinese goldfarming/runefarming websites.
Players are going to pay cash for their items.
This is exactly like prohibition ending.
Really? Blizzard nickle-and-diming their customers in an effort to pinch out an even greater profit than they already are is now equivalent to ratifying the 21st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution? I'll give you this, Blizzard fans never fail to amaze me with their ability to rationalize everything that company does. Talk about making a silk purse from a sow's ear...
Next time, for an even greater impact, use the 13th Amendment. You could say Blizzard is freeing its people from the shackles of gold and item sellers. We shall overcome, indeed!
Seeing as you probably have no friends, I will tell you a story about two friends I have that bought gold online for wow and runes for diablo:
My two friends had more money than time to play diablo 2 and wow. So they would go to less than reputible websites to buy items and gold.
One got his credit card info stolen.
One got his account stolen.
And both have been scammed.
Blizzard making it official is protecting my 2 friends from getting screwed by these guys.
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