@SerOlmy said:
I completely disagree, I would take RTwP any day over turn-based.
Well, I am sure most would disagree with you, especially old school RPG fans. So there is that.
But just because I can, I will point out several reasons as to why D:OS did the right thing being turn based.
+Between Turn Based, RTwP, ATB and Action Based. RTwP is probably the least popular and TB and Action being the most popular.
+Due to the nature of the battle system, actions in Turn Based battle games tend to be much more meaningful than they are in any other style.
+Turn Based battle systems are more elegant: Simple yet provide a lot of room for depth, allows for a lot of complexity without overwhelming players.
+Turn based tend to avoid having serious pathfinding issues common with other styles.
+Turn based battles lead to less to no AI involvement on your companions, less AI means less wrestling with the AI that is once again trying to do something stupid, leading to somehow more pauses and time wasting seen in TB rpgs. In other words, it is not a clunky mess. No AI on party members make things even worse... somehow.
+Turn based RPGs tend to have far superior AIs to other styles of RPG, where an all to common tactic is to just charge at the foe and bash them up. The AI isnt perfect in D:OS, but it certainly is better than the one in DAO.
+This is Larian's dream game. The reason they went with turn based was because the devs at Larian always wanted to make a TB rpg. Let them make a battle system they are passionate about rather than trying to appease to people
+Old school RPG fans have been craving for TB games.
+Unlike RTwP, TB tends to avoid being some awkward hybrid between RTS and TB RPG.
There is only one reason I could see for this game having chosen RTwP instead.
-There hasnt been a notable RTwP game since Dragon Age: Origins whereas TB had South Park: Stick of Truth, Might and Magic X, Blackguards, Pokemon X/Y, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Age of Wonders 3 and now Divinity: Original Sin.
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