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for some reason i had to play dungeon siege as a woman. i think it was the promotion stuff but it just didnt feel right playing as anythign esle but the red haird lady from the promotional vids. odd i know.
in guild wars i have 4 guys and 4 gals. i generally did that for armour visuals preference. there was no way i was playing as a guy paragon :P.
Many Men Online Role Playing Girls.
In non-online RPGs, my first playthrough is always as a male character. If I decide to do a second playthrough, it's usually as a female character to see if the game plays any differently.
I don't have a problem with it. When I have multiple characters sometimes I'll choose to make a female character for the sake of variety. Nothing seems perverse about that. Aside from that I often choose names that make my gender obvious as to avoid confusion. I don't know about others though. So I can't say for sure why others choose to play as female characters, but again I see nothing wrong with it.
Its also a habit among women to make male characters. This does not happen as often as men choosing to make female characters for the obvious reason that demographically more men play video games than women. As for why the reason I hear the most is avoidance of sexual harassment. Someone is less likely to suspect a male character is female than a female character is male.
Many Men Online Role Playing Girls.
In non-online RPGs, my first playthrough is always as a male character. If I decide to do a second playthrough, it's usually as a female character to see if the game plays any differently.
Haha...that's de way to put it!!!:D
The reason y there so many boys playing girls bcoz the characters maker make women model more attractive and sexiest than the men.
This question comes up from time to time and I honestly don't see what the problem is. I get the impression that most of the people who are dishing about the hate about playing as a girl are simply insecure about their own sexuality.
For me it all depends on the game and/or appearance. For example, in World of Warcraft all of the human males look like they spend most of the day in the gym. In my minds eye this does not fit the look of a mage. Because of that the mage I played was female. The rest of my characters ended up being female because most of the male faces I saw looked like they are constipated and grumpy.
Well, I generally prefer to play male characters (I'm male, myself), but then, one of my utmost favorite characters that I love playing as is Cate Archer in NOLF.
In games where you choose your gender and you basically are the character (like Oblivion), I tried being female and I didn't have a connection to my character anymore. So in those cases, I do prefer to be male. But give me a female to play where you're controlling the character (as opposed to being the character) and she's cool like Cate Archer, and I've got no issue.
Yes, in Diablo II, as sorceress and assassin, because I didn't had a choice to change the gender (but that won't be a problem in Diablo III as I hear).
A long time ago, I played MuOnline, with all characters, including the elf witch was a girl.
I have no problems about playing a female character, but I prefer the male ones, because I am a male.
It doesn't make difference for me. Gender is only a label in most games, and the only noticeable difference is the image. It doesn't make me feel like a pervert playing one, nor should it make you. I don't recall stopping in a middle of a Diablo II game to check out how sexy my Sorceress was (though, I do remember a friend of mine showing off how sexy his Rogue was in Diablo I) . I played No One Lives Forever II, Beyong Good and Evil and Oni as females; I'm also currently playing the Dungeon Siege single player campaign, and all my character are female. Not in any of those games have I had a hormonic problem due to the characters being female.
...*omits justification for buying Dead or Alive for Xbox*
My characters on WOW were typically 75 percent female but thats mainly because all the male characters look terrible. Most mmo's though I find myself playing female characters... playing a male character just doesnt usually peak my interest. No real particular reason why that I can think of just the way I play the game. I dont lie about my gender though to anyone in game and I dont take donations of any sort so that wouldent be a reason.
in guild wars i have 4 guys and 4 gals. i generally did that for armour visuals preference. there was no way i was playing as a guy paragon :P.
I'm the same, although I do have a male paragon - simply because they've got the best beards.
Anyway, I don't mind playing as a female character, simply because I like inventing different personalities for my characters - why roleplay as a guy, or myself, all of the time?
Oh, and I think the great Greg Kasavin once said "If I'm going to be staring at my character's butt for hundreds of hours, it may as well be female". I mean, I don't play as female characters for some kind of voyeuristic entertainment - that's just an added bonus. ;)
Having said that, I always play as a guy the first time through any RPG, because I'll feel more 'connected' to the character.
I only play as a female when the alternative is playing as an androgynous queer Hence, my Blood Elf in WoW was female.
Oh, and yes, when it comes to single player RPGs, I usually try out a female character on my second or third playthrough.
Ive got a lot of friends that played/still play WoW, and they all have girl characters. Apparently there to manly to look at men's asses.
Like the guy above me lol it just cracks me up. They aren't babes...
Ive got a lot of friends that played/still play WoW, and they all have girl characters. Apparently there to manly to look at men's asses.
Like the guy above me lol it just cracks me up. They aren't babes...
You're just mad because you can't get with 'em. ;)
In many MMOs Iv'e played I see a lot of male gamers play as female. Why is that? I'm not sexist or anything when it comes to choosing a character, I just choose male to make things less complicated and the fact I feel like a pervert when I'm playing a female character.MrLions
well, I am a pervert. so I just roll with it. female characters are a nice change sometimes.
Well I don't play MMOs, so I don't generally play as a female character. In FPS games, I usually don't have the option, and in RPG games (if you can create your own character), I usually try to immerse myself in the game as much as possible and create a character that reminds me of myself. But I'll admit, if I get the chance to play as a female character in FPS games (usually only in Multiplayer), playing as a female is actually my preference because then when I frag everyone, I can laugh at them and say, "Hahaha you got pwned by a girl!" :P
I did something similar to that with Halo 2. My cousins and I had a LAN party and we were playing a Slayer gametype (no teams), but I had the option to choose my color, so I picked pink armor. :D Of course, my cousins started laughing like crazy, but after I completely dominated them, it was I who was laughing. ;)
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