Im pretty sure the only reason DoW won the poll VS Starcraft was because it was released a good 8 years after
I'm not. Starcraft still has a very large following, and its age doesn't significantly hinder it for anyone I've seen.
and there are more PC gamers now because of the eye candy, and many of the new pc gamers have not tried SC.
I highly doubt this. Starcraft has such a calling that almost any dilligent RTS player will have gone out and bought Starcraft due to its popularity. Heck, I bought it several years after it came out just because of how much I'd heard about it, and I'm not even a major RTS gamer, FPS games are my calling.
I see so many people on these forums saying "How can you like Starcraft, it looks like crap." "Omg, SC graphics suck."
I don't. I hear people say it's graphics were sub-par even when it was released occasionally (which is true), but I never see someone say stupidly that the graphics suck (it's ten years old, so of course they suck today), and especially not "so many people."
For a poll to have a true result it would have to be 2 games released near each other.
I disagree. I think a true result can't be reached in most cases if one of the game series in question just had a game released, which DoW hasn't, it's only had expansion packs and many people are of the mind that its formula is aging.
Dow would get owned when SC2 comes out and u made a "DoW Vs SC2" poll. lol
Of course it would. People always hype a series up when it has a new game come out (provided it's not a poor addition in the minds of many, like Tiberium Wars). When DoW2 comes out, then the polls will be back to being neck-and-neck, or even in favor of DoW (well, unless Relic does poorly, which I doubt).
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