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33 hours? Really? It lasted me about twelve-fifteen hours. I did all the fun stuff. The only thing i had left to do is scan every planet. Look it up on youtube see how interesting that is.GeneralShowzerYeah, the planet scanning thing was lame, like scavenger hunting on beaches with metal detectors, except all you find are meaningless numbers instead of washed-up beer cans. Luckily I have a high tolerance to tedium, so I was able to get enough stuff to research any upgrade I want. Hope they replace that for ME3.
I did everything possible in Mass Effect 2, and I mean EVERYTHING. Visited every planet, Scanned most (not all, that would be crazy), did every sidequests, listened to every dialog..and it took me 56 hours. For DAO, again everything (didn't read codexes a whole lot though) took me 118 hours. For Awakening, less than ME2, at around 45 hours. I guess I just like to take my time with RPGs... BioWare's especially, so damn immersive.
Yeah you must spend a lot of time just staring at stuff because it wouldn't take near that long to do everything in those games.I did everything possible in Mass Effect 2, and I mean EVERYTHING. Visited every planet, Scanned most (not all, that would be crazy), did every sidequests, listened to every dialog..and it took me 56 hours. For DAO, again everything (didn't read codexes a whole lot though) took me 118 hours. For Awakening, less than ME2, at around 45 hours. I guess I just like to take my time with RPGs... BioWare's especially, so damn immersive.
This is what I meant:
No dual wieleding warrior,and assigning points to existent skills is not comparable for me as learning new.
This will affect casters like I play them. I stated it as a preference,or lack there of, not as negativity.
Didnt like the ME2 upgrade system to for example "shreader ammo"-a skill?
[QUOTE="ralph2190"]Yeah you must spend a lot of time just staring at stuff because it wouldn't take near that long to do everything in those games.I did everything possible in Mass Effect 2, and I mean EVERYTHING. Visited every planet, Scanned most (not all, that would be crazy), did every sidequests, listened to every dialog..and it took me 56 hours. For DAO, again everything (didn't read codexes a whole lot though) took me 118 hours. For Awakening, less than ME2, at around 45 hours. I guess I just like to take my time with RPGs... BioWare's especially, so damn immersive.
Oh really?
I don't like to rush through my games. I just like taking my time with RPGs. There's a lot more content that goes into these games than you would think.
So like mage, lets say there are five spells and each spell you can add skill to customize like enhanced area of affect or bigger damage?This is what I meant:
No dual wieleding warrior,and assigning points to existent skills is not comparable for me as learning new.
This will affect casters like I play them. I stated it as a preference,or lack there of, not as negativity.
Didnt like the ME2 upgrade system to for example "shreader ammo"-a skill?
[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]33 hours? Really? It lasted me about twelve-fifteen hours. I did all the fun stuff. The only thing i had left to do is scan every planet. Look it up on youtube see how interesting that is.madrocketeerYeah, the planet scanning thing was lame, like scavenger hunting on beaches with metal detectors, except all you find are meaningless numbers instead of washed-up beer cans. Luckily I have a high tolerance to tedium, so I was able to get enough stuff to research any upgrade I want. Hope they replace that for ME3. Took me 26 hours (per steam) and I did the all the loyalty quests, main quest and a bunch of planet scanning. Difficulty set to high. So if it's the same length as that, I'll be disappointed.
I did everything possible in Mass Effect 2, and I mean EVERYTHING. Visited every planet, Scanned most (not all, that would be crazy), did every sidequests, listened to every dialog..and it took me 56 hours. For DAO, again everything (didn't read codexes a whole lot though) took me 118 hours. For Awakening, less than ME2, at around 45 hours. I guess I just like to take my time with RPGs... BioWare's especially, so damn immersive.
I did pretty much everything in both of those games, first time through, and halved your time for each of them without even trying, so to each their own.
Although for that matter, I have no idea how you could stand to spend over 100 hours in DAO - I was dead bored 30 hours in, and by the 50th hour I just wanted it to end as quickly as possible.
I did pretty much everything in both of those games, first time through, and halved your time for each of them without even trying, so to each their own.
Although for that matter, I have no idea how you could stand to spend over 100 hours in DAO - I was dead bored 30 hours in, and by the 50th hour I just wanted it to end as quickly as possible.
I spent an unnecessarily long amount of time switching out armors at the party camp and going back and forth between the different merchant vendors in the game. So time spent actually progressing the game would be lesser than that. But otherwise I'm kinda a completionist when it comes to games..unlocking every chest I came across, every one of those secret little codex quests, I did them all. But I wasn't bored at all, not like when I was playing Oblivion for instance. That games was boring beyond belief.
What does this remind me of...I'm not sure, but looks very familiar. Anyway to me they look like weapon specializations. Like every line presents a different weapon.[QUOTE="ralph2190"]
I don't think there are less number of spells at all. Take a look at Marion Hawke's Warrior Tree:
Russian translation means "Weapon in each hand"or Dual weild which he has selected. The rest are probably shield, spear, mace, ect...I'm sorry this does not look deep at all.
Final Fantasy X? It kinda reminds me of Too Human.What does this remind me of...I'm not sure, but looks very familiar. Anyway to me they look like weapon specializations. Like every line presents a different weapon.[QUOTE="ralph2190"]
I don't think there are less number of spells at all. Take a look at Marion Hawke's Warrior Tree:
from the look of it, the crystal system of Final Fantasy X-2. if there're rune/crystal slots in there, the game is shaping up to be a joint wet dream of Bioware loonies and console gamers.
What does this remind me of...I'm not sure, but looks very familiar. Anyway to me they look like weapon specializations. Like every line presents a different weapon.[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]
I don't think there are less number of spells at all. Take a look at Marion Hawke's Warrior Tree:
Russian translation means "Weapon in each hand"or Dual weild which he has selected. The rest are probably shield, spear, mace, ect...I'm sorry this does not look deep at all.
Final Fantasy X? It kinda reminds me of Too Human.The first time I saw gameplay for DA2 it reminded me of a Final Fantasy game. I assume they are trying for a japanese/western RPG hybrid (emphasis more on japanese or so it seems).
I did pretty much everything in both of those games, first time through, and halved your time for each of them without even trying, so to each their own.
Although for that matter, I have no idea how you could stand to spend over 100 hours in DAO - I was dead bored 30 hours in, and by the 50th hour I just wanted it to end as quickly as possible.
I spent an unnecessarily long amount of time switching out armors at the party camp and going back and forth between the different merchant vendors in the game. So time spent actually progressing the game would be lesser than that. But otherwise I'm kinda a completionist when it comes to games..unlocking every chest I came across, every one of those secret little codex quests, I did them all. But I wasn't bored at all, not like when I was playing Oblivion for instance. That games was boring beyond belief.
Okay, so are not the least bit disappointed that you're only getting a third or maybe half that out of the sequel?I don't mind that it's not long as DAO. Sometimes, a game shouldn't be dragged on too long. In between those two games sound good.The devs said that the game is longer than Awakenings and shorter than Origins. Similar to ME2. And I had a blast playing all of them, so I wouldn't mind the length.
Are you SURE thats the inventory? It look horrible... And why in the damn world do they use a "scroll" inventory? My eyes are bleeding :(
It's the same system as in DAO, with the same filter buttons on top (the poleaxe, shield, belt, potion, diamond and trash can icons above the inventory screen). I don't know what the trash can stands for, though. Still, it's acceptable. One more thing, it seems the follower skill tree shown in this screenshot is not the entire story. Each follower will have a number of skill trees to choose from, and each follower will have a "follower-specific" skill tree. How many skills a follower will have compared to Hawke, however, is still not clear. But asked whether followers will have less skill trees than Hawke, the answer was "not really."Are you SURE thats the inventory? It look horrible... And why in the damn world do they use a "scroll" inventory? My eyes are bleeding :(
I don't know how many hours I've spent in Dragon Age, but it's probably in the hundreds. I loved every second of it and I don't think Dragon Age 2 will be any different. That is what separates a BioWare RPG from a common RPG: the sheer overload of awesomeness.I did everything possible in Mass Effect 2, and I mean EVERYTHING. Visited every planet, Scanned most (not all, that would be crazy), did every sidequests, listened to every dialog..and it took me 56 hours. For DAO, again everything (didn't read codexes a whole lot though) took me 118 hours. For Awakening, less than ME2, at around 45 hours. I guess I just like to take my time with RPGs... BioWare's especially, so damn immersive.
I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy. The hypocrisy of what, me not liking that they've turned it into a hack and slash? You may think Bioware can't make a mistake but i don't ok? This is not improving the game it's revamping it for "casual" gamers.[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]And what does my rating of a completely unrelated game has anything to do with this? Stop trying to turn every thread into a Witcher vs DA thread, it's borderline trolling.SkyWard20
[QUOTE="ralph2190"]I don't know how many hours I've spent in Dragon Age, but it's probably in the hundreds. I loved every second of it and I don't think Dragon Age 2 will be any different. That is what separates a BioWare RPG from a common RPG: the sheer overload of awesomeness. judging by how much you rave about bioware im willing to bet you don't play much WRPG'sI did everything possible in Mass Effect 2, and I mean EVERYTHING. Visited every planet, Scanned most (not all, that would be crazy), did every sidequests, listened to every dialog..and it took me 56 hours. For DAO, again everything (didn't read codexes a whole lot though) took me 118 hours. For Awakening, less than ME2, at around 45 hours. I guess I just like to take my time with RPGs... BioWare's especially, so damn immersive.
Here are more inventory,skill,talent screens :spoiler warning
I don't know how many hours I've spent in Dragon Age, but it's probably in the hundreds. I loved every second of it and I don't think Dragon Age 2 will be any different. That is what separates a BioWare RPG from a common RPG: the sheer overload of awesomeness. judging by how much you rave about bioware im willing to bet you don't play much WRPG's I've played most of the noteworthy ones on the PC.[QUOTE="SkyWard20"][QUOTE="ralph2190"]
I did everything possible in Mass Effect 2, and I mean EVERYTHING. Visited every planet, Scanned most (not all, that would be crazy), did every sidequests, listened to every dialog..and it took me 56 hours. For DAO, again everything (didn't read codexes a whole lot though) took me 118 hours. For Awakening, less than ME2, at around 45 hours. I guess I just like to take my time with RPGs... BioWare's especially, so damn immersive.
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]judging by how much you rave about bioware im willing to bet you don't play much WRPG's I've played most of the noteworthy ones on the PC. care to name them?[QUOTE="SkyWard20"] I don't know how many hours I've spent in Dragon Age, but it's probably in the hundreds. I loved every second of it and I don't think Dragon Age 2 will be any different. That is what separates a BioWare RPG from a common RPG: the sheer overload of awesomeness.SkyWard20
[QUOTE="SkyWard20"][QUOTE="lawlessx"] judging by how much you rave about bioware im willing to bet you don't play much WRPG'sI've played most of the noteworthy ones on the PC. care to name them? Well, out of those that I've played for a reasonable amount of time and/or finished: most BioWare games, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Bloodlines, Fable 1, Fallout 1. Gothic 1, Risen, Kotor 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, The Witcher, Planescape Torment ( approximately less than halfway through )... I've also bought the Baldur's Gate collection recently but have barely played any of it. Baldur's Gate 1 doesn't seem that appealing to me.lawlessx
Not that many games when I think about it.
This is pure opinion, but in my mind Bioware is committing suicide with these "streamlining" changes.
I quit ME2 halfway through, the loading screens, ease, boring combat, removal inventory, removal of looting, removal of XP and the whole "Gears of War" feel to the combat was too much.
Sounds like DA2 is going down the same road of appealing to the "mainstream" / easy gaming / "coolness" instead of their old formula of immersion and depth.
Be careful If you don't like ME2 people will threaten to beat you up on internet forums LOL.This is pure opinion, but in my mind Bioware is committing suicide with these "streamlining" changes.
I quit ME2 halfway through, the loading screens, ease, boring combat, removal inventory, removal of looting, removal of XP and the whole "Gears of War" feel to the combat was too much.
Sounds like DA2 is going down the same road of appealing to the "mainstream" / easy gaming / "coolness" instead of their old formula of immersion and depth.
Doubt they can commit suicide with EA marketing behind.The strangest thing is the claim ,that they wish to add more RPG elements to ME3.
Their interviews are sometimes just hilarious.The idea of selling 10 mil.games,somehow completely killed their creativity,at moments even story telling.
And they used to be great story tellers.
The loading screens are needed because of console engines,these where elevators in ME.
After looking at the screens again,I cant get rid of the feeling that companions will not be nearly as interesting like DAO`s.The gaps on the sides of the screen,I really hope they will remove them in the PC version,it looks so empty.
And the skills are just acrobatics potential,flashy and cool.
[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]Little stars pointing out how good an item is... Little icons next to the dialogue wheel. What's the target audience for this common...ralph2190
You'll see stars if I ever meet you face to face. I understand that forums voice people's agreements and disagreements, but what you're doing, bashing Mass Effect and Dragon Age in every thread out there, is downright trolling.
Forgive me i don't have the same tastes as you. Please don't beat me up.this is a good thing; it is more realistic, and will make inventory management a lot easier.
I just hope they learn from ME2 and include a few more options; ME2 felt a bit limited, a good idea, but they trimmed a bit too much off.
[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]Little stars pointing out how good an item is... Little icons next to the dialogue wheel. What's the target audience for this common...ralph2190
You'll see stars if I ever meet you face to face. I understand that forums voice people's agreements and disagreements, but what you're doing, bashing Mass Effect and Dragon Age in every thread out there, is downright trolling.
Woah dude, that was out of line. Relax.Please Log In to post.
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