[QUOTE="Maroxad"][QUOTE="MBirdy88"]There hasn't been a successful PvP focused mmo since DoACMBirdy88
EVE Online is a PvP focused mmo and that is pretty much the only mmo that is actually growing in subscription numbers.
MMOs have never needed raids, and ultimately this Zergy PvP has more depth than facerolling rotations, playing whac-a-mole with healthbars and paying heed to scripted boss mechanics.
 This Zergy PvP as you call it is nowhere near as zergy as you think if you play the PvP portion effectively. Zergs will always be destroyed by organized groups, even in a shallow game like GW2.
You think EVE is successful just because of PvP? Im pretty sure its more to do with it being the only DECENT sandbox left in existance.... and has quite a unique theme.... Both PvE and PvP are rather mindless, like I said MMO genre does not excel in any area, its a mishmash of all and thats what makes it so versitile. That being said, 99% of them are theme parks where any end game other than the current is just doomed for the same result. I mean, you can brag about eves consistency in player base, but the fact that its dwarved by nearly 20x with World of Warcraft alone just goes to show. Look at the streaming community they barely give a damn about PvP MMOs now. Its all about the raiding. Population speaks. I want a open world PvP/PvE hybrid as much as the next one, but if I have to put up with these bs theme parks one after another they better damn put the same ammount of effort into all aspects otherwise whats the friggin point....The PvP elements are what makes the sandbox aspect as good as it is.
Also, MMOs do excel at something, and that is being a virtual world.
As for raiding, yes, it is a huge appeal to a lot of people, but not many can compete with Blizzard in quallity raids. I would rather have an mmo do SOMETHING well than trying to do a lot of stuff and fail miserably at every aspect. And not every game needs to be about raiding, PvP on a large scale is viable endgame too. It may not reach the popularity of WoW, but why even bother trying to ape WoW, it just wont happen.
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