Now that the NDA is lifted.. be advised: the alpha is complete SHIT. Not that the game itself isnt cool. its the state it is in. absolutely horrible. someone said to the SOE preseident that he thought it was badass yeah its bad and its ass alright.
Log in issues, crashes, lost claims, laggy game, terrible fps (even on higher end machines) tools stop working, claim issues, erorrs, etc.
Whats even worse is just the way SOE is handling it....they still have yet to issue us an apology DG of the devs even posted on twitter "oh such it was such a great launch were lifting the NDA" the ****? it was a TERRIBLE launch. the problem is instead of stating "We fucked up" to the people who actually paid to get in......they are still in PR mode and are still trying to market this peice of shit now when it is BROKEN and near UNPLAYABLE. Then they flat out lie to us and keep saying alpha will be under NDA , NDA, NDA and within hours of alpha people are streaming it on it to the staff. they say theyll deal with it.......dont. turns out John lifts the NDA.
oh now if isnt the stupidest fucking thing ive ever seen. (the day after a boring as shit two hour SOE livestream that only showed very little new about the game and one of the highlights was an interview with the idiot bimbo Curse interview girl.,..
the problem is they just marketed the alpha like it was a privalge like you pay early be one of the first people to play landmark help us out blah blah blah. they just hyped it up so much thousands of people went on board becaus they thought it would be great..from ALL the videos they showed us so far the game looked pretty polished.......only to find out that geee they didnt prepare from going from a few hundred people on a server at once to a few thousand.....
and this isnt some amature start up company either , this is fucking Sony ONLINE for Gods sake.......they created Everquest 1.. been into MMOs longer then Blizzard has, if ANYONE should know how to launch an alpha and do it right you would think these idiots would be able to.
nope. Doesn't help that they released the alpha after back to back days of press day + SOE campus event.....i bet at then they were already worn out...but they released it anyways because the Genious John president of SOE wanted it out by the end of Jan......MISTAKE.
The problem is they just got too many fucking people in the alpha because half of the people thought it would be a beta......and now instead of fixing the god damn issues they are running around like a bunch of idiots with their head cut off. they posted this nice thread about how its the islands in the game that caused the issue, so they patch it.. reopen the servers.. crash loops.. people STILL having issues with claims
and instead of FUCKING just adding more servers (there are only two) no......they "may" add more servers tommorow.
just check out some of the recorded streams people have on twitch and see what i mean.. laggy as shit.....
and to top it off the fucking lying ass Terry the senior producer said oooh ooh one of the benifits of getting into alpha is you'll be able to personally connect with the development team because we want your feedback and blah blah blah. BULLSHIT. not ONE..not ONE of the fucking developers i tried to fucking message personally (without cursing) has wrote me back......not ONE. and ive had replies from Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus, Mark Rein, President of Epic games, Gabe Newell (did an interview with him via email before half life 1 came out) not long emails mind you but at least they were nice enough to write me back......was pen pals with Marc Laidlaw for a few years but he got overly busy me thinks (got his and near the half of the valve team's autograph they personally mailed me a poster too!)
but apparently SOE are are a bunch of stuck up asses. Oh but theyll write cute little twitter replies to everyone else,...
and that Emily girl. ugh what a slut acts like shes such a nice nerdy maybe but cute community manager whatever and that other fat girl whatever her name is but yeah figures Emily woudnt write me back..bitch...typical women these days are like that ya know.
**** them....if i had nothing better to do id demand a refund on this peice of shit but i want to play Landmark so ill just hold in there till they "decide" to get off their butts and fix the god damn thing.
Jesus christ and now they are doing ANOTHER downtime switching a card or something......said itd be 40 minutes......yeah right.'
but the problem is they keep doing PR and marketing the shit game instead of coming clean with us who paid 100 bucks for it and say there are serious issues and we will fix them.
God i have had enough SHIT in the past month or so...i was looking foward to help out with this game to give me something to do and spark creativity but gee cant do that if the fucking peice of SHIT doesn't even WORK.
sorry for sounding like an ass but im just fed up with this shit,. but into Trove alpha for paying the 20 buck pack which they are rolling out invites and guess what? they cut it off last week to the 17th and i ordered on the 18th yeah fucking figures.
**** you Sony Online for promising us something great and deliving something that is busted and is complete shit. FIX Landmark you fucking morons!
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