I don't understand the bad rap this game gets.
I've had it for a couple of days now, and it's easily the best sandbox game I've ever played. Much, MUCH better than any GTA game, and in my opinion - better than Crysis. I guess I'm really happy with it, because some of the reviews weren't that great, and it's a lot better than I expected.
Anyone else surprised by Far Cry 2?
Good or bad - either way.
Yes, it's an amazing game.
I'm still playing it, and loving it.
My favorite area is in the North Western part of the map in Leboa Sako, just north of the Cattle Xing ranch. There's a big pool, like a huge swimming pool, and the way that the shadows are cast from the trees onto the water is incredibly complex and beautiful. I've spent fifteen minutes at a time just wandering around that area, doing nothing. I love this game for its beauty (many reviewers stated point blank that this game is better looking than Crysis - and I completely agree), and I love it for the sheer amount of fun that's to be had in just exploring the world (that's what the game is all about, really - exploration).
I say to people that this is an 'atmosphere' game - you either love the atmosphere, or you don't.
The other notable feature of this game is that time doesn't scale in an unrealistic fashion, as it does in most games. In this game you're not going to go through a 12 hour day cycle in five minutes. I really enjoyed that aspect of the game.
The mission areas themselves are also beautiful, and incredibly diverse. Really, I've loved every minute of this game.
I can't wait to play this game on the hottest day of the summer - that'll be great!
So really, you just go around and stare at the pretty graphics? lmao That doesn't make a good game. :( And what reviewers said it had better graphics than Crysis? Please link.No, I don't just do that.
So am I the only person who pauses during gameplay to admire scenery? Okay, well maybe I am. What a fool I am. Sorry.
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