[QUOTE="Cranler"][QUOTE="Musacircuit_2"] The industry of CPU's is not moved by what is better for gaming whereas for the GPU's,it's all about gaming and what's beter for it.
And as for long lastivity,Musacircuit_2
If Nvidia was all about gaming and whats better for it we would have a true next gen card already. Like most companies Nvidia is all about making money.
The word you were looking for is longevity.
Maybe they want to make the 8 series cards last longer?Maybe they are thinking about the budget gamers being happy for a change as their cards will last longer?And they should release new cards just for one game ya right.:roll:
Maybe they dont have the technology yet?
I fail to see your point how releasing the next uber card based on a new architecture the best thing for gaming.When current technology is good enough for all but one game which time will tell whether it is unoptimized piece of **** or just current technology is not good enough.
Maybe it's better for YOU but not for everybody as we can max out games on our current cards for longer.
Where did I say that there should be no mid range cards available?
If the GT200 or whatever they call it was already out your 8800 wouldnt last as long? Is that what your saying? If devs took advantage of the new tech you could still play at med settings.
Maybe some of us want to play at super high res with 60+ fps without having to sli. How does that affect you?
Crysis the only game that needs a better gpu? What about Call Of Jaurez and COH in dx10?
This is the longest Nvidia has gone without a big step in horsepower and it just happens to be when they have no competition. Thats not a coincedence, its called milking a product.
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