Ok then lests discuss pc gaming...
TC::"should i get a pc to play mutliplatform games in order to save money or should i get a x360?"
Dakan45:"Multiplatforms on pc are a bad choice because they have bad optimazation and many weird issues plus bad control (broken mouse accelaration due to porting) Also in some games x360 buttons appear in the screen and the price of the games is rising like mw2 plus they took out modding capabilties and dedidated servers. Also you wont be saving any money with the insane/weird requirements multiplats have. So you will be better off with a console if you ask me and avoid all the trouble"
Zomglolcats:"Pc is not that bad and it has rts and other games that are not on a console"
Dakan45:"Yeah i agree but the tc asked about where is best to buy multiplatforms and did not talked about pc exclusives. But since you bring it up even valve has that terrible unfixable problem with source engine sttutering and multiplatforms dont really get much patching from the developers nowadays. So its better to have a console since you dont get anything if you buy a multiplaform for pc"
I was under the understanding that thats what we were talking about so far. If i missunderstound something then we can talk about it again!!!
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