what I would like to know is how come max payne was announce for the pc the same time as the consoles but gta5 wasn't though. i hope the pc version feels like a next gen port when ever it comes out.
GTA is R*'s cash cow, and also a massive seller of sony/MS consoles. The MP series isn't nearly as popular nor a big seller as GTA
still, it isn't like a pc version isn't going to hurt the last gen sales. though I guess their trying to get pc gamers to buy the same game twice. however, someone on system wars linked a website to a rockstar website which had the pc logo. I can't tell if it real or not because the registriation is private ut it was register on 1995, the same date as the offcial rockstar website.
anyways I know its coming, I just hate waiting for it, thats all.
max payne 3 was created by the vancouver branch which was closed down last year.
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