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I tried to play Morrowind but it crashed every 5 mins. Couldn't play it, so I can't review it.
For Oblivion:
-SIDEQUESTS. Dark Brotherhood is WIN
-Pretty world
-Combat is okay
-Mundane dungeons. Recycled time after time.
-Mundane AI. Recycled time after time.
-The story. The last part of the game where you entered the darkspawn hell was, well, hell.
-LEVEL SCALING. Well..this doesn't seem to be much of a problem once you're decked out in golden armor and enchanted Umbra, but still.
-Lifeless world in general.
Nope. It can have the best environments in the world but if a combat system (not exactly a small thing) has me tearing out my hair then it is a bad game. If someone could fix that god awful combat I'm sure it would be a good game but Oblivion is still the better game simply because it maybe broken but I can hit something in that.
The combat is like, very similar as Diablo 2's, or many RPGs really. I don't see what makes it so bad.Nope. It can have the best environments in the world but if a combat system (not exactly a small thing) has me tearing out my hair then it is a bad game. If someone could fix that god awful combat I'm sure it would be a good game but Oblivion is still the better game simply because it maybe broken but I can hit something in that.
[QUOTE="Whiteblade999"]The combat is like, very similar as Diablo 2's, or many RPGs really. I don't see what makes it so bad.Nope. It can have the best environments in the world but if a combat system (not exactly a small thing) has me tearing out my hair then it is a bad game. If someone could fix that god awful combat I'm sure it would be a good game but Oblivion is still the better game simply because it maybe broken but I can hit something in that.
It is a matter of perspective. Diablo 2 is isometric while Morrowind is first person. When I play a first person game I want immersion, and nothing breaks immersion more than my sword missing 20 times when it connected. Gothic did it best, the sword would always connect but the sword skill determined how well you could combo hits together.
The combat is like, very similar as Diablo 2's, or many RPGs really. I don't see what makes it so bad.[QUOTE="KHAndAnime"][QUOTE="Whiteblade999"]
Nope. It can have the best environments in the world but if a combat system (not exactly a small thing) has me tearing out my hair then it is a bad game. If someone could fix that god awful combat I'm sure it would be a good game but Oblivion is still the better game simply because it maybe broken but I can hit something in that.
It is a matter of perspective. Diablo 2 is isometric while Morrowind is first person. When I play a first person game I want immersion, and nothing breaks immersion more than my sword missing 20 times when it connected. Gothic did it best, the sword would always connect but the sword skill determined how well you could combo hits together.
Odd, I've never swung my sword more than six times without it connecting. You should try using weapons that you only have a high enough skill to use. If you want action-related immersion in an RPG, then you're simply expecting too much. I enjoyed Morrowind's combat. It was straight forward and fun to kill enemies (for me at least).Yes it is better in terms of story, gameplay, quests, and just being true to the Elder Scrolls universe. There weren't just guilds to work for you could work for the great houses, imperial legion, and other trading companies. The world was so different everywhere you went and there were much more unique items to get. It was definitely better. Hopefully they make Skyrim more similar to Morrowind.
After the announcement of Skyrim, it made me remember oblivion - and how I loved that game. However, it also made me take interest in Morrowind. I never played that game, but considering how I loved the sequel and how graphics are not very important to me, I want to try it out. However, I also noticed that in any article that mentioned oblivion, the comments are filled with people hating Oblivion and saying how amazing and better Morrowind was. I was surprised by this, since the general reviews seem to favour oblivion, and Oblivion itself seems like a hard game to top. However, the reasons given don't seem to be very valid. Most of it seem to be more nostalgic - people miss the levitation and spears, the crazy looking world, the Dwemer ruins. I purchased Morrowind and have tried out about an hour so far, and my reactions are poor to say the least. The combat is catastrophically bad (like, one of the worst I have seen), the traveling is slow and uneventful, and feels more like filler, the UI is very hard to manage - and that is just the first hour of play. The love for Morrowind seems like something I have with the first Fable - I played it at a time when I was much more naive and despite it's many flaws, I always enjoy that game. I love a good, deep and immersive RPG, but since my time is currently limited, and these types of games take a while to get interesting, I am wary to dedicate myself to Morrowind. Can anyone give me their fair, unbiased judgement, preferably someone who didn't grow attached too much to either.Belwar555
No its not. Make no mistake, i listened to all those people and played morrowind and avoided oblivion. I hated morrowind. There are so many things from our era that are missing. Such as listing your quests in a questbook or quest indicators in the map. But what it does, is put a day number in your journal and when you choose that day it tells you what you did that day. No actual quest listing and in order to get to the quest you have to LITTERALY ask the npcs for directions and read stuff like "turn left after you pass the..." and other stuff like that. What the hell happened to "ill mark it dow on your map" ?
Also the combat litteraly takes forever and it has one of the crappiest thing in action rpgs. Hitting an enemy face to face and gettings MISS MISS MISS. Totally kills the immersion. Where the hell the attacks go? Also no voice acting. The dialogues are like reading something in wikepedia, you click words to get more info about them. Finally the map is a muddy brown boredom and the main quest starts reeeeally slow. As opposed to oblivion that starts epic right away. Finally, its a game that does not want to encourage you to play it, not only by the borring quests, the extremely long combat and the clueless tracking of the quests but also the fact that it has no quick travel or horses, you have to walk slowly across the ENTIRE GOD DAMN MAP. Meh too slow and demanding for me. Only way someone could get fun out of this game is if he was really hardcore rpg player and he wanted all those things in his game and took pleasure out of all those things rather from the story and the game experiance itself.
After some years, i played oblivion and....well you can see that my avatar remains to be from that game.
Wait for skyrim.
Is it really that difficult to play a stat-based game? The only thing I found awkward about Morrowind was the press F to attack/cast and LMB/RMB to ready weapon/magic, and that was only because I first played Morrowind on the Xbox and was recently playing Oblivion.rpgs_shall_rule
Thats weird bro. "F" and "R" drawed my weapon / readied magic, and LMB used it / swung the sword.... maybe your binding got set backwards somehow lol
On topic, I can't really think of any other way Oblivion is better than Morrowind other than combat and graphics (combat being subjective, i actually liked Morrowinds combat better personally because once you got your skill high enough u never missed and combat was no longer an issue). Better story, much more rewarding exploration, more diverse and unique world, 1000x better loot, dungeons were not copy-paste, way more customization, and a great setting. Theres so much more stuff I could name but the list just goes on....Morrowind is by far the better game imo, not even in the same league
[QUOTE="Belwar555"]After the announcement of Skyrim, it made me remember oblivion - and how I loved that game. However, it also made me take interest in Morrowind. I never played that game, but considering how I loved the sequel and how graphics are not very important to me, I want to try it out. However, I also noticed that in any article that mentioned oblivion, the comments are filled with people hating Oblivion and saying how amazing and better Morrowind was. I was surprised by this, since the general reviews seem to favour oblivion, and Oblivion itself seems like a hard game to top. However, the reasons given don't seem to be very valid. Most of it seem to be more nostalgic - people miss the levitation and spears, the crazy looking world, the Dwemer ruins. I purchased Morrowind and have tried out about an hour so far, and my reactions are poor to say the least. The combat is catastrophically bad (like, one of the worst I have seen), the traveling is slow and uneventful, and feels more like filler, the UI is very hard to manage - and that is just the first hour of play. The love for Morrowind seems like something I have with the first Fable - I played it at a time when I was much more naive and despite it's many flaws, I always enjoy that game. I love a good, deep and immersive RPG, but since my time is currently limited, and these types of games take a while to get interesting, I am wary to dedicate myself to Morrowind. Can anyone give me their fair, unbiased judgement, preferably someone who didn't grow attached too much to either.dakan45
No its not. Make no mistake, i listed to all those people and played morrowind and avoided oblivion. I hated morrowind. There are so many things from our era that are missing. Such as listing your quests in a questbook or quest indicators in the map. But what it does, is put a day number in your journal and when you choose that day it tells you what you did that day. No actual quest listing and in order to get to the quest you have to LITTERALY ask the npcs for directions and read stuff like "turn left after you pass the..." and other stuff like that. What the hell happened to "ill mark it dow on your map" ?
Also the combat litteraly takes forever and it has one of the crappiest thing in action rpgs. Hitting an enemy face to face and gettings MISS MISS MISS. Totally kills the immersion. Where the hell the attacks go? Also no voice acting. The dialogues are like reading something in wikepedia, you click words to get more info about them. Finally the map is a muddy brown boredom and the main quest starts reeeeally slow. As opposed to oblivion that starts epic right away. Finally, its a game that does not want to encourage you to play it, not only by the borring quests, the extremely long combat and the clueless tracking of the quests but also the fact that it has no quick travel or horses, you have to walk slowly across the ENTIRE GOD DAMN MAP. Meh too slow and demanding for me. Only way someone could get fun out of this game is if he was really hardcore rpg player and he wanted all those things in his game and took pleasure out of all those things rather from the story and the game experiance itself.
After some years, i played oblivion and....well you can see that my avatar remains to be from that game.
Wait for skyrim.
This is why we morrowind fans got oblivion for a sequel, dumb it down for the masses!! woot!! god forbid I actually have to walk somewhere and not be able to fast travel, or be made to read in an RPG, rofl...
to the OP, give Morrowind some time, its an amazing game
This is why we morrowind fans got oblivion for a sequel, dumb it down for the masses!! woot!! god forbid I actually have to walk somewhere and not be able to fast travel, or be made to read in an RPG, rofl...
to the OP, give Morrowind some time, its an amazing game
herp derp i dunno how to explore to find quests...oh look theres an arrow pointing exactly where i need to walk and i can fast travel right there too derp derp
oh my gosh guise srsly this game is AAA morrowind sux lololo
This is why we morrowind fans got oblivion for a sequel, dumb it down for the masses!! woot!! god forbid I actually have to walk somewhere and not be able to fast travel, or be made to read in an RPG, rofl...To the OP, dont listen to this. I was in your position and this is the crap i kept hearing, so i gave it time and it wasted MY time.:cry: So NO dont give it some time, IT IS NOT an amazing game. its a borring crap with too many things missing and unessasary things that need to be taken out. Definetly not on par with current generation. As you said that combat is catarstrophically bad and that does not change...among other things that are so bad like the ones i listed. Dont make the same mistake as the OP, give Morrowind some time, its an amazing game
[QUOTE="Belwar555"]After the announcement of Skyrim, it made me remember oblivion - and how I loved that game. However, it also made me take interest in Morrowind. I never played that game, but considering how I loved the sequel and how graphics are not very important to me, I want to try it out. However, I also noticed that in any article that mentioned oblivion, the comments are filled with people hating Oblivion and saying how amazing and better Morrowind was. I was surprised by this, since the general reviews seem to favour oblivion, and Oblivion itself seems like a hard game to top. However, the reasons given don't seem to be very valid. Most of it seem to be more nostalgic - people miss the levitation and spears, the crazy looking world, the Dwemer ruins. I purchased Morrowind and have tried out about an hour so far, and my reactions are poor to say the least. The combat is catastrophically bad (like, one of the worst I have seen), the traveling is slow and uneventful, and feels more like filler, the UI is very hard to manage - and that is just the first hour of play. The love for Morrowind seems like something I have with the first Fable - I played it at a time when I was much more naive and despite it's many flaws, I always enjoy that game. I love a good, deep and immersive RPG, but since my time is currently limited, and these types of games take a while to get interesting, I am wary to dedicate myself to Morrowind. Can anyone give me their fair, unbiased judgement, preferably someone who didn't grow attached too much to either.dakan45
I hated morrowind. There are so many things from our era that are missing. Such as listing your quests in a questbook
It's funny because as much as you claim you've tried Morrowind, you do a convincing job at making it sound like you haven't even played it.
It's funny because as much as you claim you've tried Morrowind, you do a convincing job at making it sound like you haven't even played it.Actually its depressing :roll: because everything i say makes it clear that i HAVE played the game since i mention features and my experiance with them that proves that i have played the game for a long time but you dont freaking see it. So i have to conclude that either you are messing with me, or you just dont want to admit that the game has those things....i wonder why? perhaps you are the one who has not played it and you praise it for nothing? :DKHAndAnime
TC, please dont listen to people like this, i never saw all those thing they talk about in the game. Which is morrowind actually getting better since they dont really borher talking about anything else at all or describe the game in detail, like they have not played it, or they REALLY enjoy all that crap that are into the game such as the awful combat you mentioned. It is clear that you wont like morrowind tc, just listen to me so we can put this:
"morrowind is aweseome...NO BUTS" thread to end.
Actually its depressing :roll: because everything i say makes it clear that i HAVE played the game since i mention features and my experiance with them that proves that i have played the game for a long time but you dont freaking see it. So i have to conclude that either you are messing with me, or you just dont want to admit that the game has those things....i wonder why? perhaps you are the one who has not played it and you praise it for nothing? :Ddakan45
You can travel betwen towns with them things in like 5 seconds.. i forgot what they are called. You can fast-travel in any town in Morrowind in 5 seconds if you don't like to walk. And it's very easy to pin point your quest location by just reading. I never got lost, in my first paytrough back in 2007. I love that, it's immersive, and having a arrow pointing me breaks that.
I never had any problem with neither issues you have with the game.
The only things that really pissed me off was the artstyle and the dead AI. Like i said, i wouldn't touch vanilla Morrowind.
But with the visuals mods i found at the end of 2010, i mentioned in that stickied screenshot thread, i love it.
I agree that the combat sucks, but it ain't that bad.
Actually its depressing :roll: because everything i say makes it clear that i HAVE played the game since i mention features and my experiance with them that proves that i have played the game for a long time but you dont freaking see it. So i have to conclude that either you are messing with me, or you just dont want to admit that the game has those things....i wonder why? perhaps you are the one who has not played it and you praise it for nothing? :D
TC, please dont listen to people like this, i never saw all those thing they talk about in the game. Which is morrowind actually getting better since they dont really borher talking about anything else at all or describe the game in detail, like they have not played it, or they REALLY enjoy all that crap that are into the game such as the awful combat you mentioned. It is clear that you wont like morrowind tc, just listen to me so we can put this:
"morrowind is aweseome...NO BUTS" thread to end.dakan45
There are so many things from our era that are missing. Such as listing your quests in a questbook dakan45
Actually its depressing :roll: because everything i say makes it clear that i HAVE played the game since i mention features and my experiance with them that proves that i have played the game for a long time but you dont freaking see it. dakan45
What's depressing is having to hear your un-articulated rants and attitude towards RPGs in general.
What's depressing is having to hear your un-articulated rants and attitude towards RPGs in general.Ohh look at me, i am cool because i post FALSE info from the tribunal expansion because i have not played the actual game but the game with the expansion installed that actually fixed the quest listing thingy which was a thing that was wrong and suposed to be fixed in the first place but i am too much of a fanboy to admit it :roll:KHAndAnime
This is what you did there and thus i am not arguing with you anymore. Too many lies to make a serious argument with you.
It's difficult to say. Morrowind was a bit too hardcore, Oblivion was to casual, Morrowind had a more unique landscape, but Oblivion was easier to familiarise oneself with. There were a lot of options in Morrowind that personally overwhelmed me, and Oblivion was pretty straight forward.
I'd say the perfect game lies somewhere inbetween them both, but for me Oblivion wins simply because it was easier to play, however in many parts it was TOO easily, or stupidly difficult (level system argh) and Morrowind in many cases wasn't hard but just confusing and easy to get lost.
[QUOTE="dakan45"]Those things are not everywhere (besides, they were like cabs, so the big hero takes a cab to go to his quests :lol: ) and i got lost quite easilly. The game really does not try to make you continue play, un-epic borring quests, getting lost, hidding npcs from you. Not marking quests atleast on your map. Extremely slow combat. Felt like i was wasting my time doing nothing than having fun. In the end i was wasting time traveling to the next quest, when i was wasting time traveling in the wrong direction running in circles because i couldnt find the damn quest, when i was wasting time to kill stuff to upgrade my character in order to kill those skeletons in the dungeon, when i was wasting my time fighting them for 4 freaking minutes because it was not the dungeon i was looking for :D...and when i got there? Absolutly nothing impressive happened. About 20-25 hours in the game and nothing impressive happened. :( I could be like final fantasy 13 that gets good after the first 30 hours. But for me, if a game is not fun after al that time, i am not gonna waste my time anymore and it most certainly wont be considered a good game. More of a time waster.KHAndAnimeThe fun of the game is exploring, and you don't really seem to have fun exploring, seems like you'd rather just constantly do combat or something. A lot of people have fun with the game game from the start - because of the huge world interesting world that you can explore. And unlike Oblivion, exploration in this game actually can be rewarding.dakan has a twisted taste in games and his opinions often make little sense to me. In this case I somewhat agree with him, in that Morrowind felt kinda clunky and I suppose if you were going to have fun you'd have to invest a lot of time into it, where as Oblivion was a lot easier to get into.
As I mentioned in my above post Morrowind had a lot of stuff going on and I was often overwhelmed by it, where as Oblivion was straight forward, I knew where I was, where I was going and what I had to do.
The fun of the game is exploring, and you don't really seem to have fun exploring, seems like you'd rather just constantly do combat or something. A lot of people have fun with the game game from the start - because of the huge world interesting world that you can explore. And unlike Oblivion, exploration in this game actually can be rewarding.KHAndAnime
Please no, it sucked terribly
Meh, it was a muddy mess, i was eager to see those weird looking buildings i saw in the screenshots, i explore most of the map and it was not impressive at all, especially the center of the map and the ashlands were not impressive at all.
Its the same dungeons all over, its just that they put more unique items. Personally, i saw the dungeons in oblivion as form of instant action, kinda like how you go to a place you already been in borderlands in ordetr to kill stuff for fun. The sidequests were where all the good stuff where.
As I mentioned in my above post Morrowind had a lot of stuff going on and I was often overwhelmed by it, where as Oblivion was straight forward, I knew where I was, where I was going and what I had to do.DigitalExile
Please no, it sucked terribly
Meh, it was a muddy mess, i was eager to see those weird looking buildings i saw in the screenshots, i explore most of the map and it was not impressive at all, especially the center of the map and the ashlands were not impressive at all.
Its the same dungeons all over, its just that they put more unique items. Personally, i saw the dungeons in oblivion as form of instant action, kinda like how you go to a place you already been in borderlands in ordetr to kill stuff for fun. The sidequests were where all the good stuff where.
You're starting to piss me off with the fact that you are ignoring the mods.
Why can't you understand that the mods are the reason why people still play, and love exploring the game?
And don't tell me crap that it's a pain to mod it. It's easy as hell. It's a matter of minutes.
It only took long for me because i am a moron, and i couldn't find what i was looking for.
No its not. Make no mistake, i listened to all those people and played morrowind and avoided oblivion. I hated morrowind. There are so many things from our era that are missing. Such as listing your quests in a questbook or quest indicators in the map. But what it does, is put a day number in your journal and when you choose that day it tells you what you did that day. No actual quest listing and in order to get to the quest you have to LITTERALY ask the npcs for directions and read stuff like "turn left after you pass the..." and other stuff like that. What the hell happened to "ill mark it dow on your map" ?
Also the combat litteraly takes forever and it has one of the crappiest thing in action rpgs. Hitting an enemy face to face and gettings MISS MISS MISS. Totally kills the immersion. Where the hell the attacks go? Also no voice acting. The dialogues are like reading something in wikepedia, you click words to get more info about them. Finally the map is a muddy brown boredom and the main quest starts reeeeally slow. As opposed to oblivion that starts epic right away. Finally, its a game that does not want to encourage you to play it, not only by the borring quests, the extremely long combat and the clueless tracking of the quests but also the fact that it has no quick travel or horses, you have to walk slowly across the ENTIRE GOD DAMN MAP. Meh too slow and demanding for me. Only way someone could get fun out of this game is if he was really hardcore rpg player and he wanted all those things in his game and took pleasure out of all those things rather from the story and the game experiance itself.
After some years, i played oblivion and....well you can see that my avatar remains to be from that game.
Wait for skyrim.
That's rich. Yes the journal system sucked hard. One of the patches did allow you to organize it though, and I'm sure there are *many* mods that give you an actual working journal.
Second of all, you drone on about immersion, yet you think asking NPCs for directions is bad? Uhh, what? How the hell is a giant floaty arrow pointing you directly where you need to go immersive in the least? The descriptions are usually quite decent too, so it really isn't that hard finding stuff.
Also, the combat is fine. It's stat-based. Granted, this may put off people wanting a more action-y game, but again, I will point those people to mods which may address this issue. I also find Oblivion's combat boring, as it degenerates to mindless clicking pretty soon, which isn't that much better. Besides, what's with your sword connecting and instead of sinking through their flesh, getting itself and you pushed back so it doesn't actually connect that well?
About the dialogue: there may be little voice acting, and none in conversations, but there are many more lines of it than in Oblivion. The dialogue is also more useful and interesting. Plus it doesn't use size 200 font.
Morrowind also has more varied and memorable locales than Oblivion does, especially factoring in the expansions. The bleak, desolate Blightlands, the marshy ...marshlands (lulz), the grand spires of the Telvanni, the Cantons of Vivec, the austere walls of the Imperial Legion, the biting cold of Solsteim, and Mournhold, City of Light! City of Magic! are only some of the different areas you can visit. I find Oblivion's various locales more limited and less memorable. Also, this game does have fast travel. Shows how much you played.
Finally, about the main quest: you just got off a boat. Compared to Oblivion, Morrowind actually has an exposition, rather than just going "YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE! SLAY THOSE KNAVISH DEMON WORSHIPPERS WITH YOUR PREDESTINED POWERS!!!!". You have the chance to build up your character, and gradually discover how important you really are. It gives you a sense of accomplisment instead of just "lulz I r 1337sawce cuz emp0r3r sez so!".
So ya, tl;dr play Morrowind if you have patience and want to be genuinely rewarded. Play Oblivion if you like teh pretties (I heart teh pretties!) and want instant gratification.
Did I mention you get to kill a god in Morrowind?
Please no, it sucked terribly
Meh, it was a muddy mess, i was eager to see those weird looking buildings i saw in the screenshots, i explore most of the map and it was not impressive at all, especially the center of the map and the ashlands were not impressive at all.
Its the same dungeons all over, its just that they put more unique items. Personally, i saw the dungeons in oblivion as form of instant action, kinda like how you go to a place you already been in borderlands in ordetr to kill stuff for fun. The sidequests were where all the good stuff where.
You're starting to piss me off with the fact that you are ignoring the mods.
Why can't you understand that the mods are the reason why people still play, and love exploring the game?
And don't tell me crap that it's a pain to mod it. It's easy as hell. It's a matter of minutes.
It only took long for me because i am a moron, and i couldn't find what i was looking for.
Because you don't buy and play a game for the mods? The game has to have some merit in the first place and he didn't enjoy it, why should he go and mod a game up the wazoo that he didn't enjoy in the first place? And, if he has to mod the game just to enjoy it then what does that say about the game itself?The fun of the game is exploring, and you don't really seem to have fun exploring, seems like you'd rather just constantly do combat or something. A lot of people have fun with the game game from the start - because of the huge world interesting world that you can explore. And unlike Oblivion, exploration in this game actually can be rewarding.dakan has a twisted taste in games and his opinions often make little sense to me. In this case I somewhat agree with him, in that Morrowind felt kinda clunky and I suppose if you were going to have fun you'd have to invest a lot of time into it, where as Oblivion was a lot easier to get into.[QUOTE="KHAndAnime"][QUOTE="dakan45"]Those things are not everywhere (besides, they were like cabs, so the big hero takes a cab to go to his quests :lol: ) and i got lost quite easilly. The game really does not try to make you continue play, un-epic borring quests, getting lost, hidding npcs from you. Not marking quests atleast on your map. Extremely slow combat. Felt like i was wasting my time doing nothing than having fun. In the end i was wasting time traveling to the next quest, when i was wasting time traveling in the wrong direction running in circles because i couldnt find the damn quest, when i was wasting time to kill stuff to upgrade my character in order to kill those skeletons in the dungeon, when i was wasting my time fighting them for 4 freaking minutes because it was not the dungeon i was looking for :D...and when i got there? Absolutly nothing impressive happened. About 20-25 hours in the game and nothing impressive happened. :( I could be like final fantasy 13 that gets good after the first 30 hours. But for me, if a game is not fun after al that time, i am not gonna waste my time anymore and it most certainly wont be considered a good game. More of a time waster.DigitalExile
As I mentioned in my above post Morrowind had a lot of stuff going on and I was often overwhelmed by it, where as Oblivion was straight forward, I knew where I was, where I was going and what I had to do.
When Morrowind came out, I was ~12 years old. It was a popular game. All my 12 year old (and younger) friends played the game endlessly for hours around when it came out. It's funny to me to see people say the game is hardcore, seeing as little kids can easily get into the game, I've seen plenty first hand. It's really hard for me to call a game like this hardcore, to me it's far "lighter" than Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Planescape Torment or even the Gothic series. Morrowind is relatively straight forward compared to any of those games. There's really never an excuse to feel lost in Morrowind, quests always provide directions - these directions are always easy to follow and get you where you need to go. Then look at Neverwinter Nights, where you'll get plenty of quests with no indications of where to go of any sort, thus you'll aimlessly wandering districts and areas unsure of exactly what you're looking for. I can understand feeling a little overwhelmed though, given with how little games these days challenge gamers. There used to be an era in gaming where even popular titles required a little bit of thought to play. :PWhen I was growing up, when Morrowind came out, and I was ~12 years old, and it was a popular game. All my 12 year old (and younger) friends played the game endlessly for hours around when it came out. It's funny to me to see people say the game is hardcore, seeing as little kids can easily get into the game, I've seen plenty first hand. It's really hard for me to call a game like this hardcore, to me it's far "lighter" than Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Planescape Torment or even the Gothic series. Morrowind is relatively straight forward compared to any of those games. There's really never an excuse to feel lost in Morrowind, quests always provide directions - these directions are always easy to follow and get you where you need to go. Then look at Neverwinter Nights, where you'll get plenty of quests with no indications of where to go of any sort, thus you'll aimlessly wandering districts and areas unsure of exactly what you're looking for. I can understand feeling a little overwhelmed though, given with how little games these days challenge gamers. There used to be an era in gaming where even popular titles required a little bit of thought to play. :PKHAndAnimeIt's hardcore in terms of handholding and guidance. "Here's a note, take it to what's-his-name in Balmora." It doesn't tell you where Balmora is, or how to get there, or where the guy lives. I might not want to spend my first hur of gameplay trying to figure that out.
In Morrowind I'd talk to people and they'd overwhlem me with information, there was several factions and they all had a huge backstory and it's easy to get confused and forget who's who, especially when you talk to people and you're getting quests from them without any direction. In some regards Morrowind was great in that it had this big open and detailed world, but at the same time there wasn't enough handholding for my tastes.
Because you don't buy and play a game for the mods? The game has to have some merit in the first place and he didn't enjoy it, why should he go and mod a game up the wazoo that he didn't enjoy in the first place? And, if he has to mod the game just to enjoy it then what does that say about the game itself?
Vanilla Morrowind is dull, bland, boring to explore and dead.
One mod fixes that, by massively improving the art**** textures and atmospheric lighting tweaks. It takes 3 minutes to download and 4 minutes to install. You can also add hundreats of new dungeons, each incredibly unique trough mods. Also new locations.
Mods are a fantastic PC feature that i am going to use in any game, if i want to.
Mods made Doom look like this, and i freakin love playing Doom.
My perspective on this is that if I want something to be good, then i'm sure as hell gonna put some effort into it. That's me, i don't know about ya'll, and if you don't feel me, i can understand that.
But don't think it's the same for all.
The end result is all that matters. And it satisfied me plenty, man.
It's hardcore in terms of handholding and guidance. "Here's a note, take it to what's-his-name in Balmora." It doesn't tell you where Balmora is, or how to get there, or where the guy lives. I might not want to spend my first hur of gameplay trying to figure that out.
They gave directions. I'm pretty sure the guy told you to walk outside Seyda Neen and go talk to the Silt Strider guy.
]yeah, i am not gonna bother to mod a game that i dont like. Besides, its like last time, that that guy was keep trying to make me re-play the game, so he told me how to change the combat so it misses less and told me where to find a map where al lthe areas are there. I am not gonna bother with all that just to play a game. If a game needs so many changes to play it, then its just not enjoyable for you and no the game you should be playing in the first place.
You're starting to piss me off with the fact that you are ignoring the mods.
Why can't you understand that the mods are the reason why people still play, and love exploring the game?
And don't tell me crap that it's a pain to mod it. It's easy as hell. It's a matter of minutes.
It only took long for me because i am a moron, and i couldn't find what i was looking for.
I mean, while i do have over 200 real guns in fallout 3 with varied stats and sounds, you dont see me trying to turn the wasteland into a freaking greenland :lol:
That's rich. Yes the journal system sucked hard. One of the patches did allow you to organize it though, and I'm sure there are *many* mods that give you an actual working journal.Second of all, you drone on about immersion, yet you think asking NPCs for directions is bad? Uhh, what? How the hell is a giant floaty arrow pointing you directly where you need to go immersive in the least? The descriptions are usually quite decent too, so it really isn't that hard finding stuff.
Also, the combat is fine. It's stat-based. Granted, this may put off people wanting a more action-y game, but again, I will point those people to mods which may address this issue. I also find Oblivion's combat boring, as it degenerates to mindless clicking pretty soon, which isn't that much better. Besides, what's with your sword connecting and instead of sinking through their flesh, getting itself and you pushed back so it doesn't actually connect that well?
About the dialogue: there may be little voice acting, and none in conversations, but there are many more lines of it than in Oblivion. The dialogue is also more useful and interesting. Plus it doesn't use size 200 font.
Morrowind also has more varied and memorable locales than Oblivion does, especially factoring in the expansions. The bleak, desolate Blightlands, the marshy ...marshlands (lulz), the grand spires of the Telvanni, the Cantons of Vivec, the austere walls of the Imperial Legion, the biting cold of Solsteim, and Mournhold, City of Light! City of Magic! are only some of the different areas you can visit. I find Oblivion's various locales more limited and less memorable. Also, this game does have fast travel. Shows how much you played.
Finally, about the main quest: you just got off a boat. Compared to Oblivion, Morrowind actually has an exposition, rather than just going "YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE! SLAY THOSE KNAVISH DEMON WORSHIPPERS WITH YOUR PREDESTINED POWERS!!!!". You have the chance to build up your character, and gradually discover how important you really are. It gives you a sense of accomplisment instead of just "lulz I r 1337sawce cuz emp0r3r sez so!".
So ya, tl;dr play Morrowind if you have patience and want to be genuinely rewarded. Play Oblivion if you like teh pretties (I heart teh pretties!) and want instant gratification.
Did I mention you get to kill a god in Morrowind?
I dont see how combat not being immersive to a point thats it is at the edge of non immersiveness and dialogues to feel like you click stuff in wikepedia in mix with a pointless direction system is saving the immersion? As i said, what happen to: " ill mark it on your map"?
Make no mistake, i like killing weak creaturs and leveling up. But morrowind reached me to the limit of my patience. Its like the map has 1000000 levels of creatures and you have to slowly progress through every one of them. There is nothing worse in a game with fps view than go in a dungeon as a high level character and wave you sword one hundrend times and half of them the attacks are missing, only to break your armor later and contract a million diseases. Now thats a BORRING and lame combat. Sin of gaming, take this crap far far far away from games in general.
The dialogues? ACTUAL voice acting> none. Its easy to bash oblivion few voice actors when morrowind has none in conversations that dont even look like "conversations" more like reading stuff in wikepedia. As for the map? It was a muddy borring mess, i wasted my time looking for those so called "impressive varied enviroments" As for the main quest?
Are you honestly comparing the "you are nothing, go to that town and get trained, go there to that farm kill stuff, go find this more pointless un epic borring crap.." with "you are a prisoner, you meet the emperor he gets assasinated by a cult, you go find his son who is gonna be the next emperor, oblivion gates open and you explore them" The whole quest was full of epicness from the begining to the end, morrowind bore me to death, especially when i was searching the entire city for a npc only to find he is hiding in the seweres :roll:
Damn, the memories are coming back :cry: i am not re-playing this game no matter what.
When Morrowind came out, I was ~12 years old. It was a popular game. All my 12 year old (and younger) friends played the game endlessly for hours around when it came out. It's funny to me to see people say the game is hardcore, seeing as little kids can easily get into the game, I've seen plenty first hand. It's really hard for me to call a game like this hardcore, to me it's far "lighter" than Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Planescape Torment or even the Gothic series. Morrowind is relatively straight forward compared to any of those games. There's really never an excuse to feel lost in Morrowind, quests always provide directions - these directions are always easy to follow and get you where you need to go. Then look at Neverwinter Nights, where you'll get plenty of quests with no indications of where to go of any sort, thus you'll aimlessly wandering districts and areas unsure of exactly what you're looking for. I can understand feeling a little overwhelmed though, given with how little games these days challenge gamers. There used to be an era in gaming where even popular titles required a little bit of thought to play. :PKHAndAnime
Well said.
yeah, i am not gonna bother to mod a game that i dont like. Besides, its like last time, that that guy was keep trying to make me re-play the game, so he told me how to change the combat so it misses less and told me where to find a map where al lthe areas are there. I am not gonna bother with all that just to play a game. If a game needs so many changes to play it, then its just not enjoyable for you and no the game you should be playing in the first place.[QUOTE="Lucianu"]
You're starting to piss me off with the fact that you are ignoring the mods.
Why can't you understand that the mods are the reason why people still play, and love exploring the game?
And don't tell me crap that it's a pain to mod it. It's easy as hell. It's a matter of minutes.
It only took long for me because i am a moron, and i couldn't find what i was looking for.
I mean, while i do have over 200 real guns in fallout 3 with varied stats and sounds, you dont see me trying to turn the wasteland into a freaking greenland :lol:
I e'fing hated this game more then you could imagine. More then you, anyway.
The thing that kept me trying to make it good, was that i was hungry for a open world RPG and the lore interested me. Now i'm satisfied.
I love mods. But to each their own. I'm not trying you to make u play it.
I am saying that mods are a fantastic feature.
It's hardcore in terms of handholding and guidance. "Here's a note, take it to what's-his-name in Balmora." It doesn't tell you where Balmora is, or how to get there, or where the guy lives. I might not want to spend my first hur of gameplay trying to figure that out.[QUOTE="KHAndAnime"]When I was growing up, when Morrowind came out, and I was ~12 years old, and it was a popular game. All my 12 year old (and younger) friends played the game endlessly for hours around when it came out. It's funny to me to see people say the game is hardcore, seeing as little kids can easily get into the game, I've seen plenty first hand. It's really hard for me to call a game like this hardcore, to me it's far "lighter" than Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Planescape Torment or even the Gothic series. Morrowind is relatively straight forward compared to any of those games. There's really never an excuse to feel lost in Morrowind, quests always provide directions - these directions are always easy to follow and get you where you need to go. Then look at Neverwinter Nights, where you'll get plenty of quests with no indications of where to go of any sort, thus you'll aimlessly wandering districts and areas unsure of exactly what you're looking for. I can understand feeling a little overwhelmed though, given with how little games these days challenge gamers. There used to be an era in gaming where even popular titles required a little bit of thought to play. :PDigitalExile
One of the NPCs that you talk before leaving into the town gives you rather exact information on how to get there and find him. Really, if you don't skip through text without reading and you search for new topics to talk about with each NPC, you'll pretty much always have a good idea of what's going on.
The dialogues? ACTUAL voice acting> none. Its easy to bash oblivion few voice actors when morrowind has none in conversations that dont even look like "conversations" more like reading stuff in wikepedia. As for the map? It was a muddy borring mess, i wasted my time looking for those so called "impressive varied enviroments" As for the main quest?
Dialogue in books>dialogue in movies. Yet there are no voice actors in your books now are there?
If a game is full, bland, boring and dead then I won't be playing it. :| I'm not going to rely on the community to make a game good.Vanilla Morrowind is dull, bland, boring to explore and dead.
@KHAndAnime: I haven't played Morrowind for ages. I remember being really intrigued and wanting to continue, but mostly just feeling like everything was too much of a chore. I can't comment on your other points because I don't remember, but the abvoe sentence pretty much summed up Morrowind for me.
The dialogues? ACTUAL voice acting> none. Its easy to bash oblivion few voice actors when morrowind has none in conversations that dont even look like "conversations" more like reading stuff in wikepedia. As for the map? It was a muddy borring mess, i wasted my time looking for those so called "impressive varied enviroments" As for the main quest?
Dialogue in books>dialogue in movies. Yet there are no voice actors in your books now are there?
Books sux. But in all seriousnes. Morrowind did not have dialogues, it had wikepedia texts in which you click a word and get more info about it.Books sux. But in all seriousnes. Morrowind did not have dialogues, it had wikepedia texts in which you click a word and get more info about it.dakan45
And that about confirms all of our suspicions about you, and proves all of our points about the type of people who don't like Morrowind in this thread.
[QUOTE="dakan45"]Books sux. But in all seriousnes. Morrowind did not have dialogues, it had wikepedia texts in which you click a word and get more info about it.Remmib
And that about confirms all of our suspicions about you, and proves all of our points about the type of people who don't like Morrowind in this thread.
Which are? Oh forget about it, you obviously didnt get i was joking. Atleast i like GAMES and not rpgs that need to have 1000 diffirent crap in them so they wont be "casual consolized console crap :roll: if thats your excuse you might as well forget about it, its as ignorant as your sig "pc gaming is the only gaming" So many things wrong with that, along that games that are casual or multiplats are not pc games with this logic:P Might as well play the few "pc games" you got left and forget about the rest of the snce they are all are"console gaming" and not "pc gaming" :lol:The combat is like, very similar as Diablo 2's, or many RPGs really. I don't see what makes it so bad.[QUOTE="KHAndAnime"][QUOTE="Whiteblade999"]
Nope. It can have the best environments in the world but if a combat system (not exactly a small thing) has me tearing out my hair then it is a bad game. If someone could fix that god awful combat I'm sure it would be a good game but Oblivion is still the better game simply because it maybe broken but I can hit something in that.
It is a matter of perspective. Diablo 2 is isometric while Morrowind is first person. When I play a first person game I want immersion, and nothing breaks immersion more than my sword missing 20 times when it connected. Gothic did it best, the sword would always connect but the sword skill determined how well you could combo hits together.
Exactly this is one of the reasons I couldn't get into Morrowind. That, and the fact that enemies knocked you down every 3 seconds and basically delivered the finishing blows while you were down. And slow walking, ofc.Please Log In to post.
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