[QUOTE="KHAndAnime"][QUOTE="dakan45"]Those things are not everywhere (besides, they were like cabs, so the big hero takes a cab to go to his quests :lol: ) and i got lost quite easilly. The game really does not try to make you continue play, un-epic borring quests, getting lost, hidding npcs from you. Not marking quests atleast on your map. Extremely slow combat. Felt like i was wasting my time doing nothing than having fun. In the end i was wasting time traveling to the next quest, when i was wasting time traveling in the wrong direction running in circles because i couldnt find the damn quest, when i was wasting time to kill stuff to upgrade my character in order to kill those skeletons in the dungeon, when i was wasting my time fighting them for 4 freaking minutes because it was not the dungeon i was looking for :D...and when i got there? Absolutly nothing impressive happened. About 20-25 hours in the game and nothing impressive happened. :( I could be like final fantasy 13 that gets good after the first 30 hours. But for me, if a game is not fun after al that time, i am not gonna waste my time anymore and it most certainly wont be considered a good game. More of a time waster.DigitalExile
The fun of the game is exploring, and you don't really seem to have fun exploring, seems like you'd rather just constantly do combat or something. A lot of people have fun with the game game from the start - because of the huge world interesting world that you can explore. And unlike Oblivion, exploration in this game actually can be rewarding.dakan has a twisted taste in games and his opinions often make little sense to me. In this case I somewhat agree with him, in that Morrowind felt kinda clunky and I suppose if you were going to have fun you'd have to invest a lot of time into it, where as Oblivion was a lot easier to get into.As I mentioned in my above post Morrowind had a lot of stuff going on and I was often overwhelmed by it, where as Oblivion was straight forward, I knew where I was, where I was going and what I had to do.
I still have a great time exploring in Oblivion. The game is just huge and the landscapes are beautiful. There are towns everywhere and I never got around to finishing the game. It's a great game world and though I'll likely play Morrowind again, I don't think I'll come to like it as much as Oblivion.Currently there's a single mod I use for Oblivion, and that's to get +5 on all stats every time you level up, because getting perfect stats in this game is a pain. I am having a blast without almost any mods; the only mods I would consider downloading for Oblivion would be unofficial patches or graphics enhancers.
I really don't see how exploring in Oblivion is any less fun or any less rewarding. I can practically create my own adventures by raiding a random dungeon, loot the bandits, get some great weapon and be 300 coins richer. I can go to the Imperial city and explore the sewers there and fight monsters at my own leisure. I can enlist to fight in the arena and become a champion. I can simply join the Thieves guild if I want to and just rob every building in sight.
Every city looks different. I can immediately spot the difference in the architecture, I can immediately see that the guards are wearing different costumes. Every city has its own unique identity.
Why are Oblivion's quests not diverse again?
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