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IMO, it sucks it is inferior to wow in everyway. No where near as fun. Not to mention peoples account get hacked all the time, it is a major problem. Both my characters were robbed and I never played again. Before you blame me, google how much of a huge security problem that game has. I went back to wow right after playing rift and the difference was night and day. I am all for a new mmo to replace wow, but rift is not that game.
Got it monday and havent started it yet but from all the videos i've seen it looks good. Pretty much eq, wow with more polished gameplay and graphics. Don't forget wow started out very good but every expansion made it suck more and more now game is so simple its at the retarded level. Next expansion they'll probably add an autoplay button.
I'll probably start it soon the beastmaster got my interest.
Got it monday and havent started it yet but from all the videos i've seen it looks good. Pretty much eq, wow with more polished gameplay and graphics. Don't forget wow started out very good but every expansion made it suck more and more now game is so simple its at the retarded level. Next expansion they'll probably add an autoplay button.
I'll probably start it soon the beastmaster got my interest.
Not at all, gameplay is not near as good. dungeons are boring. If you have played wow and enjoyed it, you will be disappointed
I've always considered WoW the greatest MMO out there, but after playing Rift I had a very hard time trying to play WoW again. So, yeah I do think Rift is the best MMO out there right.
As you said in your first post "IMO" stop shoving your damn opinion down peoples throats.machinegunbearDont tell me how to post, because IDGAF what U think
Got it monday and havent started it yet but from all the videos i've seen it looks good. Pretty much eq, wow with more polished gameplay and graphics. Don't forget wow started out very good but every expansion made it suck more and more now game is so simple its at the retarded level. Next expansion they'll probably add an autoplay button.
I'll probably start it soon the beastmaster got my interest.
Not at all, gameplay is not near as good. dungeons are boring. If you have played wow and enjoyed it, you will be disappointed
Hoping i don't share that opinion i already bought this game. I did enjoyed wow alot but last 2 expansions ruined it for me.[QUOTE="Sleepyz"]
Got it monday and havent started it yet but from all the videos i've seen it looks good. Pretty much eq, wow with more polished gameplay and graphics. Don't forget wow started out very good but every expansion made it suck more and more now game is so simple its at the retarded level. Next expansion they'll probably add an autoplay button.
I'll probably start it soon the beastmaster got my interest.
Not at all, gameplay is not near as good. dungeons are boring. If you have played wow and enjoyed it, you will be disappointed
Hoping i don't share that opinion i already bought this game. I did enjoyed wow alot but last 2 expansions ruined it for me. Im actually not a huge fan of cata myself, but I still really enjoy it more then rift, I have 2 characters a level 30 warrior and a level 25 cleric. I ran 5 different dungeons, I have a good and bad character cant remember the faction names, The dungeons felt really lame to me. Not really fun at all, in the end when you hit 50 you are going to be running alot of them and when I was playing they said most of them are the ones you ran leveling but harder, no thanks they were not fun the first time to me. Rifts are fun the first 15 or 20 times, then it gets boring and sometimes just in the way when you are trying to quest. Some people love it, I dont think it is crap but wow runs better feels more polished and is just more fun to play. I may have given it another try but I logged on and both my characters had been robbed of all there money, but my gear was still there, that was the nail in the coffin for me.[QUOTE="pelvist"]
No, Everquest 1 is :D
this put a smile on my face :)
It's best AND its the oldest so its kinda the game everyone gets the idea of mmo's. A game that actually takes skill. It sucks that hardly anyone plays it anymore.RIFT is slightly better than WoW, yes but it's also the same thing. I personally like FFXI more than any other MMO.nintendog66
Do people still play FFXI? I never got into it and always feel like I missed out when people talk about it. I might end up trying it out.
IMO, it sucks it is inferior to wow in everyway. No where near as fun. Not to mention peoples account get hacked all the time, it is a major problem. Both my characters were robbed and I never played again. Before you blame me, google how much of a huge security problem that game has. I went back to wow right after playing rift and the difference was night and day. I am all for a new mmo to replace wow, but rift is not that game.
That's really bad....specially for a brand new MMO...
It is a pretty damn awesome MMO, but I wouldn't say that it is the best. My personal list from best to worst MMO's is:
Ragnarok Online
Guild Wars
Everquest 2
Rift is not WoW, anyone who says that was just seeing what they wanted to see. Listening to WoW fanboys is the last thing you should do. It shares the same similarities to WoW as just about every other mmo does these days. I play Rift and enjoy it, I quit WoW after level 40.
Conclusion: It is a matter of taste. No one game is better than the other to anyone but yourself.
Rift is not WoW, anyone who says that was just seeing what they wanted to see. Listening to WoW fanboys is the last thing you should do. It shares the same similarities to WoW as just about every other mmo does these days. I play Rift and enjoy it, I quit WoW after level 40.
Conclusion: It is a matter of taste. No one game is better than the other to anyone but yourself.
Well, not necessarily. I understand what you are trying to say but some games do things better than others....
Rift is not WoW, anyone who says that was just seeing what they wanted to see. Listening to WoW fanboys is the last thing you should do. It shares the same similarities to WoW as just about every other mmo does these days. I play Rift and enjoy it, I quit WoW after level 40.
Conclusion: It is a matter of taste. No one game is better than the other to anyone but yourself.
Well, not necessarily. I understand what you are trying to say but some games do things better than others....
I'd problably (incorrectly) get labeled a WoW fanboy; I love it, I think its a good game, and it opened what was a niche genre to pretty much the entire world and made it accessable.
With that said, I really enjoyed Rift because it does the same thing, yet does it in its own way. Its familiar, and new. Theyre similiar, and they should be considering theyre the same genre and especially because they nail the fundamentals (good stability and a good community), but they have their unique differences as well.
I think rift is ok but I really the same way about WoW/cata as well. once you burn though all the single player content your left with PVP, dungeons and raids.
PvP imo will always be unbalanced since there's always gonna be someone better geared then you and not much you can do about that until you get the same gear.
Dungeons and raids are really only as fun as your group has some common sense and the will to try and fail and try again and learn.
I did like the rifts a lot they sort of added a open world raid environment that everybody can enjoy.
Rift collectors edition is on steam right now $40.
[QUOTE="nintendog66"]RIFT is slightly better than WoW, yes but it's also the same thing. I personally like FFXI more than any other MMO.Phoenix534
Do people still play FFXI? I never got into it and always feel like I missed out when people talk about it. I might end up trying it out.
Yes, the game is still getting HUGE updates and it's currently racked 4th as the most played MMO.I think it's pretty fun, what about you guys?machinegunbearits pretty fun, yes, but I think WoW is still way better. I just enjoy the art style and lore of the Warcraft universe.
I played both WOW cata (it's better but not by much) and RIFT (once the newness wears off gets old fast) and they both get old real fast same ol different day and rinse repeat - Burned out on MMO's
I played FFIX (need a job apply at FFIX) till WOW came out (WOW vanilla kicks all) - Played EQ till I couldn't handle the 8-bit sprite like graphics. I played EQ II and too much too late and not done very well.
I played Runscape this has got to be one of the worst along with maplestory have to be on some serious drugs or missing alot of brain cells to like this stuff.
I played Runes of Magic and like it along with LOTRO but both get old especially the running around bit.
Did the GW and was fortunate to sell it on E-bay not even gonna touch GW 2.
EVE is good for being deep and complex don't expect any satisfaction from lvlin tho on this one.
The really deep and complex are SP RPG's they have it and without the chucky (I do kinda miss barrens chat tho) jokes or the loot stealers.
So MMO fanbouy - FAIL
the SOE's avoid like typhoid mary - I mean any MMO that offers all for one low price is still not low enuff.
If any I would say find a good WOW private server (yes they are legal now) and play WOW vanilla and see what goodness is cause after the 12yr olds whines about it's too hard WOW listened and we got cata.
RIFT is a flash in the pan and it will burn out quicker then Madonna (shes over 40 so yea) on a friday nite.
My 2 and iam outa here
The opoinions about wow in this thread are not informed. I see people saying they quit at level 40. If you haven't played WOW up to level 85 and played end game content you have no clue about WOW. All the good stuff happens at top levels. I have played all the otherr MMO's out there and they are a joke compared to WOW. Final Fantasy XI is a joke comprard to WOW. Final Fantasy is a kiddy MMO. Like if you have the I.Q of a 7 year old then that would be a good game. If you want to play a game that takes skill and mastery then you want to play WOW. Rift is just a WOW wanna be with not nearyl as much content and really lacking elements. Yes all the games try to copy WOW now, even Final Fantasy made it so you can level by yourself. Which is what WOW did and they always got flack about it from Final Fantasy people. Now Final Fantasy players are like, Oh it's so cool our game is like WOW now. I'm like right dude, werene't you the guy who said WOW sucked because you could level up easily. FacePalm. EverQuest 1 was a good game at the time but it's outdated and so is Everquest 2. No real skill needed to play those games. WOW is and will always be the best MMO out there. It has awesome PVP and PVE elements and the skill needed to play at high levels is unparalleled. If you only played an MMO up to level 25 or 35 and never made it to a top level you should probably not give your opinion about the games. THat's like reviewing a game after playing 5 minutes of the game.
Dude I played WOW to 85 and it really sucs after that I don't know what your talking about but the end game is why I quit wow it really is bad - just play to get more gear and then play to get more gear and then play to get more gear what a waste. FFIX must have changed alot since 05 because after lvl 12 you needed to group to gain any exp and then if party wiped you lost all your exp. WOW cata is so easy now it's like you can be brain dead and still lvl with no prob be 85 in less then 2wks give me a break - Vanillia was hard and still you could pwr lvl to 50 in 3wks to a month - I maxed lvled and sold accounts because it just got so BORINGThe opoinions about wow in this thread are not informed. I see people saying they quit at level 40. If you haven't played WOW up to level 85 and played end game content you have no clue about WOW. All the good stuff happens at top levels. I have played all the otherr MMO's out there and they are a joke compared to WOW. Final Fantasy XI is a joke comprard to WOW. Final Fantasy is a kiddy MMO. Like if you have the I.Q of a 7 year old then that would be a good game. If you want to play a game that takes skill and mastery then you want to play WOW. Rift is just a WOW wanna be with not nearyl as much content and really lacking elements. Yes all the games try to copy WOW now, even Final Fantasy made it so you can level by yourself. Which is what WOW did and they always got flack about it from Final Fantasy people. Now Final Fantasy players are like, Oh it's so cool our game is like WOW now. I'm like right dude, werene't you the guy who said WOW sucked because you could level up easily. FacePalm. EverQuest 1 was a good game at the time but it's outdated and so is Everquest 2. No real skill needed to play those games. WOW is and will always be the best MMO out there. It has awesome PVP and PVE elements and the skill needed to play at high levels is unparalleled. If you only played an MMO up to level 25 or 35 and never made it to a top level you should probably not give your opinion about the games. THat's like reviewing a game after playing 5 minutes of the game.
I approve this statementThe opoinions about wow in this thread are not informed. I see people saying they quit at level 40. If you haven't played WOW up to level 85 and played end game content you have no clue about WOW. All the good stuff happens at top levels. I have played all the otherr MMO's out there and they are a joke compared to WOW. Final Fantasy XI is a joke comprard to WOW. Final Fantasy is a kiddy MMO. Like if you have the I.Q of a 7 year old then that would be a good game. If you want to play a game that takes skill and mastery then you want to play WOW. Rift is just a WOW wanna be with not nearyl as much content and really lacking elements. Yes all the games try to copy WOW now, even Final Fantasy made it so you can level by yourself. Which is what WOW did and they always got flack about it from Final Fantasy people. Now Final Fantasy players are like, Oh it's so cool our game is like WOW now. I'm like right dude, werene't you the guy who said WOW sucked because you could level up easily. FacePalm. EverQuest 1 was a good game at the time but it's outdated and so is Everquest 2. No real skill needed to play those games. WOW is and will always be the best MMO out there. It has awesome PVP and PVE elements and the skill needed to play at high levels is unparalleled. If you only played an MMO up to level 25 or 35 and never made it to a top level you should probably not give your opinion about the games. THat's like reviewing a game after playing 5 minutes of the game.
Played wow for years and downloaded rift trial a couple of days ago, its very similar in everything except the visuals which for an MMO are pretty nice. Will probably buy it in the steam sale this weekend as its only 20 quid and play at least to max level, whether it will replace wow for me it's debatable. Strangely I can max everything on Rift and hover between 30-40 fps and on wow i only get 40-50 fps sometimes dipping to under 30 fps in cities yet the differences in graphics are vast. I guess wow is optimised to play mainly on low end non gaming PCs, as even though my PC isn't the best, it shouldnt struggle with wow.SirDigby84
I respect your opinion and all, but WOW has a totally different visual art style from Rift. Rift would be more comparable to Warhammer Online, which sports the same engine (i think). All of these MMO's I have played extensively, except for Rift, in which I only played the 7 day trial. I wanted to like it but it doesn't hold a candle to World of Warcraft. And the combat animations have too much "glitter." You know how they have all those flashy effects. Kinda gets annoying after a while. But I'm just nit-picking now.. sorry.
Maybe a 7-day trial of Rift isn't a fair assessment of the game, but I think it's meant to give you a general idea and gameplay experience that you will be getting into. With that said, it just wasn't for me but I'm glad people are enjoying it. It's considered a success.
No, Rift imo is really not good. Wrote my first review ever for Rift. Was probably a little harsher than I should have been but the game in all seriousness when compared with the competition is just nothing special. Some things had been fixed I think, like, how the game judged how you performed in Rift's/Invasions (You got better rewards than other people by clicking the most buttons... the guy clicking 1 1 1 1 1 1 over and over would beat a player playing skillfully and get more rewards. I think they tried "fixing" this. Now you are only competing against yourself than other people, but if you want the best rewards, just keyboard smash a lot and you win).
Alot of little things like listed above really made the game a pretty poor experience.
[QUOTE="Maxxgold"]I approve this statement Ofcourse you would. when ironically FF11's end game is much harder, more mature theme'd and requires more skill/timing and effort than World of Warcrafts, ofcourse the WoW generation like yourself would disagree... where all WoW has down now is condemn what could of been a very robust genre down to a Diablo loot obsessed dungeon crawler with virtual lobbys.The opoinions about wow in this thread are not informed. I see people saying they quit at level 40. If you haven't played WOW up to level 85 and played end game content you have no clue about WOW. All the good stuff happens at top levels. I have played all the otherr MMO's out there and they are a joke compared to WOW. Final Fantasy XI is a joke comprard to WOW. Final Fantasy is a kiddy MMO. Like if you have the I.Q of a 7 year old then that would be a good game. If you want to play a game that takes skill and mastery then you want to play WOW. Rift is just a WOW wanna be with not nearyl as much content and really lacking elements. Yes all the games try to copy WOW now, even Final Fantasy made it so you can level by yourself. Which is what WOW did and they always got flack about it from Final Fantasy people. Now Final Fantasy players are like, Oh it's so cool our game is like WOW now. I'm like right dude, werene't you the guy who said WOW sucked because you could level up easily. FacePalm. EverQuest 1 was a good game at the time but it's outdated and so is Everquest 2. No real skill needed to play those games. WOW is and will always be the best MMO out there. It has awesome PVP and PVE elements and the skill needed to play at high levels is unparalleled. If you only played an MMO up to level 25 or 35 and never made it to a top level you should probably not give your opinion about the games. THat's like reviewing a game after playing 5 minutes of the game.
You agree with this statement yet state you didnt reach max level on rift and made the assumption its end game would be no better.... hypocrit much?
Same raid instance now for what 6-7-8 months? dont worry though im sure 2 rehashed old instances and "dem hard modes, repeating the same raids but harder" is so much fun as your silly little guild mates obsess over damage metres.
I approve this statement Ofcourse you would. when ironically FF11's end game is much harder, more mature theme'd and requires more skill/timing and effort than World of Warcrafts, ofcourse the WoW generation like yourself would disagree... where all WoW has down now is condemn what could of been a very robust genre down to a Diablo loot obsessed dungeon crawler with virtual lobbys.[QUOTE="Advid-Gamer"][QUOTE="Maxxgold"]
The opoinions about wow in this thread are not informed. I see people saying they quit at level 40. If you haven't played WOW up to level 85 and played end game content you have no clue about WOW. All the good stuff happens at top levels. I have played all the otherr MMO's out there and they are a joke compared to WOW. Final Fantasy XI is a joke comprard to WOW. Final Fantasy is a kiddy MMO. Like if you have the I.Q of a 7 year old then that would be a good game. If you want to play a game that takes skill and mastery then you want to play WOW. Rift is just a WOW wanna be with not nearyl as much content and really lacking elements. Yes all the games try to copy WOW now, even Final Fantasy made it so you can level by yourself. Which is what WOW did and they always got flack about it from Final Fantasy people. Now Final Fantasy players are like, Oh it's so cool our game is like WOW now. I'm like right dude, werene't you the guy who said WOW sucked because you could level up easily. FacePalm. EverQuest 1 was a good game at the time but it's outdated and so is Everquest 2. No real skill needed to play those games. WOW is and will always be the best MMO out there. It has awesome PVP and PVE elements and the skill needed to play at high levels is unparalleled. If you only played an MMO up to level 25 or 35 and never made it to a top level you should probably not give your opinion about the games. THat's like reviewing a game after playing 5 minutes of the game.
You agree with this statement yet state you didnt reach max level on rift and made the assumption its end game would be no better.... hypocrit much?
Same raid instance now for what 6-7-8 months? dont worry though im sure 2 rehashed old instances and "dem hard modes, repeating the same raids but harder" is so much fun as your silly little guild mates obsess over damage metres.
Nope not at all, I said I didnt like the dungeons I played any of them, and at level 50 you rerun them just harder like heroics, if I didnt like them the first I not going to like the harder version, I never said a word about raids because I never did one, I just commented on what I played and it was like 48 hrs play time between my characters, which is alot of time to give a mmo to decide if you like it or not.
Ofcourse you would. when ironically FF11's end game is much harder, more mature theme'd and requires more skill/timing and effort than World of Warcrafts, ofcourse the WoW generation like yourself would disagree... where all WoW has down now is condemn what could of been a very robust genre down to a Diablo loot obsessed dungeon crawler with virtual lobbys.[QUOTE="Birdy09"]
[QUOTE="Advid-Gamer"] I approve this statement Advid-Gamer
You agree with this statement yet state you didnt reach max level on rift and made the assumption its end game would be no better.... hypocrit much?
Same raid instance now for what 6-7-8 months? dont worry though im sure 2 rehashed old instances and "dem hard modes, repeating the same raids but harder" is so much fun as your silly little guild mates obsess over damage metres.
Nope not at all, I said I didnt like the dungeons I played any of them, and at level 50 you rerun them just harder like heroics, if I didnt like them the first I not going to like the harder version, I never said a word about raids because I never did one, I just commented on what I played and it was like 48 hrs play time between my characters, which is alot of time to give a mmo to decide if you like it or not.
So its ok for you to do it but not the guy he is writing that ridiculous essay at?[QUOTE="Advid-Gamer"]
IMO, it sucks it is inferior to wow in everyway. No where near as fun. Not to mention peoples account get hacked all the time, it is a major problem. Both my characters were robbed and I never played again. Before you blame me, google how much of a huge security problem that game has. I went back to wow right after playing rift and the difference was night and day. I am all for a new mmo to replace wow, but rift is not that game.
That's really bad....specially for a brand new MMO...
Just to clear things up, hacked accounts was prevalent in the first few weeks or so because of an exploit in the system. But Trion closed that very fast and even admitted their mistake and implemented many features to deter hacking (authenticators for one) and a coinlock option (works very similar to Steam Guard), not to mention restored lost items/gold to the compromised accounts. Hacked accounts still happen, no MMO is immune after all, but it is a much rarer occurrence now.I am really enjoying RIFT right now. It's a nice change of pace from WoW, which had become unbelievably stale for me. The huge rift invasions are pretty awesome, but at the same time they can get annoying when you just want to quest and a huge pack of mobs run you down. If you're looking for a game with similar mechanics to WoW, but a better playerbase and new features, go for RIFT.
IMO, it sucks it is inferior to wow in everyway. No where near as fun. Not to mention peoples account get hacked all the time, it is a major problem. Both my characters were robbed and I never played again. Before you blame me, google how much of a huge security problem that game has. I went back to wow right after playing rift and the difference was night and day. I am all for a new mmo to replace wow, but rift is not that game.
That's really bad....specially for a brand new MMO...
To be fair, it was a simple exploit that any new MMO could have. And Trion was quick to fix the issue. They're support for the game is pretty good.
IMO, it sucks it is inferior to wow in everyway. No where near as fun. Not to mention peoples account get hacked all the time, it is a major problem. Both my characters were robbed and I never played again. Before you blame me, google how much of a huge security problem that game has. I went back to wow right after playing rift and the difference was night and day. I am all for a new mmo to replace wow, but rift is not that game.
That's really bad....specially for a brand new MMO...
To be fair, it was a simple exploit that any new MMO could have. And Trion was quick to fix the issue. They're support for the game is pretty good.
I got my account hacked (whose a noob? this guy is). They were great about recovering my items and even gave me the option of rolling back my character. With the new coin lock system it's pretty much impossible to do any damage even if they did get your account info. Not to mention the authenticator available for iphones and android phones.
That's really bad....specially for a brand new MMO...
To be fair, it was a simple exploit that any new MMO could have. And Trion was quick to fix the issue. They're support for the game is pretty good.
I got my account hacked (whose a noob? this guy is). They were great about recovering my items and even gave me the option of rolling back my character. With the new coin lock system it's pretty much impossible to do any damage even if they did get your account info. Not to mention the authenticator available for iphones and android phones.
That authenticator is another reason I need to get rid of the crap phone I have and get a real smartphone. The Droid Bionic looks pretty awesome.
That's really bad....specially for a brand new MMO...
To be fair, it was a simple exploit that any new MMO could have. And Trion was quick to fix the issue. They're support for the game is pretty good.
I got my account hacked (whose a noob? this guy is). They were great about recovering my items and even gave me the option of rolling back my character. With the new coin lock system it's pretty much impossible to do any damage even if they did get your account info. Not to mention the authenticator available for iphones and android phones.
Is that pointed at me? Am I the noob that paid 50.00 for the game put 2 full day hrs into the game only to have all my money stolen? I am a noob for that , please i dont understand. I have been playing wow on and off for 3 years, never has my account been hacked have a authenticator for wow, didnt get one for rift because I wasnt sure I would stick with it. I love how fanboys try to blame the users of a service they pay for that did nothing wrong, just tried to play the game. Give me a fn breakI wouldnt say it is the best, however the saboutour was a lot of fun and I would argue it is one of the better themepark mmos out there. Looks a lot better than SWTOR and is better than AION. I feel like if they continue to work on it and improve upon its faults it might become something awesome, as long as they dont start slacking they are on the right track.
Ofcourse you would. when ironically FF11's end game is much harder, more mature theme'd and requires more skill/timing and effort than World of Warcrafts, ofcourse the WoW generation like yourself would disagree... where all WoW has down now is condemn what could of been a very robust genre down to a Diablo loot obsessed dungeon crawler with virtual lobbys.[QUOTE="Advid-Gamer"] I approve this statement Birdy09
You agree with this statement yet state you didnt reach max level on rift and made the assumption its end game would be no better.... hypocrit much?
Same raid instance now for what 6-7-8 months? dont worry though im sure 2 rehashed old instances and "dem hard modes, repeating the same raids but harder" is so much fun as your silly little guild mates obsess over damage metres.
I approve of this statement.
That last paragraph you mentioned is what really made me give up on WoW, hey lets recycle 2 old instances. WoW just isnt any fun anymore. I havent played FFXI, so I am curious, what are the mature themes?
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