I deeply disagree with any point in your post. I think that COD 4 worths the money and beats MW 2 in any aspect -from the mp options, the ds and mods support, the stability of the communities and sense of competition and gameplay aspects as the absence of rewards to the worse players, and the way in that it forces you to play against skilled players to learn instead of confining you in a matchfinding category to play against people of your similar skills. Campaign in COD 4 is also larger and the plot more credible (MW 2 looks like a b-action movie or a forgettable Bond film from the 90's).
But is more that the simple fact of "MW 2 doesn't worth the money" to me but the fact that supporting MW 2 means to change he actual status of quality in online fps in PC towards a nerfed status, a big back step based in a business model (Xbox Live) in which you pay a fee to play online being yourself the host, that is totally absurd.
You bring up one point that I agree with 100% and that no one seem to see or agree with. But it's really been bugging me (.. sorry something of a rant comming up).
A large part of what made MW1's single player work so well was that it did a great job of creating the illusion of realistic military actions and missions. Sure the gameplay was pretty basic and it wasn't Arma2, but it created the illusion.
MW2 completely throws that out of the window. If MW1 was inspired by movies like Blackhawk Down, MW2 is inspired by James Bond and Invasion USA (The old 80ies Chuck Noris Movie).
The character in MW1 looked and acted like what you'd probably expect from realy people and real soldiers. The characters in MW2 behave like action heroes from a B movie or a cartoon:
'Soap' looks more like an A team reject than anything
The Ghost character.. seriously, do Elite soldiers from top outfits often draw childish skull masks on their helmets when they deploy? Or is that only in cartoons?
Russia able to magically invade USA in a matter of hours? Not only are they able to completely negate all US defenses, radars, satellites, sonar's, AWAC planes by getting a widget off a US satellite. But they manage to deploy hundreds of fighter planes over the US (regardless of such planes limited range and fuel availability).
They manage to pour so many troops into the US almost instantly that they outnumber US forces and have the spare personal so randomly run around and blow up empty suburban neighborhoods out of sheer spite? To fight pitched infantry battles over the local burger king and Taco Bell?
There's more, the whole 'escaping the Russians in a super fast snowmobile after doing a 100m jump off a cliff' would make fir right into some of James Bonds more outlandish stunts, but in a game that takes itself very serious and have no hint of self irony or playfulness it's just plain embarrassing.
I'm really confused how so many people keep talking about the single player campaigns as if it's a special emotional invoking epic. It's a run of the mill B movie plot lacking any degree of self irony and humor.
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