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If the allies had invaded Normandy with no one realizing until they were firmly entrenched on the mainland and if the allies had established a foothold in Berlin within a day or two of attacking.. yeah :)That's almost as outlandish as the Allies invading Normandy!
Or at least that's what Hitler thought.
Not really considering the UK was right next doorThat's almost as outlandish as the Allies invading Normandy!
Or at least that's what Hitler thought.
[QUOTE="Baranga"]Not really considering the UK was right next door Hitler knew there was going to be a amphibious assault in Normandy. That is why he reinforced the coastline so heavily. And he knew it was going to happen because Italy was swarming with Allied troops, the US was gathering up, Africa was lost, and Russia was coming in hard from the East.That's almost as outlandish as the Allies invading Normandy!
Or at least that's what Hitler thought.
[QUOTE="Baranga"]If the allies had invaded Normandy with no one realizing until they were firmly entrenched on the mainland and if the allies had established a foothold in Berlin within a day or two of attacking.. yeah :)That's almost as outlandish as the Allies invading Normandy!
Or at least that's what Hitler thought.
Berlin isn't so close to the coastline:P
It was a joke anyway.
But indeed, the first game was much more believable with its unnamed Arabic nation and stuff!
Instead of criticising the far-fetched plot, be glad you get to see America in ruins and fight Russians invaders. That's not something you see too often.
If the allies had invaded Normandy with no one realizing until they were firmly entrenched on the mainland and if the allies had established a foothold in Berlin within a day or two of attacking.. yeah :)[QUOTE="Mazoch"][QUOTE="Baranga"]
That's almost as outlandish as the Allies invading Normandy!
Or at least that's what Hitler thought.
Berlin isn't so close to the coastline:P
It was a joke anyway.
But indeed, the first game was much more believable with its unnamed Arabic nation and stuff!
Instead of criticising the far-fetched plot, be glad you get to see America in ruins and fight Russians invaders. That's not something you see too often.
World in Conflict. Act of War. The Red Alert series. True, not many FPS games (or maybe I just don't remember), but it is sorta tiring to play "oh america is in ruins, defend the country, blah blah blah". If I was going to defend the country, put me inside a B-2 bomber or a F-35, not some joe grunt fighting for a Burger King.[QUOTE="Baranga"][QUOTE="Mazoch"] If the allies had invaded Normandy with no one realizing until they were firmly entrenched on the mainland and if the allies had established a foothold in Berlin within a day or two of attacking.. yeah :)k0r3aN_pR1d3
Berlin isn't so close to the coastline:P
It was a joke anyway.
But indeed, the first game was much more believable with its unnamed Arabic nation and stuff!
Instead of criticising the far-fetched plot, be glad you get to see America in ruins and fight Russians invaders. That's not something you see too often.
World in Conflict. Act of War. The Red Alert series. True, not many FPS games (or maybe I just don't remember), but it is sorta tiring to play "oh america is in ruins, defend the country, blah blah blah". If I was going to defend the country, put me inside a B-2 bomber or a F-35, not some joe grunt fighting for a Burger King.Not to mention the various movies that feature America being destroyed,invaded or oppressed in some fashion.
As long as it's fun, I'll even fight for public toilets.
I thought it was hilarious to defend Burger Town from the illegal immigrants!
There's less than a dozen games featuring this America invasion scenario. Especially a military game featuring Russian invaders.
If the allies had invaded Normandy with no one realizing until they were firmly entrenched on the mainland and if the allies had established a foothold in Berlin within a day or two of attacking.. yeah :)[QUOTE="Mazoch"][QUOTE="Baranga"]
That's almost as outlandish as the Allies invading Normandy!
Or at least that's what Hitler thought.
Berlin isn't so close to the coastline:P
It was a joke anyway.
But indeed, the first game was much more believable with its unnamed Arabic nation and stuff!
Instead of criticising the far-fetched plot, be glad you get to see America in ruins and fight Russians invaders. That's not something you see too often.
I don't mind the Russians in the US, it's just that the game is so self serious at the same time. Entertainment (be it movies or games) doesn't have to be realistic to be fun. But it's attitude towards itself really need to reflect that. Indiana Jones and James bond are both unrealistic and sometimes downright silly. But they don't present themselves as serious entertainment. They make fun of themselves. That's my beef with MW2, it seems to see itself as a very serious profound game, with it's shocking airport scene, dramatic clips and cut scenes. World in Conflict did the 'Russians in the US' really well by playing on the 80ies tradition for that plot device. For me at least, it just means that MW2's campaign really kinda falls flat. It's still en enjoyable run of the mill shooter, but I just can't see the whole 'Epic tale' a lot of people seem to be experiencing.I don't mind the Russians in the US, it's just that the game is so self serious at the same time. Entertainment (be it movies or games) doesn't have to be realistic to be fun. But it's attitude towards itself really need to reflect that. Indiana Jones and James bond are both unrealistic and sometimes downright silly. But they don't present themselves as serious entertainment. They make fun of themselves. That's my beef with MW2, it seems to see itself as a very serious profound game, with it's shocking airport scene, dramatic clips and cut scenes. World in Conflict did the 'Russians in the US' really well by playing on the 80ies tradition for that plot device. For me at least, it just means that MW2's campaign really kinda falls flat. It's still en enjoyable run of the mill shooter, but I just can't see the whole 'Epic tale' a lot of people seem to be experiencing.Mazoch
Dunno man, I find both games to be quite funny. Yes, it's serious business, but the jabs it takes at the US army are hysterical. Just think at their portrayal in both games, especially in the second one... Both their dialogue and their actions make fun of the real army. For me, part of the appeal is that it tries to keep this serious attitude while the most insane **** is happening around. The action is hands-down Crank and Wanted territory, but I'd hate it if it was self-conscious and winking at me every ten minutes like this type of entertainment usually does. COD found its own niche, it's the Michael Bay of gaming - with more IQ though.
Played the game on the 360 (refuse to buy it for the PC). Didn't know there is such a big difference between the pc and console versions, because what I am seeing is a game that plays it safe in just about every department bringing nothing new or refreshing, multiplayer while enjoyable isn't doing much new either, the singleplayer while enjoyable is short and without replay value. A good game sure, but I find it exceptionally hard to recommend something which I feel can so easily be skipped and forgotten off.
Ah c'mon bite the bullet and just buy it :Pits constantly advertised on tv with eminem's til i collapse and it looks really tempting. i swore i wouldnt buy it at that price but my resolve is weakening. must..... resist....... enticing...... tv........ ads :D
its constantly advertised on tv with eminem's til i collapse and it looks really tempting. i swore i wouldnt buy it at that price but my resolve is weakening. must..... resist....... enticing...... tv........ ads :D
50 Cent is doing voice acting! And Lance Henriksen! Barry Pepper! Keith David! Those Guys From The Previous Game!
[QUOTE="Mazoch"] I don't mind the Russians in the US, it's just that the game is so self serious at the same time. Entertainment (be it movies or games) doesn't have to be realistic to be fun. But it's attitude towards itself really need to reflect that. Indiana Jones and James bond are both unrealistic and sometimes downright silly. But they don't present themselves as serious entertainment. They make fun of themselves. That's my beef with MW2, it seems to see itself as a very serious profound game, with it's shocking airport scene, dramatic clips and cut scenes. World in Conflict did the 'Russians in the US' really well by playing on the 80ies tradition for that plot device. For me at least, it just means that MW2's campaign really kinda falls flat. It's still en enjoyable run of the mill shooter, but I just can't see the whole 'Epic tale' a lot of people seem to be experiencing.Baranga
Dunno man, I find both games to be quite funny. Yes, it's serious business, but the jabs it takes at the US army are hysterical. Just think at their portrayal in both games, especially in the second one... Both their dialogue and their actions make fun of the real army. For me, part of the appeal is that it tries to keep this serious attitude while the most insane **** is happening around. The action is hands-down Crank and Wanted territory, but I'd hate it if it was self-conscious and winking at me every ten minutes like this type of entertainment usually does. COD found its own niche, it's the Michael Bay of gaming - with more IQ though.
Your giving IW too much credit. This is a game that takes itself very seriously. Too seriously. It is the Michael Bay of gaming though. I didn't watch Revenge of the Fallen but I imagine this is what it was like: lots of loud bangs and slow mo moments.Like what? Because I felt it was being dead straight with me 95% of the time.This game does poke fun at the American army, so it does lighten up the game, it's not all serious busniness like you make out. I think they got it right.
[QUOTE="lucfonzy"]Like what? Because I felt it was being dead straight with me 95% of the time.This game does poke fun at the American army, so it does lighten up the game, it's not all serious busniness like you make out. I think they got it right.
Like the soldier that doesn't know what 1 o'clock means (left or right?!). Just listen to their chatter throughout the entire game, it's hilarious. The ultra-patriotic and US ARMY **** YEAH! speech after the training level, and then what happens... The Americans' behaviour in Gulag, they're just a bunch of trigger happy rednecks. Defending Burger Town from foreign invaders...
Every bad thing that happens in both games is the result of an American action. MW1's campaign made fun of the failure that is the Iraq invasion.
It's satire, it's not supposed to be obvious.
Like what? Because I felt it was being dead straight with me 95% of the time.[QUOTE="MrWednesday14"][QUOTE="lucfonzy"]
This game does poke fun at the American army, so it does lighten up the game, it's not all serious busniness like you make out. I think they got it right.
Like the soldier that doesn't know what 1 o'clock means (left or right?!). Just listen to their chatter throughout the entire game, it's hilarious. The ultra-patriotic and US ARMY **** YEAH! speech after the training level, and then what happens... The Americans' behaviour in Gulag, they're just a bunch of trigger happy rednecks. Defending Burger Town from foreign invaders...
Every bad thing that happens in both games is the result of an American action. MW1's campaign made fun of the failure that is the Iraq invasion.
It's satire, it's not supposed to be obvious.
I'm sure some of the chatter is pretty funny, but at it's core this is a very serious game.Hi,
For Those who have completed the single player experience how long did it take?I am not sure if just the multiplayer will tempt me to purchase I kind of prefer 64 Player experiences like in the BF Series. Still maybe if I can get it for £15
I am not getting it simply because it costs $60. Do you really want that to be the new standard?musclesforcierWell, if it's anything like other console games. You'll lose the ability to play multiplayer for unless you purchase overpriced DLC. I know on WaW you get kicked out of the game if it switches to a map you don't have. On halo, you can't even play 90% of the modes unless you've got DLC. I think all you can play with the basic game is Team Slayer, Social Slayer, and Social Skirmish (I don't know if that's all of them though).
I would think that Bad Company 2 would be more what Michael Bay would like, seeing how it has destructible buildings and vehicles...k0r3aN_pR1d3Do NOT insult BC2 by saying it's a Michael Bay material. Michael Bay can't do anything else other than explosions and slo-mo, which I believe MW2 has in abundance. BC2 is nothing like that, destructible environments doesn't mean Hollywood-ish.
The problem is, if developers start to see that giving PC gamers the shaft like this actually works, they will be more obliged to do it more. Yes it is a fun game, but it is an adulterated experience. If you want the best experience, get it on the 360. You can get so much more with $60 for the PC. It is a "good" game, but so are many other games. If you bought every "good" game, then you would have a lot of games to speak of. It is "good" on the PC, but it is "amazing" on the consoles. If you are going to pay the same price, then you probably want the better value. The PC version is definitely not worth $50, let alone $60.Ive tried to remain open minded about this and after having played it on my roomates computer im confident in saying its worth it. Infinity Ward took a lot out of the PC experience. They DID take out dedicateds, they DID hurt the mod community. They also made an amazing game. While the game is lacking a lot of functionality PC gamers have come to expect its also not a throwaway. They have implemented Matchmaking and IWNET (I know you hate the idea) as well as they possibly could have. While they have 'abandoned' PC players they have not simply thrown us garbage. This isnt a 'cheap console port'. Its a PC game built upon console foundtations. While I hate the idea i appreciate they took the time to make the PC game real and not a throwaway cash cow. Thats what I like. At the end of the day I want a developer to support the PC as much as they do consoles. As far as I can tell IW has done that here. Not what I wanted, but a hell of a lot better then I was expecting.
I just ordered a copy. Really, you say that the game has been reviewed with too much influence based on the console version. At the same time, you guys are judging it based on the console version also. If this game was a PC exclusive and was exactly as is, it would probable be loved around the forum. Don't be so negative...I will post how I like it once I play it though.
Actually, no. If this was a PC exclusive and was exactly as it is, IW will have a war on their hands. The only reason people even tolerate them is because the console versions were pretty good in their own right.I just ordered a copy. Really, you say that the game has been reviewed with too much influence based on the console version. At the same time, you guys are judging it based on the console version also. If this game was a PC exclusive and was exactly as is, it would probable be loved around the forum. Don't be so negative...I will post how I like it once I play it though.
100% agreed, you nailed it buddy. The game itself is a fantastic game, even though they took out dedicated servers.. I still believe its an amazing game. Yes it would be really nice to have it and its a bonus for pc players like us. But theres nothing we can do, they wanted to try something new, maybe eventually they might add it back in or something. But for now, im happy with the game and will continue to play it.Ive tried to remain open minded about this and after having played it on my roomates computer im confident in saying its worth it.
Infinity Ward took a lot out of the PC experience. They DID take out dedicateds, they DID hurt the mod community. They also made an amazing game. While the game is lacking a lot of functionality PC gamers have come to expect its also not a throwaway. They have implemented Matchmaking and IWNET (I know you hate the idea) as well as they possibly could have. While they have 'abandoned' PC players they have not simply thrown us garbage. This isnt a 'cheap console port'. Its a PC game built upon console foundtations. While I hate the idea i appreciate they took the time to make the PC game real and not a throwaway cash cow. Thats what I like.
At the end of the day I want a developer to support the PC as much as they do consoles. As far as I can tell IW has done that here. Not what I wanted, but a hell of a lot better then I was expecting.
I quite enjoyed the game.
And no dedicated servers hasn't botherd me one bit. I haven't had a bad experience connection wise once. Yeah..a couple hosts left, big deal, the game started right back up in less than 15 seconds.
The whole matchmaking process has been seamless for me so far. I click find match and I'm loading a map in less than 30 seconds. The smaller 9v9 and 6v6 has actually proved to be fun IMO. Less frantic and slightly more strategy. I've even noticed groups of 2 or 3 guys working TOGETHER.
I really enjoyed the singleplayer but i don't think it was worth it, and only one multi mode is 18players + lagg.
As opposed to groups of 10-15 guys working together on MW1?I quite enjoyed the game.
And no dedicated servers hasn't botherd me one bit. I haven't had a bad experience connection wise once. Yeah..a couple hosts left, big deal, the game started right back up in less than 15 seconds.
The whole matchmaking process has been seamless for me so far. I click find match and I'm loading a map in less than 30 seconds. The smaller 9v9 and 6v6 has actually proved to be fun IMO. Less frantic and slightly more strategy. I've even noticed groups of 2 or 3 guys working TOGETHER.
[QUOTE="Macutchi"]Ah c'mon bite the bullet and just buy it :P Yes, bite a fast moving projectile that will more then likely pierce you and possible kill you. Remember kiddies, there are only three things in life that will kill you. Bullets, Hayden Christensen's lines in the prequels, and CoD:MW2.its constantly advertised on tv with eminem's til i collapse and it looks really tempting. i swore i wouldnt buy it at that price but my resolve is weakening. must..... resist....... enticing...... tv........ ads :D
[QUOTE="grenadexjumpr"]As opposed to groups of 10-15 guys working together on MW1?I quite enjoyed the game.
And no dedicated servers hasn't botherd me one bit. I haven't had a bad experience connection wise once. Yeah..a couple hosts left, big deal, the game started right back up in less than 15 seconds.
The whole matchmaking process has been seamless for me so far. I click find match and I'm loading a map in less than 30 seconds. The smaller 9v9 and 6v6 has actually proved to be fun IMO. Less frantic and slightly more strategy. I've even noticed groups of 2 or 3 guys working TOGETHER.
No. As opposed to the larger groups in MW1 who had no teamwork and just rushed, and rushed, and threw grenades, and rushed, and threw some more grenades.
Great job, nice little write up.Ive tried to remain open minded about this and after having played it on my roomates computer im confident in saying its worth it.
Infinity Ward took a lot out of the PC experience. They DID take out dedicateds, they DID hurt the mod community. They also made an amazing game. While the game is lacking a lot of functionality PC gamers have come to expect its also not a throwaway. They have implemented Matchmaking and IWNET (I know you hate the idea) as well as they possibly could have. While they have 'abandoned' PC players they have not simply thrown us garbage. This isnt a 'cheap console port'. Its a PC game built upon console foundtations. While I hate the idea i appreciate they took the time to make the PC game real and not a throwaway cash cow. Thats what I like.
At the end of the day I want a developer to support the PC as much as they do consoles. As far as I can tell IW has done that here. Not what I wanted, but a hell of a lot better then I was expecting.
As opposed to groups of 10-15 guys working together on MW1?[QUOTE="DiffusionE"][QUOTE="grenadexjumpr"]
I quite enjoyed the game.
And no dedicated servers hasn't botherd me one bit. I haven't had a bad experience connection wise once. Yeah..a couple hosts left, big deal, the game started right back up in less than 15 seconds.
The whole matchmaking process has been seamless for me so far. I click find match and I'm loading a map in less than 30 seconds. The smaller 9v9 and 6v6 has actually proved to be fun IMO. Less frantic and slightly more strategy. I've even noticed groups of 2 or 3 guys working TOGETHER.
No. As opposed to the larger groups in MW1 who had no teamwork and just rushed, and rushed, and threw grenades, and rushed, and threw some more grenades.
I don't know what kind of players you're playing with, but where I play, teamwork is the no.1 priority. Sure nade-spam happens all the time, that doesn't mean less teamwork. Teamwork doesn't mean always hugging tight together, it means each team member follows the team plan whether it's rush or camp.[QUOTE="V4LENT1NE"]There is nothing wrong with the PC version, you now get less hackers and dont have to go through the searching server system, yay. People just complain because they want something to complain about and to smash some hate on consoles.musclesforcierIt's only been out a day how can you conclude there are less hackers? I much prefer a server browser. IW now has more control over the game than it did with using peoples own ded servers, ofc there will be less hackers.
[QUOTE="V4LENT1NE"]There is nothing wrong with the PC version, you now get less hackers and dont have to go through the searching server system, yay. People just complain because they want something to complain about and to smash some hate on consoles.DiffusionE
Less hackers? You obviously haven't seen this video.
And if you think browsing through the different dedicated servers on MW1 was hard work, then you must be one lazy bastard.
I said it woukd take away the need for it, I didnt say it was hard work, maybe try and read posts more.[QUOTE="musclesforcier"][QUOTE="V4LENT1NE"]There is nothing wrong with the PC version, you now get less hackers and dont have to go through the searching server system, yay. People just complain because they want something to complain about and to smash some hate on consoles.V4LENT1NEIt's only been out a day how can you conclude there are less hackers? I much prefer a server browser. IW now has more control over the game than it did with using peoples own ded servers, ofc there will be less hackers. not true in the least bit...the only thing that keeps counterstrike and battlefield servers from being hacked is watchful admins
[QUOTE="V4LENT1NE"][QUOTE="musclesforcier"] It's only been out a day how can you conclude there are less hackers? I much prefer a server browser.UnknownSniper65IW now has more control over the game than it did with using peoples own ded servers, ofc there will be less hackers. not true in the least bit...the only thing that keeps counterstrike and battlefield servers from being hacked is watchful admins Not true STEAMS vac system sooner or later will ban your account for hacking,
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