[First off no I will not "blog it"]
Disclaimer... I'm probably way off, so I'd like people to correct me (don't flame me) where I'm wrong, but this is my take on the matter.
When we talk about piracy we're talking about the illegal distribution and aqquisition of software that was never paid for either by digital download or from a retail store (this excludes gifts obviously). But what I think is overlooked far too often is the nature of the "pirate". Pirates aren't taking hard copies from retail stores and giving them out. (this is where my argument becomes flimsy) Retail stores have already paid for their copies, so they don't lose money, and the developers have alreay been paid, so they don't lose money.
What is lost is "potential sales". What this means is that rather than a pirate going out and buying a game because he has no other choice, he distributes or downloads a game rather than pay for it. However (and pay attention because this is important) it's more than likely that this person was NEVER going to buy the game anyway. The only reason he's downloading it is simply because he can. If he didn't have that option he probably wouldn't buy the game anyway.
I'm not a pirate, so I can't speak for all of them, but I'm a bit tired of the "pirates are destorying PC gaming" argument as if they've actually stopped sales, or in some way hampered sales. As a side note I go into my local stores and I couln't find Bioshock. I could not find Bioshock. I looked in 10+ retail stores and even got a couple of them to look on their databases and ring other stores, so let's say 15 stores. NOTHING. No Bioshock. I don;t own a credit card, and even if I did I want a physical copy. So what could I do? (Note I eventually found it but I didn't buy it because I wasted my money of Mass Effect [sad face]).
This is where we get the secondary pirate, the downloader. In some cases games just aren't in stores, in other cases people don't want to buy games because of DRM or because they're not sure how it will perform on their computer; or because there are no demos. Pc gaming is very tricky. If you buy a game and you open it, you generally can't return it. Now we know how PC gaming is. There are an infinate number of hardware combinations and no game is gaurenteed to work, so what incentive does the PC gamer have to fork out so much money if the prouct might not even work, or if they won;t even like the game because there's no way to take a test drive? In short, people don't want to risk their money. (I myself wish I didn't spend $150AU on Far Cry 2 and Mass Effect, and another $90AU on GTAIV, but what were my options?-- Break the law)
To conclude pirates are dealing with things that don't exist, both the products and the "lost" sales; and piracy is so rampant because PC gamers are bullied and told what they can and can't do with their own property.
What are your thoughts? Do you agree or disagree with what I've said?
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