So I was at another gaming site (wont post address, they have certain programs that GS does not condone) but here is the article:
Like they did in Mass Effect, Dragon Age players will be able to have sex with one of their crew members in order to improve their relationship.
In Mass Effect, BioWare decided to avoid nudity in the aforementioned sex scenes, but it seems that they didn't decide yet if they'd do so in Dragon Age as well.
When asked whether Dragon Age: Origins will contain full frontal nudity, BioWare vice president Greg Zeschuk replied: "I don't think we've worked that out yet, because we can adjust that whenever we want, right? On Mass Effect we worked extensively to figure out, how do we want to portray it? It's not ogling pixels [laughs] - sad but probably titillating, too. I think for us it's more just making sure it fits the context of what we're trying to create."
I cannot believe its actually still an issue. We live in a society that has can produce porn and hollywood films with nudity. Why is it so bad in a game likely to be rated M (for mature) anyway?
When are the old folks in charge going to finally realize video games (along with animation) are not strictly for kids?
I just think its sad this is even a problem...if they think the game would be better with nudity, then dammit...put nudity in it.
What do you think?
PS: please keep it mature and clean...I'd like this to be more of a debate about context and content than "Ooooh me want pixel-boobs"
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